Database - An organised collection of inter-related data that ensures safety , security and integrity of data.

DBMS - software that provides essential services to create, maintain and manage the database.


  • Control of data redundancy

  • Data consistency

  • Sharing of data

  • Database ensures standards ( predefined rules and standards have to be followed)

  • Privacy and security

  • Backup and recovery

Relation Database - Data organised as tables


  • Entity

  • Attribute - columns

  • Tuple - row

  • Relation - table

  • Domain - pool of data from which original data is collected

  • Cardinality - no of rows

  • Degree - no of columns

Relational Database Management system - software which provides essential tools to create, manage and maintain data in the form of tables


Keys are attributes that allow us to identify an attribute or set of aatributes.

Different types of keys:

  • Primary Key - an attribute or a set of attribute that allows us to uniquely identify a tuple or row in a table. They are unique , cant be duplicated.

  • Candidate Key - attributes which can be selected as the primary key

  • Alternate Key - candidate key which is not selected as primary key

  • Foreign Key - attribute of a table that is the primary key of another table

Parent table - primary key

Child table - Foreign key

SQL (Stuctured query language):

  • lanuage - used to access and manipulate databases

  • create , retrive info


Data types - numeric and non numeric


  1. Interger: positve 11 and negative 10

  2. Numeric [Number(x,y)]: x - how many , y - decimal , 1 for decimal point

  3. Decimal - same


  1. char(x): fixed length

  2. varchar(x): variable length

  3. Date: ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

  4. Datetime: ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’

SQL commands:

  1. DDL - definition - create, delete, change the structure - create, drop, alter , crete database, use database

  2. DML - manipulation - insert, update, delete data within the database.

  3. DCL - control - grant permissions and control access to the database, including commands such as GRANT and REVOKE.

  4. TCL - transaction control - manage transactions in a database, ensuring data integrity through commands like COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.

  5. DQL - query - select (extract data)
