Operands: The values upon which operators perform calculations. Can be numeric, character, or other data types.
Operators: Symbols that specify the type of calculation to be performed.
Arithmetic Operators: Compute numeric values from numeric operands.
Logical Operators: Compute logical values from logical operands.
Unary Operator: Operates on one operand (e.g., NOT).
Binary Operator: Operates on two operands; most operators are binary.
NULL Behavior: Operators may return NULL when either operand is NULL.
Expression Evaluation
An expression computes a single value based on operators and operands.
Operator Precedence: Refers to the order in which operators in an expression are evaluated.
Expressions may also evaluate to NULL, indicating an unassigned value.
Example: For instance, evaluating columns such as 'Platinum' AND 'Quality Unit Price' may involve numeric values and result in NULL if conditions aren't met.
SELECT Statement Structure
SELECT Clause: Specifies the columns to retrieve from a data source.
Example: SELECT column_name, ... retrieves the specified columns.
FROM Clause: Indicates the table from which to select rows.
Example: FROM table_name specifies the source table.
Limit Clause: Can restrict the number of rows returned.
Example: LIMIT 100 indicates that only 100 rows should be returned.
WHERE Clause Evaluation
WHERE Clause: Optional clause that specifies conditions for row selection.
A row is included if the WHERE condition evaluates to TRUE for the row's values.
A row is omitted if the condition evaluates to FALSE or NULL, effectively filtering the results based on specified criteria.