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AP French Language and Culture: Unit 4: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives

Essential Questions

  1. What factors drive innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology? / Quels facteurs favorisent l’innovation et la découverte dans les sciences et la technologie?

  2. What role do ethics play in scientific advancement? / Quel rôle l’éthique joue-t- elle dans l’avancement scientifique?

  3. What are the social consequences of scientific or technological advancements? / Quelles sont les conséquences des avancements scientifiques ou technologiques?

To-Do List

Here are some in-depth tips for the French AP exam Unit 4 (Science and Technology):

  1. Learn the key vocabulary: One of the most important things to do when studying for the French AP exam Unit 4 is to learn the key vocabulary related to science and technology in French. This includes terms such as "l'ordinateur", "les réseaux sociaux", "les robots", "la génétique", "la pollution", and "le développement durable". Practice using these words in context and understanding their nuances.

  2. Study famous French scientists and inventors: Be familiar with famous French scientists and inventors, such as Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, and Blaise Pascal. This will help you to understand the importance of French contributions to the world of science and technology.

  3. Understand scientific concepts: To do well on the French AP exam Unit 4, you'll need to have a solid understanding of basic scientific concepts, such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Review these concepts and practice using them in French.

  4. Practice discussing technology in French: The French AP exam Unit 4 will likely include questions about technology, such as computers, smartphones, and social media. Practice discussing the impact of technology on society, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies.

  5. Study environmental issues: The French AP exam Unit 4 will also include questions about environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change. Be familiar with key vocabulary related to these topics and practice discussing environmental issues in French.

  6. Know the French perspective on science and technology: It's important to understand the French perspective on science and technology, which may differ from that of other cultures. Study French attitudes toward technology, scientific research, and environmental issues.

  7. Practice reading and writing about scientific topics: The French AP exam Unit 4 will likely include passages about scientific topics, such as articles about new technologies or studies on environmental issues. Practice reading these types of texts and summarizing their main points in French. Additionally, practice writing about scientific topics in French, such as lab reports or essays on scientific topics.

  8. Understand French contributions to science and technology: France has made significant contributions to the world of science and technology. Be familiar with French inventions and discoveries, such as the metric system, the steam engine, and the discovery of penicillin.

  9. Study French-language scientific publications: To fully understand the language and concepts related to science and technology in French, it's important to read scientific publications in French. This will help you to become familiar with the language used in scientific research and to understand complex scientific concepts.

  10. Practice speaking about science and technology: Finally, be sure to practice speaking about science and technology in French. This will help you to improve your vocabulary and grammar and to develop your ability to express complex scientific ideas and opinions in French.

The Influence of Technology in The Francophone World

Here are some bullet points in English with French keywords:

  • Technology and science play a significant role in the Francophone world, just as they do in many other parts of the world. (technologie et science)

  • French-speaking countries have made significant contributions to the fields of science and technology, including in areas such as medicine, engineering, and mathematics. (pays francophones, contributions, science, technologie, médecine, ingénierie, mathématiques)

  • French universities and research institutions are well-respected around the world, and many important scientific discoveries and inventions have been made by French scientists and researchers. (universités, institutions de recherche, découvertes, inventions, scientifiques français, chercheurs)

  • In recent years, there has been a growing interest in technology and innovation in Francophone countries, with many startups and tech companies emerging in cities such as Paris, Montreal, and Dakar. (innovation, entreprises technologiques, startups, villes francophones, Paris, Montréal, Dakar)

  • There is also a growing concern about the environmental impact of technology and the need to develop sustainable solutions to address issues such as climate change and pollution. (impact environnemental, solutions durables, changement climatique, pollution)

  • French-speaking countries are actively involved in international scientific and technological collaborations, including through organizations such as the European Space Agency and the Francophonie. (collaborations internationales, science, technologie, agences spatiales, Francophonie)

  • French-language scientific publications and conferences play an important role in disseminating scientific knowledge and facilitating collaboration among researchers in the Francophone world and beyond. (publications scientifiques, conférences, diffusion de la connaissance scientifique, collaboration, chercheurs)

  • Finally, there is a recognition that science and technology are not value-neutral, and that they have the potential to both solve and exacerbate social and political problems. There is a growing emphasis on ethical considerations in science and technology, including issues related to privacy, equity, and access. (éthique, considérations éthiques, science, technologie, problèmes sociaux et politiques, vie privée, équité, accès)


Here is the vocabulary from above:

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • science: science (f)

  • Francophone countries: pays francophones (mpl)

  • contributions: contributions (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • medicine: médecine (f)

  • engineering: ingénierie (f)

  • mathematics: mathématiques (fpl)

  • universities: universités (fpl)

  • research institutions: institutions de recherche (fpl)

  • discoveries: découvertes (fpl)

  • inventions: inventions (fpl)

  • French scientists: scientifiques français (mpl)

  • researchers: chercheurs (mpl)

  • innovation: innovation (f)

  • technology companies: entreprises technologiques (fpl)

  • startups: startups (fpl)

  • Francophone cities: villes francophones (fpl)

  • environmental impact: impact environnemental (m)

  • sustainable solutions: solutions durables (fpl)

  • climate change: changement climatique (m)

  • pollution: pollution (f)

  • international collaborations: collaborations internationales (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • space agencies: agences spatiales (fpl)

  • Francophonie: Francophonie (f)

  • scientific publications: publications scientifiques (fpl)

  • conferences: conférences (fpl)

  • dissemination of scientific knowledge: diffusion de la connaissance scientifique (f)

  • collaboration: collaboration (f)

  • researchers: chercheurs (mpl)

  • ethics: éthique (f)

  • ethical considerations: considérations éthiques (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • social and political issues: problèmes sociaux et politiques (mpl)

  • privacy: vie privée (f)

  • equity: équité (f)

  • access: accès (m)


AP French Language and Culture: Unit 4: How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives

Essential Questions

  1. What factors drive innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology? / Quels facteurs favorisent l’innovation et la découverte dans les sciences et la technologie?

  2. What role do ethics play in scientific advancement? / Quel rôle l’éthique joue-t- elle dans l’avancement scientifique?

  3. What are the social consequences of scientific or technological advancements? / Quelles sont les conséquences des avancements scientifiques ou technologiques?

To-Do List

Here are some in-depth tips for the French AP exam Unit 4 (Science and Technology):

  1. Learn the key vocabulary: One of the most important things to do when studying for the French AP exam Unit 4 is to learn the key vocabulary related to science and technology in French. This includes terms such as "l'ordinateur", "les réseaux sociaux", "les robots", "la génétique", "la pollution", and "le développement durable". Practice using these words in context and understanding their nuances.

  2. Study famous French scientists and inventors: Be familiar with famous French scientists and inventors, such as Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, and Blaise Pascal. This will help you to understand the importance of French contributions to the world of science and technology.

  3. Understand scientific concepts: To do well on the French AP exam Unit 4, you'll need to have a solid understanding of basic scientific concepts, such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Review these concepts and practice using them in French.

  4. Practice discussing technology in French: The French AP exam Unit 4 will likely include questions about technology, such as computers, smartphones, and social media. Practice discussing the impact of technology on society, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies.

  5. Study environmental issues: The French AP exam Unit 4 will also include questions about environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change. Be familiar with key vocabulary related to these topics and practice discussing environmental issues in French.

  6. Know the French perspective on science and technology: It's important to understand the French perspective on science and technology, which may differ from that of other cultures. Study French attitudes toward technology, scientific research, and environmental issues.

  7. Practice reading and writing about scientific topics: The French AP exam Unit 4 will likely include passages about scientific topics, such as articles about new technologies or studies on environmental issues. Practice reading these types of texts and summarizing their main points in French. Additionally, practice writing about scientific topics in French, such as lab reports or essays on scientific topics.

  8. Understand French contributions to science and technology: France has made significant contributions to the world of science and technology. Be familiar with French inventions and discoveries, such as the metric system, the steam engine, and the discovery of penicillin.

  9. Study French-language scientific publications: To fully understand the language and concepts related to science and technology in French, it's important to read scientific publications in French. This will help you to become familiar with the language used in scientific research and to understand complex scientific concepts.

  10. Practice speaking about science and technology: Finally, be sure to practice speaking about science and technology in French. This will help you to improve your vocabulary and grammar and to develop your ability to express complex scientific ideas and opinions in French.

The Influence of Technology in The Francophone World

Here are some bullet points in English with French keywords:

  • Technology and science play a significant role in the Francophone world, just as they do in many other parts of the world. (technologie et science)

  • French-speaking countries have made significant contributions to the fields of science and technology, including in areas such as medicine, engineering, and mathematics. (pays francophones, contributions, science, technologie, médecine, ingénierie, mathématiques)

  • French universities and research institutions are well-respected around the world, and many important scientific discoveries and inventions have been made by French scientists and researchers. (universités, institutions de recherche, découvertes, inventions, scientifiques français, chercheurs)

  • In recent years, there has been a growing interest in technology and innovation in Francophone countries, with many startups and tech companies emerging in cities such as Paris, Montreal, and Dakar. (innovation, entreprises technologiques, startups, villes francophones, Paris, Montréal, Dakar)

  • There is also a growing concern about the environmental impact of technology and the need to develop sustainable solutions to address issues such as climate change and pollution. (impact environnemental, solutions durables, changement climatique, pollution)

  • French-speaking countries are actively involved in international scientific and technological collaborations, including through organizations such as the European Space Agency and the Francophonie. (collaborations internationales, science, technologie, agences spatiales, Francophonie)

  • French-language scientific publications and conferences play an important role in disseminating scientific knowledge and facilitating collaboration among researchers in the Francophone world and beyond. (publications scientifiques, conférences, diffusion de la connaissance scientifique, collaboration, chercheurs)

  • Finally, there is a recognition that science and technology are not value-neutral, and that they have the potential to both solve and exacerbate social and political problems. There is a growing emphasis on ethical considerations in science and technology, including issues related to privacy, equity, and access. (éthique, considérations éthiques, science, technologie, problèmes sociaux et politiques, vie privée, équité, accès)


Here is the vocabulary from above:

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • science: science (f)

  • Francophone countries: pays francophones (mpl)

  • contributions: contributions (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • medicine: médecine (f)

  • engineering: ingénierie (f)

  • mathematics: mathématiques (fpl)

  • universities: universités (fpl)

  • research institutions: institutions de recherche (fpl)

  • discoveries: découvertes (fpl)

  • inventions: inventions (fpl)

  • French scientists: scientifiques français (mpl)

  • researchers: chercheurs (mpl)

  • innovation: innovation (f)

  • technology companies: entreprises technologiques (fpl)

  • startups: startups (fpl)

  • Francophone cities: villes francophones (fpl)

  • environmental impact: impact environnemental (m)

  • sustainable solutions: solutions durables (fpl)

  • climate change: changement climatique (m)

  • pollution: pollution (f)

  • international collaborations: collaborations internationales (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • technology: technologie (f)

  • space agencies: agences spatiales (fpl)

  • Francophonie: Francophonie (f)

  • scientific publications: publications scientifiques (fpl)

  • conferences: conférences (fpl)

  • dissemination of scientific knowledge: diffusion de la connaissance scientifique (f)

  • collaboration: collaboration (f)

  • researchers: chercheurs (mpl)

  • ethics: éthique (f)

  • ethical considerations: considérations éthiques (fpl)

  • science: science (f)

  • social and political issues: problèmes sociaux et politiques (mpl)

  • privacy: vie privée (f)

  • equity: équité (f)

  • access: accès (m)
