Chapter 35 apush

Everything underlined is a term I think is important that IS NOT mentioned at the end of the chapter for the chapter review 


  • More home construction → more homeowners than renters

    • Most homes = in suburbia

  • The economy was growing, which led to military spending and public investment in research, science, and tech

  • Transistor --1948 → revo in electronicscomputersrs)

    • 1940s computers: massive machines w/ miles of wires

      • Transistors + printed circuits = made computers smaller + better

      • Int. Business Machines (IBM) → high tech corporation in the “info age”

    • Computers = transformed + created new/old ways to do things

      • IBM: started by creating mechanical Tabulators for US Census Buearo

        • Biggest info processing company

        • Invested in research → 5 Nobel prizes from its employees

        • IBM = example of postwar managerial capitalism that helped the economy

        • CCriticizedby “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit” and “The Organization Man” 

        • IBM = was less popular when Apple + Microsoft was created

  • Aerospace industries= growing

    • Strategic Air Command + airline business + military/civilian aircraft productions

      • Seattle-based Boeing Company → 1st lalargeassenger jet (707) → looked like the SAC’s bomber (B-52)

      • Industrial →postindustriall (service-based) economy

      • Uniomembershippip + those industries= peaked in ‘54 → declined slowly

        • Mwhite-collar bar jobs = more opportunities for women

        • After WW2 → women returned to the household 

          • “Cult of domesticity” → “Ozzie and Harriet” + “Leave it to Beaver”

          • Traditional feminine jobs in the household

        • During 1950s → women’s revo = getting started

        • 40 mil new jobs → 30 mil = service industry

          • Most women had these jobs 

      • Women  in jobs = change social stuff

        • Women = both working + homemaker → ?d gender roles

        • Betty Friedan: Feminine Mystique →Startedd modern women’s movement (‘63)

        • Protest literature → best seller → supported by women 


  • 50s = bigger middle class + consumer culture (would be exported to the World)

    • Diner’s Club= plastic credit cards

    • McDonalds = San Bernardino, CA

    • Disneyland = Anaheim Cali

  • TV:

    • ‘56 → 442 stations = working

    • 1960 → basically every family has a TV 

      • It shows how quickly new tech can change society and infiltrate it

    • Advertisers = 10 bil on advertising on TV’s

      • Critics said TV = ruining society in every way possible

  • Religion on TV:

    • Baptist Billy Graham, Holiness preacher Oral Roberts, and Roman Catholic Fulton J. Sheen = become popular through TV

      • Commercialization of sports → more ppl could watch through TV

        • Population + sports = moving to the south + west

        • Dodgers = left for the Giants = left for San Francisco

          • Sports (all for me) = expanded their reach

  • Music changing in the 50s:

    • Elvis Presley: comes from Missouri

    • Created Rock n Roll → everyone all over the world listened to him 

    • Helped bring everyone together + created a new 50s culture (for young ppl)

  • Sex sells:

    • Marylin Monroe + Playboy: popularized sensuality in mass media (TV)

  • Critics + traditionalists = unhappy

    • Harvard Economist → John Kenneth Galbraith = The affluent society

      • Said rich ppl/consumerism = bad → no 1 listened / cared 


  • Demos = doing bad → Korean war, inflation, Truman hating on Macarthur

    • Demos = nominate Adalia E. Stevenson

    • Repubs = nominate Eisenhower + Cali senator Nixon (VP)

  • Eisenhower = popular → didn't do the campaigning → Nixon did

    • Accused apps (including Adalia) of being Commie, screwed Korea over + more

  • Nixon = almost felll off when accused of getting illegal donations 

    • Gave Checkers Speech → said he only got gifts from family checkers

      • Saved Nixon + showed that TV is = good political tool

      • Could speak to voters + advertise themselves

  • Elec of ‘52: hour = said he would go to Korea to stop war → won 442 to 89

    • Also got repub control of congress

    • An hour left to korea (dec 1952) → 7 moths later =armstice 

    • 3 years of fighting, 30k US ppl dead (+ mils more Chinese, NK, SK ppl)

    • US = lost bils of dollars → stuck at same point + Cold War continues

  • Every1 (military + citizens) saw Hour as real + above the pettiness of politics + a leader

    • Ppl hoped Hour would bring peace so they could live their lives

    • Prex for 10 years → opps said he didnt do any good w/ his popularity (ex. Civil rights) → coudlnt stop McCarthy → seen as timid or opportunist


  • 15 mil black ppl → ⅔ = in the south

  • Jim crow laws → segregated + made black ppl powerless

    • Segregated bathrooms, restaurants, schools

    • 20% of eligible black ppl = registered to vote (got lower in the deep south)

  • White ppl = violent against black ppl:

    • 6 black war vers = killed, Emmet Till (‘55)  = lynched (tallahatchie river)

      • Killers = left w/ out punishment (prosecution by all white jury)

    • Segregation = ruined US’s international image

      • Paul Robeson + Josephine Baker = went around europe + L. Amer → told world abpout im crow laws 

      • Gunnar Myrdal = “An american delima” → US = all about freedom but treats black ppl terribly

    • Internation pressures + legal activism = civil rights in the north

      • Desegregated, beaches, restaurants, etc

      • Jackie Robinson = singed w/ NY dodgers (‘47)

      • NAACP = pressure supreme court to rule in Sweatt vs. Painter (seerated proffesional schools if black ppl failed the test to get into them)

    • Repealed Chinese exclusion act (‘43), supremem court said no more racism in housing, etc. = less discrimination for many minorities

    • South = didnt make that much progress → black ppl started speakign out

      • Rosa Parks (part of NAACP) = took seat for whites only and didnt get up

        • Year long boycott of busses → south caved in

    • Montgomery buss boycott = inspired reverend MLK → raised rich + away from segregation → carismatic + had good ideals → became famous 


  • Harry Truman = passed “to secure these rights” (response to black ppl killings)

    • Desegrated federa, civil sevrice + armed forces (‘48)

    • Civil stuff didnt get through repubs + southern demos in congress

    • Hour = prez → didnt do much w/ civil rights

  • Suprmeme court = help w/ civil rights:

    • Cheif Justice Earl Warren (repub gov of CA) = dealt w/ stuff the prez + congress didnt (social taboo stuff)

    • Unanium decision in Brown vs. Board of Ed → said segregation = uequal → agaisnt Const

      • Went agisn tthe Plessy vs. Ferguson case, civil rigths = full speed ahead

      • South = resistance to this → created declaration of const principles (said they wouldnt desegregate anything)

      • Created private schools so it couldnt be enforced

      • > 2% of black ppl were ind esegregated clasrooms in the deep south

    • Hour = didnt promote desegregation / civil rights for black ppl

      • Actually grew up in racist envo + was racist

    • Gov of Arkansas Orval Faubus = got national gaurd to stop 9 kids from goign to school (sept ‘57)

      • Hour = had to act → sent troops to escort them to school

      • Cviil rigths act = set up civil rights commision → inmvestigated crimes agsinst civil rigths + get gov to help w/ voting rights

      • MLK = Southern Chrsitian Leaderhsip Conference → get black churches (rlly big + powerful in south) to help w/ black rights

      • Sit in movment (greenboro, NC → 4 black college freshmen = demanded service at white resteraunt → brought more ppl w/ thme each day\

        • Sit ins = went all across south

    • Student nonviolent coordinating committee → leader = Ella Baker 

      • Quiet but strong leader → helped do protests, sit ins, etc

      • Fought for civil rights


  • Hour = middle of the road → cautious, liberal sometimes but mostly only conservative 

    • Fit the war-weary GD mood at the time (ppl wanted safety/to be cautious)

    • Hour = kept + strengthened ND programs 

  • Hour = wanted less gov power (more states rights power) --. Wanted to stop “socialism”

    • Defense spending = 10% of GNP, got support from south by giving offshore oil fields to state control from the gov, curbed TVA power by getting private companies to compete w/ it

  • Operation Wetback → repsonse to illigal Mex immis → got 1 mil immis and sent them back to mex from the Rio Grande

  • Hour = wanted to end Native amer stuff from the new deal

    • Wanted to end tribes as legal entities → get them into US society instead

      • Natives = resisted → plan = left in 1961

  • Federal Highway Act (pleased NDers) → 42k miles of highway

    • Created new jobs, sped up suburbinization, made sure the US could defend against the Soviets quickley 

    • Killed the railroads, helped oil, travel, etc

    • Pollution = got worse + cities were becoming empty as ppl moved to suburbia


  • Repubs (prez) = wanted no more containment (wasn’t doing anything)

  • Sec of state John Foster Dulles = wanted to break down the USSR instead of just containing it

    • Balance the budget by cutting army spending (contradictory)

  • Dulles = policy of boldness → build up Stratigic air command’s fleet of destructive bombers

    • Pros = cheap + would intimidate the opps

  • Hour = wanted negotiations w/ new USSR leader (stalin = dead, ‘53)

    • USSR kinda leader Nikita Khrushev = said no to open skies over US + USSR

    • Hungary = Hungarian Uprising, US didnt help them → got brutally suppressed

    • Showed the US couldnt use nuclear weapons for such a small thing → limitiations of “massive retaliation” plan = shown


  • Southeast asia = tried to oevrthrow french rule (the nationalists tried to)

    • Vietnam leader Ho Chi Minh = asked WWMS for help in 1919

    • FDR = inspired these ppl that they would get help

  • Nationalists = became communists →: US = sent 1bil $ to french for the wars in East Asia → wanted french approval to rearm West germany (joined NATO)

  • Viet Mien forces = guerrilla warfare → kept beating the french → trapped french in Dien Bien Phu Fortress

  • Nixon, Dulles, Chairman of JCS = wanted to bomb them, Hour didnt

  • Nationlists = won in veitnam → conference in geneva = Vietnam split at 17th parallel → Chi Minh = agreed as logn as vietnam wide elctiosn would happen in 2 years

  • In south → demo gov under Ngo Dinh Diem = refused for the elections (thought commies would win)

    • US sent aid to south Vietnam → North = guerilla warfare again

    • US = backed losing horse → coudlnt get out of it now


  • US = scared of USSR in oil middle east

    • Under USSR control → Iran = fought US over controlling the oil

    • US = put Mohammed Reza Pahlevi (pro US) as kind of a dictator

    • Helped US temporarily → iranians = hated US now → revolted against Mohammed 20 years later

  • Prez of edgypt Gamal Abdel Nasser = wanted canel on upper nile for power + irrigation

  • US, Britain + France - gave him money → Nasser = asked USSR for help

    • Dulles = made US stop gigivn to Nasser

    • Nasser = made Suez Canal national, even tho it was owned by British + French stockholders

  • Nasser = could cut of West Eurpe’s oil supply → British + french (w/out tellign the US) sent forces to Edypt to get control → thoguht US woudl give them oil while they were fighting

  • US = mad + didnt help British + french → said they can get screwed

  • Left egypt + UN troops put there to keep order

  • US in 40s = created 2/3s of worlds oil → by 1948 → US = needed to import oil from middle east

    • Depended on middle east now, coudlnt pull stuff liek this again

  • Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Venzuela = Org. of Petrolium Exporting Countries 

    • Created to strangle western forces that were dpendent on middle east’s oil


  • Elec of 1956: Hour vs. Adlai Stevenson → Hour won (457 to 73)

    • Couldnt win repub for Senate or HoR (rlly bad, happened last in 1848)

    • Congress = investigated Unions → saw they were using violence, fraud, etc

      • AFL - CIO = kicked out Teamsters (‘57) → teamsters = elected mob person James R. Jimmy Hoffa

        • Hoffa = jailed then got killed by the ppl’s families he killed

      • Hour = passed Landrum-Griffin Act (‘59) → antilabour + brought union leaders accountable for fraud + violent bullying tactics

    • USSR = launched sputnik (‘57) into space → launched sputnik || into space a month later w/ a dog in it

      • Brought down US self confidence + the world ?nd US’s scientific superiority

        • US = afraid if USSR could launch smth into space, they could fire at the US no problem

      • Hour = took action → created National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration for missile + rocket making

      • Failed many times (ex. Vangaurd Missle → exploding right off the ground)

        • Feb ‘58 → put small satellite into space  → launched more throughout the decade

      • Cuz of Sputnik scare → ?d US vs USSR education system → congress = National Defense Education Act → more educaation in science, engeneering, languages 


  • Scientists = worried testing too many bombs = polluted atmospsher too much

    • Soviet’s = on suspension March ‘58 → asked west to do the same

    • Both sides didnt agree cuz of mistrust

  • Khrushchev = asked west to leave west berlin → US invited USSR to US (‘59)

    • Khrushchev went to CA (enjoyed himself) → gave energetic speech to US, met w/ Hour at Camp David (prez retreat in Maryland)

  • Less hopeful after USSR shot down U-2 US spy plane in Russia → Hour = set up Paris summit conference but Khrushchev = stromed it + shut it down

  • LA = mad at US for gigving to europe but less $ to LA + inetrfering w/ the govs (ex. CIA took down Guatamalan gov in ‘54) + US supported violent dictators in LA

    • Ex. Fulgencio Batista from Cuba → helped US egt more so the US su[ported him

    • Fidel Castro = over threw him, insulted the US, gave away US properties in Cuba through a land distribution program

    • US cut off sugar trade w/ cuba → cuba = gave away more US land (became a USSR supporter/satellite stateish) 

    • Cubans = left to the US ( 1mil in FL 60s-00s) → US = cut off cuba entirely + put strong embargos on them that last today


  • Elec of 1960: Nix = prez candidate for repubs → got popular through kitchen debate

  •  JFK = demo nomination -- From Mass → south = not happy cuz he beat out Lyndon Baines Johnson for prez nomination

  • JFK = 1st Roman Catholic prez to be nominated since smear campaigns in ‘28

    • Southern demos = didnt like him → Northem Demos = liked him

  • Nixon + JFK = had debates over TV (60 mil ppl watched)

    • Appearance > substance → Ppl liked JFK’s glamour more than Nixon’s tired look

  • JFK = won 303 to 219 → youngest person to date to be elected prez (43) + 1st roman catholic to be elected prez

    • Had support from workers, catholics, african americans

    • JFK = called up Mrs. Coretta King to support her, Nixon didnt comment on the arrest of MLK + ddint talk to Mrs. Coretta King → showed difference in racial stances between the parties

  • Hour = popular to the last day (moderate, good, etc.) → opps said he was following around

    • Warned about the military-industrial complex + sad he couldnt end arms race

    • US = grew economically + landwise (got Hawaii + alaska as states in ‘59)


  • US = grew in global power + arts around the world

    • World wide influence in painting, architecture, literature

  • NY = art capitol of the world → supported tradition-free artworks

    • A more experimental + contemporary life = created cuz of this

    • Challenged how material wealth = agsidnt US valyues

  • Jackson Pollock = abstract expressionism (40s-50s) dripped paint of canvases

    • Pollock + Willem de Kooning = spiontanious art style → more creativity + made viewer interpret what the painting means

    • Mark Rothko = bright colorful artworks

  • Andy Warhol = painted boring consumer items (ex. Suop cans)

  • Roy Lichtenstien = paroided old fashion comic strips

  • Arcetecthure:

    • Built unique skyscrapers (NY’s Un headquarters) + Seagram Building

      •  Large steel buildings w/ lots of glass

    • Frank Lloyd Wright = round Guggenheim Museam (NY)

    • Louis Kahn = geometric basic buildings (salk institute, CA)

    • I. M. Pei (chineses) = graceful college buildings (east wing of national art gallery, Wash)+ JKF library (Boston)

  • Literature → went from realism about the war to poetry/cretaviity about the war

    • novels : Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead + James Jones’s From Here to Eternity

    • More creative writitng = Jospeh Heller’s satirical Catch-22 about the war in the merridian + Kurt Vonnegut Jr → prose tale Slaughterhouse Five

    • Wriitng = engaged ppl a lot more → talked about consumerism through phycological complex ways

    • Rejected US life → expression through non-conformist lifestyles

  • Writers who talked about US postwar issues directly:

    • John Updike → Rabbit Run (about a small town’s wins + loses) + middle class idefedility in couples

    • John Cheever = the Chekhov of the exurbs + The Swimmer → suburban morals + the Wapshot Chronicle

    • Gore Vidal = Myra Breckinridge → historical novels + attacked the norm through using LGBTQ themes

      • Writers = goign ahainst White Anglo-Saxon Protestant elote writer sthat had been dominating for a while now

    • Poets = critical about conformity in the US 

      • Confessed through poetry their experiences w/ taboo topics

      • Robert Lowell = psychologically inteynse Life Studies

        • Combine Puritian past to the present through For the Union Dead

      • Sylvia Plath = Ariel + autobiography novel The Bell Jar  → sucide in ‘63

    • Plywriters: 

      • Tennessee Williams = about ppl trying to keep it tog through a crubling life → A Streetcar Named Desire + Cat on a Hot Tin Roof → critiqing limits on women’s lives

      • Arthur Miller = about US values→ Death of a Salesman + The Crucible

      • Lorraine Hansberry = about african amer struggles → A Rasiin in the Sun

      • Edward Albee = exposed sadness of middle class life → Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

    • Postwar novel = a bildugsroman (formation novel) → story about a young person growing up

      • JD Salinger = The Catcher in the Rye 

      • Ralph Ellison = african american struggles about identity in Invisible Man

      • Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March (person trying to make sense of the modern world)

      • Harper Lee = To Kill a Mocking Bird


  • Minroities = also started writing (ex. Black ppl)

    • Used the Harlem Renasaunce as a base → Richard wright = black chicago killer in Native Son (1st African american bestseller) + autobiografical Black Boy 

    • James Baldwin = essayist + novalist → racial ?s in The Fire Next Time

    • Natiolist LeRoi Jones (changed name to Imamu Amiri Baraka) = plays like Dutchman

  • South = literary revival lead by Missisipi’s William Faulkner (got nobel prize in ‘50)

  • South = left “lost cause” literature → southern renaissance = talked about the south’s racism, histroy, etc

    • Robert Penn Warren = wrote about Huey Long in All the King’s Men 

    • Walker Percy, Eudore Welty, Flannery O’Conner = continued the movement after Falkner died in ‘62

      • Wrote about changes in the postwar south

    • William Styron = wrote about histroy of virgina through a 1832 slave rebellion in The Confessions of Nat Turner 

  • Books by Jewish novelists → opps said they needed to learn Yiddish to understand the books

    • Bernard Malamud = painted portrait of NY jewish family storekeepers called The Assitant 

    • Philip Roth = wrote about NJ suberbia in Goodbye, Columbus + wrote about aharny New Yorker in Portnoy’s Complaint


  • Elec of 1960 → JFk = prez (said he would get the US moving again)

    • Youngest prez = youngest cabinet (brother RFK = Att. Gen.)

  • JFK = wanted FBI to focus more on enforcing the law + civil liberties than internal security work

    • J. eDGAR hOOVER (fbi DIRECTOR) = said no →Robert S. McNamara = took over defense departemnt

    • Joined group of ppl w/ harvard degrees → sophisticated + confident 

  • JFK = inspried enery1 (especially the young)

    • Described US greatness as a new frontier

    • Proposed peace corps → bring US youing volunteers to other coutnries to spread the goodnes

      • Said ppl should ask what they can do for their country

    • Dmeo majorities in congress → demos said they would team up w/ repubs and stop new frontier stuff

    • JFK = got better congres sby expanding the House Rules Committee → first run by conservatives

    • New Frotnier = didnt rlly work out → most stuff = stuck in congress + voted no

  • JFK + big business’s relationship = complicated

    • Tax bill that was voted no was to help BBs have trust in the gov

    • Could be tough: talked w/ steel bosses + unions to make a noninflationtory wage agreement (‘62) → steel ppl = raised prices → JKF called them into the oval office and screamed at them → they back down

  • JFK = always talked about sending some1 to the moon + bringing them back safely

    • Would help recover the US’s WW reputation after Sputnik

    • 24$ bil later → ‘69: NASA = Apollo mission → landed US astronauts + flag on the moon


  • JFK + USSR met at Vienna → USSR = threatened to cut off western access to west berlin

    • Built the Berlin Wall (‘61) → stop east germans from going west

    • 30 years → showed bad postwar division of Europe

  • West Euroep = getting better w/ Marshall Plan + US encoruaged EEC growth

    • Free trade area → turns into european union

    • Trade Expansion Act (‘62) → 50% tariff cuts to promote trade w/ EEC countires

    • Led to Keneddy Round tariff negotionatiosn → later called globalization

      • Liberal trade policies that created a lot of WW commerce

    • Decolonization of European possetions = problem

      • USSR/cold war problems in these places = humiliation (for the US) or nuclear annahilation (cuz of Mass retaliation docterine)

      • Defense Sec McNamara = flexible repsonee → have diff military options that the US could send depending on the situation

      • JFK = spend more on military + Special Forces (Green Berets → specilized in anti-gureela fighting)

  • Flexible response = had flaws → The US would now fight over minor issues + could keep uping the amount of force used 

    • Ex. Vietnam → corrupt right wing US backed Ngo Dinh Diem in saigon = could be overthrown at any time (lots of vietnam wanted him gone)

      • US = sent a lot of military advisors (army) to South Vietnam

    • US forecs = to stabilize the politics + rptect Diem from commies so he could make reforms 

      • Ended up getting ppl to stage a coup agsidnt him

      • JFK = promised SV they would fight → kept sending US troops to die 


LA = hated the US → JFK = Allianmce for Progress (prevent commies + like Marshall plan)

  • Almost no alliances + no progress lol → LA still hated the US

  • JFK = got from Hour an invasion of Fidel commie cuba

    • Bay of Pigs invasion → failed, the US surrendered

    • Tried to assasinate fidel

  • Fidel = became more commie → USSR = put missiles in cuba

  • JFK = said no to bombing missle base → put cuba on naval quarintine

    • Asked for USSR to remove missles + said if they attacked the US, they would attack teh USSR

    • World = could be annihalated → found out missles = had approval to be launched if necessary alr

    • Oct ‘62: USSR = agreed to take away missiles + US  agreed to end qaurintine + not inavde cuba + take away missles in turkey

    • Cuban Missle crisis → left Kruchsev humiliated + kicked out → USSR = expanded military forces to save face

      • JFK = mpushed for nuclear-test ban treaty

      • Signed by USSR + US in ‘63

      • Moscow-Washington hotline → direct/immediate teletype communication in case of a crisis

    • JFK’s speech at AMer UNI (Wash DC) ‘63) → said US ppl shouldnt think the USSR = devil land + take the world for what it is, not would it could have been

    • Starting of detente policy → no more tension 


  • JFK = all for civil rights but won by a thin margin (didnt have a lot of political support) -> needed to wait to make bold moves

  • Freedom riders = wanted to end sgregation (like in bussing) → white mob burned a freedom bus

    • RFK’s personal rep = beaten in a diff riot → FDR = needed to send federal marshalls to control the violence (south authority = unwilling/unable to stop it)

  • JFK = in the civil rigths movmenet → asked FBI to tap MLK’s phone lines to make sur ehe wasnt commie (would ruin his image)

    • Relationship = a good one → JFK supported the Syduent nonviolent Coordinating Committee + other civil rights groups → Voter Education Project

      • Register black voters in the south

    • Desegrgating unis = smmoth for some but a pain for others

      • Uni of Missisipi → James Meredith = beaten for trying to enroll in a class → JFK sent troops to help him out

    • ‘63 → MLK = launched cpmpaign in birmingham, AL (most seg. Cty in US)

      • Peacful civil rights protesters = hosed, beaten, attacked by dogs → televised for evey1 to see

    • JFK = TV speech (‘63) → said this was moral issue as old as time but clear what needed to happen

      • Committed to helping civil rights activists 

      • JFK = wanted new civil rights legislation → MLK = March on Wash to show support for new legislation

        • Gave “I have a dream speech” at lincoln memorial

  • Violence continued → white gunman shot Medgar Evers (civil rigths worker) + Babtist Church in AL = blown up → ki,lled 4 girls 

    • Civil rigths  bill = stand still in congress


  • Nov 22, 63 → JFK = shot in the head in Dallas, TX in a limosine

    • VP Johnson = sworn in + flown to Wash DC

    • Lee Harvey Oswald = JFK killler → shot in front of TV cameras by Jack Ruby (avanger of JFK’s death)

    • Investiagtion by Cheif Justice Warren = couldnt get all theories bout what rlly happened

  • Ppl = relized how impactful JFK was → cherished his spirit rather than jus the goals he achieved

    • Info on his womanizing + involvement w/ organized crime ppl = tarnished rep, ppl still liked his charisma + ideals --> inspired ppl 
