1. Cold War (8.2)

    2. Soviet Union (8.2)

    3. Joseph Stalin (8.2)

    4. United Nations (8.2)

    5. satellites (8.2)

    6. Winston Churchill (8.2)

    7. Iron Curtain (8.2)

    8. containment policy (8.2)

    9. George Marshall (8.2)

    10. Truman Doctrine (8.2)

    11. Marshall Plan (8.2)

    12. Berlin airlift (8.2)

    13. West Germany (8.2)

    14. East Germany (8.2)

    15. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (8.2)

    16. Warsaw Pact (8.2)

    17. National Security Act (8.2)

    18. arms race (8.2)

    19. Douglas McArthur (8.2)

    20. Mao Zedong (8.2)

    21. People’s Republic of China (8.2)

    22. 38th parallel (8.2)

    23. Korean War (8.2)

    24. John Foster Dulles (8.2)

    25. brinkmanship (8.2)

    26. massive retaliation (8.2)

    27. Korean armistice (8.2)

    28. Nikita Khrushchev (8.2)

    29. Sputnik (8.2)

    30. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (8.2)

    31. U-2 incident (8.2)

    32. Fidel Castro (8.2)

    33. military-industrial complex (8.2)

    34. Bay of Pigs (8.2)

    35. Berlin Wall (8.2)

    36. Cuban missile crisis (8.2)

    37. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (8.2)

    38. flexible-response policy (8.2)

    39. Non-Proliferation Treaty (8.2)

    40. Henry Kissinger (8.2)

    41. detente (8.2)

    42. antiBallistic missiles (ABMs) (8.2)

    43. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) (8.2)

    44. Loyalty Review Board (8.3)

    45. Dennis et al. v. United States (8.3)

    46. Smith Act (1940) (8.3)

    47. McCarran Internal Security Act (8.3)

    48. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) (8.3)

    49. Alger Hiss (8.3)

    50. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (8.3)

    51. McCarthyism (8.3)

    52. Harry S. Truman (8.4)

    53. Employment Act of 1946 (8.4)

    54. Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights or GI Bills) (8.4)

    55. baby boom (8.4)

    56. Levittown (8.4)

    57. 22nd Amendment (8.4)

    58. Taft-Hartley Act (8.4)

    59. Fair Deal (8.4)

    60. Dwight D. Eisenhower (8.4)

    61. modern Republicanism (8.4)

    62. Highway Act (8.4)

    63. New Frontier (8.4)

    64. beatniks (8.5)

    65. Jackie Robinson (8.6)

    66. Committee on Civil Rights (8.6)

    67. Thurgood Marshall (8.6)

    68. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (8.6)

    69. Southern Manifesto (8.6)

    70. desegregation (8.6)

    71. Little Rock (8.6)

    72. Rosa Parks (8.6)

    73. Martin Luther King Jr. (8.6)

    74. Montgomery bus boycott (8.6)

    75. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (8.6)

    76. sit-in movement (8.6)

    77. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (8.6)

    78. covert action (8.7)

    79. Suez crisis (8.7)

    80. Eisenhower Doctrine (8.7)

    81. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (8.7)

    82. Yom Kippur (October) War (8.7)

    83. oil embargo (8.7)

    84. Camp David Accords (8.7)

    85. Peace Corps (8.7)

    86. Alliance for Progress (8.7)

    87. Ngo Dinh Diem (8.8)

    88. domino theory (8.8)

    89. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) (8.8)

    90. Tonkin Gulf Resolution (8.8)

    91. General William Westmoreland (8.8)

    92. Tet Offensive (8.8)

    93. Robert F. Kennedy (8.8)

    94. Richard Nixon (8.8)

    95. Democratic Convention in Chicago (8.8)

    96. Hubert Humphrey (8.8)

    97. Henry Kissinger (8.8)

    98. Vietnamization (8.8)

    99. Nixon Doctrine (8.8)

    100. Kent State (8.8)

    101. My Lai (8.8)

    102. Pentagon Papers (8.8)

    103. Paris Accords (8.8)

    104. War Powers Act (8.8)

    105. Lyndon Johson (8.9)

    106. Great Society (8.9)

    107. war on poverty (8.9)

    108. Medicare (8.9)

    109. Medicaid (8.9)

    110. Silent Spring (8.9)

    111. James Meredith (8.10)

    112. George Wallace (8.10)

    113. Martin Luther King Jr. (8.10)

    114. Letter from Birmingham Jail (8.10)

    115. March on Washington (8.10)

    116. “I Have a Dream” speech (8.10)

    117. Civil Rights Act (8.10)

    118. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (8.10)

    119. 24th Amendment (8.10)

    120. March to Montgomery (8.10)

    121. Voting Rights Act of 1965 (8.10)

    122. Black Muslim (8.10)

    123. Malcolm X (8.10)

    124. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (8.10)

    125. Congress of Racial Equality (8.10)

    126. Stokely Carmichael (8.10)

    127. Black Panthers (8.10)

    128. de facto segregation (8.10)

    129. The Feminine Mystique (8.11)

    130. National Organization for Women (NOW) (8.11)

    131. Equal Pay Act of 1963 (8.11)

    132. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (8.11)

    133. Title IX (8.11)

    134. Equal Rights Amendment (8.11)

    135. Warren Court (8.11)

    136. Mapp v. Ohio (8.11)

    137. Miranda v. Arizona (8.11)

    138. Students for a Democratic Society (8.12)

    139. New Left (8.12)

    140. Woodstock (8.12)

    141. Three Mile Island (8.13)

    142. Earth Day (8.13)

    143. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (8.13)

    144. Clean Air Act (8.13)

    145. Clean Water Act (8.13)

    146. Endangered Species Act (8.13)

    147. Richard Nixon (8.14)

    148. silent  majority (8.14)

    149. Southern strategy (8.14)

    150. Watergate (8.14)

    151. Gerald Ford (8.14)

    152. Jimmy Carter (8.14)

    153. Burger Court (8.14)

    154. Roe v.Wade (8.14)

    155. Moral Majority (8.14)
