rabbinic judaism

The World 70-600 CE


  • Late Antiquity; Rabbinic Judaism; The Origins of Islam.

  • Focus on the evolution of Judaism and its relation to ancient Hebrew religion.

Ancient Hebrew Religion and Modern Judaism

Transition Through Eras

  • First Temple Judaism: Ended in 586 BCE with the Babylonian conquest.

  • Second Temple Judaism: From 538 BCE to 70 CE, pivotal period for Jewish identity.

  • Rabbinic Judaism: Emerges around 200 BCE and continues to the present.

Hellenization and Jewish Community

Changes by 200 BCE

  • Jews have undergone Hellenization; integration of Greek culture.

  • Establishment of religious institutions:

    • Temples (Hebrew) and Synagogues (Greek).

    • Torah referred to as Pentateuch in Greek.

  • Leadership:

    • Traditional Priests supplemented by Rabbis.

    • Synagogues become community and religious centers across the diaspora by 100 BCE.

    • Today, synagogues remain integral to modern Judaism.

Destruction of Jerusalem

  • Event: Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, leading to significant shifts in Jewish practice.

  • Western Wall: Remains a symbol of Jewish resilience and heritage.

Hebrew Bible Structure


    • TORAH: Law, covering Genesis to Deuteronomy.

    • N’VIIM: Prophets, including prophets like Isaiah and Amos.

    • K’THVIIM: Writings, such as Job, Ecclesiastes.

Commentary and Interpretation

Key Texts

  • MIDRASH: Commentaries on the Torah, originated around 300 BCE.

  • TALMUD: Commentaries on the Midrash, developed from 600 CE to present.

  • Discussion of both oral and written Torah traditions.

Principles of Rabbinic Judaism

Core Concepts

  • Mitzvot: Commandments or good deeds within the faith.

  • Tikkun Olam: Concept of repairing the world; social justice principle.

  • Community and Religion: Rabbinic Judaism represents both a communal and religious identity.

  • Gamaliel's Teachings:

    • Emphasizes the importance of Torah study.

    • Highlights the concept of mercy in religious life.

Historical Events from 300-500 CE in Europe

Timeline of Key Events

  • 70 CE: Destruction of the Temple and shift towards Rabbinic Judaism as dominant.

  • 235-284 CE: Crisis of the 3rd century.

  • 284 CE: Diocletian’s reforms establishing the dominate system.

  • 306 CE: Edict of Toleration issued.

  • 367 CE: First occurrence of a modern biblical canon proposed by Athanasius.

  • 356 CE: Idol worship becomes punishable by death.

  • 407 CE: Outlawing of all non-Christian worship.

  • 410 CE: Sacking of Rome by the Huns; indicates shift into the Dark Ages in Europe and rise of the Byzantine Empire.
