
Quiz 2 study guide

#1 Be able to list the structures that make up the central nervous system and the functions of those structures and the central nervous system as a whole

The structures that make up the central nervous system/CNS are the brain and the spinal cord. 

The function of the brain is to act as the control center of the body and to initiate and regulate all sensory, motor and cognitive functions.

The spinal cord holds the spinal nerve which branches out into the peripheral nervous system.

The function of the central nervous system is to carry sensory information from the body to the brain and to carry motor information from the brain to the body.

#2 Be able to list and explain the functions of the 3 major parts of the brain

The three major parts of the brain are the brainstem, the cerebellum, and the cerebrum

The brainstem is located directly on the spinal cord and relays information between the body and the brain. It manages heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, and other non-voluntary actions

The cerebellum is located right above the brainstem and is responsible for coordination of muscle movements. Examples are maintaining muscle tone, monitoring movement range and strength, maintaining posture and equilibrium, maintenance of the body’s position in space, and has a limited cognitive role.

The cerebrum is located above the cerebellum and is responsible for cognitive/ executive functions such as thinking, rationalization, and problem solving.

#3 Be able to list and explain the functions of the 6 lobes of the brain and be able to identify specific areas that may be associated with that lobe (i.e. Heschl’s gyrus)

The 6 lobes of the brain are: the frontal lobe, the temporal lobes, the parietal lobes, and the occipital lobe.

The frontal lobe is responsible for personality, executive function, and contains Broca’s area for speech production.

The temporal lobes are responsible for hearing related functions such as interpreting auditory input (Heschl’s gyrus) and speech comprehension (Wernicke’s area)

The parietal lobes are responsible for comprehending oral and written language, perceiving and integrating sensory perceptual information, and logical calculations such as math.

The occipital lobe is responsible for processing visual information. Damage can cause cortical blindness.

#4 Be able to define the following: Physiology, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), meninges, anatomy

Physiology can be defined as the functions of structures. I.e. sight, hearing, movements of muscles etc.

Cerebrospinal fluid is defined as the fluid that circulates between the pia and arachnoid mater and what suspends the brain in the skull.

Meninges are defined as a series of 3 layered membranes that protect the brain from force trauma.

Anatomy is defined as structures of the body. I.e. eyes, ears, legs , etc
