Instructor: Dr. Elita Partosoedarso
Recording Available On: YouTube
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To produce gametes (oocytes) for sexual reproduction.
Fusion with male gamete (sperm) forms first cell of offspring, increasing genetic diversity for survival.
Support for Fetus:
Supports developing fetus and delivers it externally.
Provides protection and nutrition to offspring for several years.
Essential Organs (Gonads):
Ovaries: Paired organs producing ova and sex hormones.
Accessory organs and ducts facilitate reproduction.
Internal Genitals:
Uterine tubes, uterus, vagina.
External Genitals:
Mammary Glands:
Produce and secrete milk.
Over pectoral muscles, connected by fascia.
Mammary glands produce breast milk for lactation.
Breast size determined by fat around glandular tissue, not milk production capability.
Structure Components:
Suspensory Ligaments: Connect breast tissue to skin.
Nipple & Areola: Nipple surrounded by pigmented areola with lubricating glands.
Lobes & Lobules: Lobes divided into lobules with alveoli (milk-secreting cells).
Estrogen: Stimulates growth of mammary ducts.
Progesterone: Develops secretory cells; can cause tenderness.
Prolactin: Stimulates milk production.
Oxytocin: Releases milk during suckling.
Main Functions:
Produce ova via oogenesis; haploid gametes (23 chromosomes).
Secrete hormones (estrogens, progesterone) to regulate reproductive function.
Location: Pelvic cavity, attached to the uterus by ovarian ligaments; mesovarium connects ovaries to broad ligament.
Outer Cortex: Contains developing oocytes in follicles.
Inner Medulla: Supportive tissue and vessels.
Location: Attached to upper outer angles of uterus.
Transport oocyte to uterus; site of fertilization.
Zygote implantation in the uterus after division.
Infundibulum: Open to peritoneum; contains finger-like fimbriae.
Ampulla: Middle area; common site for fertilization.
Isthmus: Narrow section connecting to uterus.
Outer fibrous adventitia.
Smooth muscle layer helps move oocyte.
Mucosa with cilia to aid ovum movement.
Nourishes and supports embryo post-fertilization.
Location: Between urinary bladder and rectum.
Fundus: Superior to uterine tubes.
Body (corpus): Middle section.
Cervix: Narrow portion into vagina; produces mucus to aid sperm movement.
Endometrium: Inner epithelial layer; vascular and glandular.
Two Sub-layers: stratum functionalis (shed during menses) and stratum basalis (not shed).
Myometrium: Thick muscle layer for contractions.
Perimetrium: Outer serous membrane.
Function: Passageway for sperm, menstrual blood, and delivery.
Location: At the cervical canal's upper portion.
Structure: Tubular muscular canal; consists of three layers (adventitia, muscle, mucous).
Additional Features: Bartholin’s glands for lubrication; protective microorganisms.
Sperm enters vagina, moves through cervix and uterine tube.
Fertilization occurs in uterine tube and zygote moves to uterus for implantation.
Oogenesis: Production of gametes.
Folliculogenesis: Growth and development of follicles.
Follicular Phase: Development of ovarian follicle.
Ovulation: Release of the oocyte.
Luteal Phase: Hormone secretion from corpus luteum.
Primordial Follicles: Present at birth; resting state.
Primary Follicles: Grow and develop from puberty.
Secondary Follicles: Larger; begin to secrete estrogen.
Tertiary Follicle: Full development leads to ovulation.
Corpus Luteum Formation: After follicle rupture.
Negative feedback loop involving GnRH, FSH, and LH—stimulates follicle development.
Estrogen levels cause atresia of non-dominant follicles.
Triggered by LH surge; expulsion of oocyte.
Post-ovulation changes; corpus luteum produces progesterone.
Regulates uterine lining; prepares for potential implantation.
Regulates fertility and ensures suitable conditions for implantation.
Limited window of fertility each cycle; oocytes must be fertilized promptly.
Stratum Functionalis: Grows and sheds during menstrual cycle.
Stratum Basalis: Stable layer that remains during menses.
Endometrial Glands: Provide nourishment to zygote.
Secretory Phase: Endometrium prepares for implantation.
Ovulation: Release of oocyte triggered by LH.
Proliferative Phase: Endometrium rebuilds after menses.
Menses: Shedding of the layer if no fertilization occurs.