Everything underlined is a term I think is important that IS NOT mentioned at the end of the chapter for the chapter review
More home construction → more homeowners than renters
Most homes = in suburbia
The economy was growing, which led to military spending and public investment in research, science, and tech
Transistor --1948 → revo in electronicscomputersrs)
1940s computers: massive machines w/ miles of wires
Transistors + printed circuits = made computers smaller + better
Int. Business Machines (IBM) → high tech corporation in the “info age”
Computers = transformed + created new/old ways to do things
IBM: started by creating mechanical Tabulators for US Census Buearo
Biggest info processing company
Invested in research → 5 Nobel prizes from its employees
IBM = example of postwar managerial capitalism that helped the economy
CCriticizedby “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit” and “The Organization Man”
IBM = was less popular when Apple + Microsoft was created
Aerospace industries= growing
Strategic Air Command + airline business + military/civilian aircraft productions
Seattle-based Boeing Company → 1st lalargeassenger jet (707) → looked like the SAC’s bomber (B-52)
Industrial →postindustriall (service-based) economy
Uniomembershippip + those industries= peaked in ‘54 → declined slowly
Mwhite-collar bar jobs = more opportunities for women
After WW2 → women returned to the household
“Cult of domesticity” → “Ozzie and Harriet” + “Leave it to Beaver”
Traditional feminine jobs in the household
During 1950s → women’s revo = getting started
40 mil new jobs → 30 mil = service industry
Most women had these jobs
Women in jobs = change social stuff
Women = both working + homemaker → ?d gender roles
Betty Friedan: Feminine Mystique →Startedd modern women’s movement (‘63)
Protest literature → best seller → supported by women
50s = bigger middle class + consumer culture (would be exported to the World)
Diner’s Club= plastic credit cards
McDonalds = San Bernardino, CA
Disneyland = Anaheim Cali
‘56 → 442 stations = working
1960 → basically every family has a TV
It shows how quickly new tech can change society and infiltrate it
Advertisers = 10 bil on advertising on TV’s
Critics said TV = ruining society in every way possible
Religion on TV:
Baptist Billy Graham, Holiness preacher Oral Roberts, and Roman Catholic Fulton J. Sheen = become popular through TV
Commercialization of sports → more ppl could watch through TV
Population + sports = moving to the south + west
Dodgers = left for the Giants = left for San Francisco
Sports (all for me) = expanded their reach
Music changing in the 50s:
Elvis Presley: comes from Missouri
Created Rock n Roll → everyone all over the world listened to him
Helped bring everyone together + created a new 50s culture (for young ppl)
Sex sells:
Marylin Monroe + Playboy: popularized sensuality in mass media (TV)
Critics + traditionalists = unhappy
Harvard Economist → John Kenneth Galbraith = The affluent society
Said rich ppl/consumerism = bad → no 1 listened / cared
Demos = doing bad → Korean war, inflation, Truman hating on Macarthur
Demos = nominate Adalia E. Stevenson
Repubs = nominate Eisenhower + Cali senator Nixon (VP)
Eisenhower = popular → didn't do the campaigning → Nixon did
Accused apps (including Adalia) of being Commie, screwed Korea over + more
Nixon = almost felll off when accused of getting illegal donations
Gave Checkers Speech → said he only got gifts from family checkers
Saved Nixon + showed that TV is = good political tool
Could speak to voters + advertise themselves
Elec of ‘52: hour = said he would go to Korea to stop war → won 442 to 89
Also got repub control of congress
An hour left to korea (dec 1952) → 7 moths later =armstice
3 years of fighting, 30k US ppl dead (+ mils more Chinese, NK, SK ppl)
US = lost bils of dollars → stuck at same point + Cold War continues
Every1 (military + citizens) saw Hour as real + above the pettiness of politics + a leader
Ppl hoped Hour would bring peace so they could live their lives
Prex for 10 years → opps said he didnt do any good w/ his popularity (ex. Civil rights) → coudlnt stop McCarthy → seen as timid or opportunist
15 mil black ppl → ⅔ = in the south
Jim crow laws → segregated + made black ppl powerless
Segregated bathrooms, restaurants, schools
20% of eligible black ppl = registered to vote (got lower in the deep south)
White ppl = violent against black ppl:
6 black war vers = killed, Emmet Till (‘55) = lynched (tallahatchie river)
Killers = left w/ out punishment (prosecution by all white jury)
Segregation = ruined US’s international image
Paul Robeson + Josephine Baker = went around europe + L. Amer → told world abpout im crow laws
Gunnar Myrdal = “An american delima” → US = all about freedom but treats black ppl terribly
Internation pressures + legal activism = civil rights in the north
Desegregated, beaches, restaurants, etc
Jackie Robinson = singed w/ NY dodgers (‘47)
NAACP = pressure supreme court to rule in Sweatt vs. Painter (seerated proffesional schools if black ppl failed the test to get into them)
Repealed Chinese exclusion act (‘43), supremem court said no more racism in housing, etc. = less discrimination for many minorities
South = didnt make that much progress → black ppl started speakign out
Rosa Parks (part of NAACP) = took seat for whites only and didnt get up
Year long boycott of busses → south caved in
Montgomery buss boycott = inspired reverend MLK → raised rich + away from segregation → carismatic + had good ideals → became famous
Harry Truman = passed “to secure these rights” (response to black ppl killings)
Desegrated federa, civil sevrice + armed forces (‘48)
Civil stuff didnt get through repubs + southern demos in congress
Hour = prez → didnt do much w/ civil rights
Suprmeme court = help w/ civil rights:
Cheif Justice Earl Warren (repub gov of CA) = dealt w/ stuff the prez + congress didnt (social taboo stuff)
Unanium decision in Brown vs. Board of Ed → said segregation = uequal → agaisnt Const
Went agisn tthe Plessy vs. Ferguson case, civil rigths = full speed ahead
South = resistance to this → created declaration of const principles (said they wouldnt desegregate anything)
Created private schools so it couldnt be enforced
> 2% of black ppl were ind esegregated clasrooms in the deep south
Hour = didnt promote desegregation / civil rights for black ppl
Actually grew up in racist envo + was racist
Gov of Arkansas Orval Faubus = got national gaurd to stop 9 kids from goign to school (sept ‘57)
Hour = had to act → sent troops to escort them to school
Cviil rigths act = set up civil rights commision → inmvestigated crimes agsinst civil rigths + get gov to help w/ voting rights
MLK = Southern Chrsitian Leaderhsip Conference → get black churches (rlly big + powerful in south) to help w/ black rights
Sit in movment (greenboro, NC → 4 black college freshmen = demanded service at white resteraunt → brought more ppl w/ thme each day\
Sit ins = went all across south
Student nonviolent coordinating committee → leader = Ella Baker
Quiet but strong leader → helped do protests, sit ins, etc
Fought for civil rights
Hour = middle of the road → cautious, liberal sometimes but mostly only conservative
Fit the war-weary GD mood at the time (ppl wanted safety/to be cautious)
Hour = kept + strengthened ND programs
Hour = wanted less gov power (more states rights power) --. Wanted to stop “socialism”
Defense spending = 10% of GNP, got support from south by giving offshore oil fields to state control from the gov, curbed TVA power by getting private companies to compete w/ it
Operation Wetback → repsonse to illigal Mex immis → got 1 mil immis and sent them back to mex from the Rio Grande
Hour = wanted to end Native amer stuff from the new deal
Wanted to end tribes as legal entities → get them into US society instead
Natives = resisted → plan = left in 1961
Federal Highway Act (pleased NDers) → 42k miles of highway
Created new jobs, sped up suburbinization, made sure the US could defend against the Soviets quickley
Killed the railroads, helped oil, travel, etc
Pollution = got worse + cities were becoming empty as ppl moved to suburbia
Repubs (prez) = wanted no more containment (wasn’t doing anything)
Sec of state John Foster Dulles = wanted to break down the USSR instead of just containing it
Balance the budget by cutting army spending (contradictory)
Dulles = policy of boldness → build up Stratigic air command’s fleet of destructive bombers
Pros = cheap + would intimidate the opps
Hour = wanted negotiations w/ new USSR leader (stalin = dead, ‘53)
USSR kinda leader Nikita Khrushev = said no to open skies over US + USSR
Hungary = Hungarian Uprising, US didnt help them → got brutally suppressed
Showed the US couldnt use nuclear weapons for such a small thing → limitiations of “massive retaliation” plan = shown
Southeast asia = tried to oevrthrow french rule (the nationalists tried to)
Vietnam leader Ho Chi Minh = asked WWMS for help in 1919
FDR = inspired these ppl that they would get help
Nationalists = became communists →: US = sent 1bil $ to french for the wars in East Asia → wanted french approval to rearm West germany (joined NATO)
Viet Mien forces = guerrilla warfare → kept beating the french → trapped french in Dien Bien Phu Fortress
Nixon, Dulles, Chairman of JCS = wanted to bomb them, Hour didnt
Nationlists = won in veitnam → conference in geneva = Vietnam split at 17th parallel → Chi Minh = agreed as logn as vietnam wide elctiosn would happen in 2 years
In south → demo gov under Ngo Dinh Diem = refused for the elections (thought commies would win)
US sent aid to south Vietnam → North = guerilla warfare again
US = backed losing horse → coudlnt get out of it now
US = scared of USSR in oil middle east
Under USSR control → Iran = fought US over controlling the oil
US = put Mohammed Reza Pahlevi (pro US) as kind of a dictator
Helped US temporarily → iranians = hated US now → revolted against Mohammed 20 years later
Prez of edgypt Gamal Abdel Nasser = wanted canel on upper nile for power + irrigation
US, Britain + France - gave him money → Nasser = asked USSR for help
Dulles = made US stop gigivn to Nasser
Nasser = made Suez Canal national, even tho it was owned by British + French stockholders
Nasser = could cut of West Eurpe’s oil supply → British + french (w/out tellign the US) sent forces to Edypt to get control → thoguht US woudl give them oil while they were fighting
US = mad + didnt help British + french → said they can get screwed
Left egypt + UN troops put there to keep order
US in 40s = created 2/3s of worlds oil → by 1948 → US = needed to import oil from middle east
Depended on middle east now, coudlnt pull stuff liek this again
Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Venzuela = Org. of Petrolium Exporting Countries
Created to strangle western forces that were dpendent on middle east’s oil
Elec of 1956: Hour vs. Adlai Stevenson → Hour won (457 to 73)
Couldnt win repub for Senate or HoR (rlly bad, happened last in 1848)
Congress = investigated Unions → saw they were using violence, fraud, etc
AFL - CIO = kicked out Teamsters (‘57) → teamsters = elected mob person James R. Jimmy Hoffa
Hoffa = jailed then got killed by the ppl’s families he killed
Hour = passed Landrum-Griffin Act (‘59) → antilabour + brought union leaders accountable for fraud + violent bullying tactics
USSR = launched sputnik (‘57) into space → launched sputnik || into space a month later w/ a dog in it
Brought down US self confidence + the world ?nd US’s scientific superiority
US = afraid if USSR could launch smth into space, they could fire at the US no problem
Hour = took action → created National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration for missile + rocket making
Failed many times (ex. Vangaurd Missle → exploding right off the ground)
Feb ‘58 → put small satellite into space → launched more throughout the decade
Cuz of Sputnik scare → ?d US vs USSR education system → congress = National Defense Education Act → more educaation in science, engeneering, languages
Scientists = worried testing too many bombs = polluted atmospsher too much
Soviet’s = on suspension March ‘58 → asked west to do the same
Both sides didnt agree cuz of mistrust
Khrushchev = asked west to leave west berlin → US invited USSR to US (‘59)
Khrushchev went to CA (enjoyed himself) → gave energetic speech to US, met w/ Hour at Camp David (prez retreat in Maryland)
Less hopeful after USSR shot down U-2 US spy plane in Russia → Hour = set up Paris summit conference but Khrushchev = stromed it + shut it down
LA = mad at US for gigving to europe but less $ to LA + inetrfering w/ the govs (ex. CIA took down Guatamalan gov in ‘54) + US supported violent dictators in LA
Ex. Fulgencio Batista from Cuba → helped US egt more so the US su[ported him
Fidel Castro = over threw him, insulted the US, gave away US properties in Cuba through a land distribution program
US cut off sugar trade w/ cuba → cuba = gave away more US land (became a USSR supporter/satellite stateish)
Cubans = left to the US ( 1mil in FL 60s-00s) → US = cut off cuba entirely + put strong embargos on them that last today
Elec of 1960: Nix = prez candidate for repubs → got popular through kitchen debate
JFK = demo nomination -- From Mass → south = not happy cuz he beat out Lyndon Baines Johnson for prez nomination
JFK = 1st Roman Catholic prez to be nominated since smear campaigns in ‘28
Southern demos = didnt like him → Northem Demos = liked him
Nixon + JFK = had debates over TV (60 mil ppl watched)
Appearance > substance → Ppl liked JFK’s glamour more than Nixon’s tired look
JFK = won 303 to 219 → youngest person to date to be elected prez (43) + 1st roman catholic to be elected prez
Had support from workers, catholics, african americans
JFK = called up Mrs. Coretta King to support her, Nixon didnt comment on the arrest of MLK + ddint talk to Mrs. Coretta King → showed difference in racial stances between the parties
Hour = popular to the last day (moderate, good, etc.) → opps said he was following around
Warned about the military-industrial complex + sad he couldnt end arms race
US = grew economically + landwise (got Hawaii + alaska as states in ‘59)
US = grew in global power + arts around the world
World wide influence in painting, architecture, literature
NY = art capitol of the world → supported tradition-free artworks
A more experimental + contemporary life = created cuz of this
Challenged how material wealth = agsidnt US valyues
Jackson Pollock = abstract expressionism (40s-50s) dripped paint of canvases
Pollock + Willem de Kooning = spiontanious art style → more creativity + made viewer interpret what the painting means
Mark Rothko = bright colorful artworks
Andy Warhol = painted boring consumer items (ex. Suop cans)
Roy Lichtenstien = paroided old fashion comic strips
Built unique skyscrapers (NY’s Un headquarters) + Seagram Building
Large steel buildings w/ lots of glass
Frank Lloyd Wright = round Guggenheim Museam (NY)
Louis Kahn = geometric basic buildings (salk institute, CA)
I. M. Pei (chineses) = graceful college buildings (east wing of national art gallery, Wash)+ JKF library (Boston)
Literature → went from realism about the war to poetry/cretaviity about the war
novels : Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead + James Jones’s From Here to Eternity
More creative writitng = Jospeh Heller’s satirical Catch-22 about the war in the merridian + Kurt Vonnegut Jr → prose tale Slaughterhouse Five
Wriitng = engaged ppl a lot more → talked about consumerism through phycological complex ways
Rejected US life → expression through non-conformist lifestyles
Writers who talked about US postwar issues directly:
John Updike → Rabbit Run (about a small town’s wins + loses) + middle class idefedility in couples
John Cheever = the Chekhov of the exurbs + The Swimmer → suburban morals + the Wapshot Chronicle
Gore Vidal = Myra Breckinridge → historical novels + attacked the norm through using LGBTQ themes
Writers = goign ahainst White Anglo-Saxon Protestant elote writer sthat had been dominating for a while now
Poets = critical about conformity in the US
Confessed through poetry their experiences w/ taboo topics
Robert Lowell = psychologically inteynse Life Studies
Combine Puritian past to the present through For the Union Dead
Sylvia Plath = Ariel + autobiography novel The Bell Jar → sucide in ‘63
Tennessee Williams = about ppl trying to keep it tog through a crubling life → A Streetcar Named Desire + Cat on a Hot Tin Roof → critiqing limits on women’s lives
Arthur Miller = about US values→ Death of a Salesman + The Crucible
Lorraine Hansberry = about african amer struggles → A Rasiin in the Sun
Edward Albee = exposed sadness of middle class life → Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Postwar novel = a bildugsroman (formation novel) → story about a young person growing up
JD Salinger = The Catcher in the Rye
Ralph Ellison = african american struggles about identity in Invisible Man
Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March (person trying to make sense of the modern world)
Harper Lee = To Kill a Mocking Bird
Minroities = also started writing (ex. Black ppl)
Used the Harlem Renasaunce as a base → Richard wright = black chicago killer in Native Son (1st African american bestseller) + autobiografical Black Boy
James Baldwin = essayist + novalist → racial ?s in The Fire Next Time
Natiolist LeRoi Jones (changed name to Imamu Amiri Baraka) = plays like Dutchman
South = literary revival lead by Missisipi’s William Faulkner (got nobel prize in ‘50)
South = left “lost cause” literature → southern renaissance = talked about the south’s racism, histroy, etc
Robert Penn Warren = wrote about Huey Long in All the King’s Men
Walker Percy, Eudore Welty, Flannery O’Conner = continued the movement after Falkner died in ‘62
Wrote about changes in the postwar south
William Styron = wrote about histroy of virgina through a 1832 slave rebellion in The Confessions of Nat Turner
Books by Jewish novelists → opps said they needed to learn Yiddish to understand the books
Bernard Malamud = painted portrait of NY jewish family storekeepers called The Assitant
Philip Roth = wrote about NJ suberbia in Goodbye, Columbus + wrote about aharny New Yorker in Portnoy’s Complaint
Elec of 1960 → JFk = prez (said he would get the US moving again)
Youngest prez = youngest cabinet (brother RFK = Att. Gen.)
JFK = wanted FBI to focus more on enforcing the law + civil liberties than internal security work
J. eDGAR hOOVER (fbi DIRECTOR) = said no →Robert S. McNamara = took over defense departemnt
Joined group of ppl w/ harvard degrees → sophisticated + confident
JFK = inspried enery1 (especially the young)
Described US greatness as a new frontier
Proposed peace corps → bring US youing volunteers to other coutnries to spread the goodnes
Said ppl should ask what they can do for their country
Dmeo majorities in congress → demos said they would team up w/ repubs and stop new frontier stuff
JFK = got better congres sby expanding the House Rules Committee → first run by conservatives
New Frotnier = didnt rlly work out → most stuff = stuck in congress + voted no
JFK + big business’s relationship = complicated
Tax bill that was voted no was to help BBs have trust in the gov
Could be tough: talked w/ steel bosses + unions to make a noninflationtory wage agreement (‘62) → steel ppl = raised prices → JKF called them into the oval office and screamed at them → they back down
JFK = always talked about sending some1 to the moon + bringing them back safely
Would help recover the US’s WW reputation after Sputnik
24$ bil later → ‘69: NASA = Apollo mission → landed US astronauts + flag on the moon
JFK + USSR met at Vienna → USSR = threatened to cut off western access to west berlin
Built the Berlin Wall (‘61) → stop east germans from going west
30 years → showed bad postwar division of Europe
West Euroep = getting better w/ Marshall Plan + US encoruaged EEC growth
Free trade area → turns into european union
Trade Expansion Act (‘62) → 50% tariff cuts to promote trade w/ EEC countires
Led to Keneddy Round tariff negotionatiosn → later called globalization
Liberal trade policies that created a lot of WW commerce
Decolonization of European possetions = problem
USSR/cold war problems in these places = humiliation (for the US) or nuclear annahilation (cuz of Mass retaliation docterine)
Defense Sec McNamara = flexible repsonee → have diff military options that the US could send depending on the situation
JFK = spend more on military + Special Forces (Green Berets → specilized in anti-gureela fighting)
Flexible response = had flaws → The US would now fight over minor issues + could keep uping the amount of force used
Ex. Vietnam → corrupt right wing US backed Ngo Dinh Diem in saigon = could be overthrown at any time (lots of vietnam wanted him gone)
US = sent a lot of military advisors (army) to South Vietnam
US forecs = to stabilize the politics + rptect Diem from commies so he could make reforms
Ended up getting ppl to stage a coup agsidnt him
JFK = promised SV they would fight → kept sending US troops to die
LA = hated the US → JFK = Allianmce for Progress (prevent commies + like Marshall plan)
Almost no alliances + no progress lol → LA still hated the US
JFK = got from Hour an invasion of Fidel commie cuba
Bay of Pigs invasion → failed, the US surrendered
Tried to assasinate fidel
Fidel = became more commie → USSR = put missiles in cuba
JFK = said no to bombing missle base → put cuba on naval quarintine
Asked for USSR to remove missles + said if they attacked the US, they would attack teh USSR
World = could be annihalated → found out missles = had approval to be launched if necessary alr
Oct ‘62: USSR = agreed to take away missiles + US agreed to end qaurintine + not inavde cuba + take away missles in turkey
Cuban Missle crisis → left Kruchsev humiliated + kicked out → USSR = expanded military forces to save face
JFK = mpushed for nuclear-test ban treaty
Signed by USSR + US in ‘63
Moscow-Washington hotline → direct/immediate teletype communication in case of a crisis
JFK’s speech at AMer UNI (Wash DC) ‘63) → said US ppl shouldnt think the USSR = devil land + take the world for what it is, not would it could have been
Starting of detente policy → no more tension
JFK = all for civil rights but won by a thin margin (didnt have a lot of political support) -> needed to wait to make bold moves
Freedom riders = wanted to end sgregation (like in bussing) → white mob burned a freedom bus
RFK’s personal rep = beaten in a diff riot → FDR = needed to send federal marshalls to control the violence (south authority = unwilling/unable to stop it)
JFK = in the civil rigths movmenet → asked FBI to tap MLK’s phone lines to make sur ehe wasnt commie (would ruin his image)
Relationship = a good one → JFK supported the Syduent nonviolent Coordinating Committee + other civil rights groups → Voter Education Project
Register black voters in the south
Desegrgating unis = smmoth for some but a pain for others
Uni of Missisipi → James Meredith = beaten for trying to enroll in a class → JFK sent troops to help him out
‘63 → MLK = launched cpmpaign in birmingham, AL (most seg. Cty in US)
Peacful civil rights protesters = hosed, beaten, attacked by dogs → televised for evey1 to see
JFK = TV speech (‘63) → said this was moral issue as old as time but clear what needed to happen
Committed to helping civil rights activists
JFK = wanted new civil rights legislation → MLK = March on Wash to show support for new legislation
Gave “I have a dream speech” at lincoln memorial
Violence continued → white gunman shot Medgar Evers (civil rigths worker) + Babtist Church in AL = blown up → ki,lled 4 girls
Civil rigths bill = stand still in congress
Nov 22, 63 → JFK = shot in the head in Dallas, TX in a limosine
VP Johnson = sworn in + flown to Wash DC
Lee Harvey Oswald = JFK killler → shot in front of TV cameras by Jack Ruby (avanger of JFK’s death)
Investiagtion by Cheif Justice Warren = couldnt get all theories bout what rlly happened
Ppl = relized how impactful JFK was → cherished his spirit rather than jus the goals he achieved
Info on his womanizing + involvement w/ organized crime ppl = tarnished rep, ppl still liked his charisma + ideals --> inspired ppl