Late Antiquity; Rabbinic Judaism; The Origins of Islam.
Focus on the evolution of Judaism and its relation to ancient Hebrew religion.
First Temple Judaism: Ended in 586 BCE with the Babylonian conquest.
Second Temple Judaism: From 538 BCE to 70 CE, pivotal period for Jewish identity.
Rabbinic Judaism: Emerges around 200 BCE and continues to the present.
Jews have undergone Hellenization; integration of Greek culture.
Establishment of religious institutions:
Temples (Hebrew) and Synagogues (Greek).
Torah referred to as Pentateuch in Greek.
Traditional Priests supplemented by Rabbis.
Synagogues become community and religious centers across the diaspora by 100 BCE.
Today, synagogues remain integral to modern Judaism.
Event: Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, leading to significant shifts in Jewish practice.
Western Wall: Remains a symbol of Jewish resilience and heritage.
TORAH: Law, covering Genesis to Deuteronomy.
N’VIIM: Prophets, including prophets like Isaiah and Amos.
K’THVIIM: Writings, such as Job, Ecclesiastes.
MIDRASH: Commentaries on the Torah, originated around 300 BCE.
TALMUD: Commentaries on the Midrash, developed from 600 CE to present.
Discussion of both oral and written Torah traditions.
Mitzvot: Commandments or good deeds within the faith.
Tikkun Olam: Concept of repairing the world; social justice principle.
Community and Religion: Rabbinic Judaism represents both a communal and religious identity.
Gamaliel's Teachings:
Emphasizes the importance of Torah study.
Highlights the concept of mercy in religious life.
70 CE: Destruction of the Temple and shift towards Rabbinic Judaism as dominant.
235-284 CE: Crisis of the 3rd century.
284 CE: Diocletian’s reforms establishing the dominate system.
306 CE: Edict of Toleration issued.
367 CE: First occurrence of a modern biblical canon proposed by Athanasius.
356 CE: Idol worship becomes punishable by death.
407 CE: Outlawing of all non-Christian worship.
410 CE: Sacking of Rome by the Huns; indicates shift into the Dark Ages in Europe and rise of the Byzantine Empire.