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kin exam 1

1. Understand the difference between Morbidity and Mortality

- Morbidity: the relative incidence of a particular disease (how many people catch it)

- Mortality: death rate for disease

2. Understand the relationship between exercise and the leading causes of death in the US in 2019-2020

- Heart disease and cancer could have been prevented/ alleviated if 100% of Americans followed physical activity and exercise guidelines

3. Know what the NHANES is

a. National health and nutrition examination survey

b. To assess the health and nutritional status of adults

4. Understand when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use BMI as measurement of overweightness and obesity

a. It is inappropriate for those who lift weights, have more muscle mass and those who are taller

b. It is appropriate for those who are physically inactive

5. Understand the difference between exercise and physical activity

a. Exercise is planned, goal-oriented, and repetitive constant engagement

b. Physical activity: movement of daily living leisure and work around the home

6. Know the different areas in KINESIOLOGY and what they study

a. Exercise physiology

i. Physiological responses to physical activity, exercise, sport, and athletic competition

b. Clinical exercise physiology

i. Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases

c. Athletic training and sports medicine

i. Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport and athletic injuries

d. Exercise and sport nutrition

i. Nutritional aspects of disease prevention and improvement of sport and athletic performance

e. Exercise and sport psychology

i. Behavioral and mental aspects of exercise, sport, and athletic performance

f. Motor behavior

i. Control of body movement in healthy and diseased conditions and improvement of sport and athletic performance

g. Clinical and sport biomechanics

i. Mechanical aspects of movement in disease, injury, sport, and athletic performance.

7. Understand the role of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist

- Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases, evaluate the health/ fitness status of the patient, prescribe physical activity/ exercise

8. Know the differences between basic and applied research

a. Basic Research: Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study.

b. Applied Research: Research directed toward finding solutions to an immediate practical problem

i. Results are generalized and extended towards the targeted population setting

9. Understand what makes something “qualitative” vs “quantitative” research

a. Quantitative Research: Research that uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or surveys (assigned a number )one-rep max

b. Qualitative Research: Research that uses extensive observations and interviews to provide non-numeric data obtained in natural environments or open-ended survey responses (detailed notes on a football game)

10. Know all the body systems and how they relate specifically to exercise science

a. Nervous

b. Endocrine

c. Respiratory

d. Circulatory

e. Muscular

f. Skeletal

g. Energy

11. Understand the anatomy and function of the Nervous System

a. Control voluntary and involuntary actions of the body

b. Works with other systems to respond to stimuli or challenges places on the body (stimulus- something your body responses to)

c. Typically divided into the central and the peripheral nervous system

12. Know the difference between the three types of muscle

a. Cardiac- muscle found in the heart

b. Smooth- muscle found in the lining of the walls of organs and vessels

c. Skeletal- muscle involved in movement of bone

13. Understand the differences between the growth of muscle vs the growth of adipose tissue

a. Hypertrophy- growth of the muscle fiber cross sectional area (Size)

b. Hyperplasia- growth of number of muscle fibers (fat, adipose)

14. Understand the cause and prevention of osteoporosis

a. Cause: lack of calcium, genetics, and lack of exercise

b. Prevention: maximize bone mass by age 30 and slow rate of bone loss (calcium intake, exercise- high intensity)

15. Understand the disease condition “Atherosclerosis”

a. Plague and fat build up in the arteries supplying blood to the heart slow blood flow to cardiac muscle

16. Understand the difference between acute and chronic

a. Acute-short term, actions that occur in response to a single bout of physical activity or exercise

b. Chronic long term, changes in the system of the body that occurs in response to repeated regular physical activity and exercise

Know the acute and chronic responses to PA/Exercise

c. Pulmonary

i. Acute: Increased in air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs

ii. Chronic: improved air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs at similar intensities

d. Cardiovascular

i. Acute: increase heart rate, bp, and redirection of blood flow to working muscle

ii. Chronic: decrease in resting heart rate

e. Muscular

i. Acute: increase in force production, usage of energy and heat production

ii. Chronic: more energy from fat at the same exercise intensities

f. Endocrine system

i. Acute: increase in adrenaline

ii. Chronic: decrease in adrenaline production at the same exercise intensities

17. Know what the body can use for energy

a. Mainly fats and carbs, sometimes proteins

18. Understand when the body uses different macronutrients as its primary energy source

a. Fats: low intensity and long duration

b. Carbs: high intensity short duration

c. Proteins: starvation mode

19. Explain why the “Fat Burning Zone” may or may not be real

a. Because when you are exercising at a higher intensity, you are burning more calories which means you are burning more fat

20. Understand the relationship between exercise and bone health

a. Exercise provides a stimulus for bone growth. This helps to combat bone loss often seen with ageing

b. Piezoelectric effect: applying force to a charge will create a voltage

c. Wolfs law: applying a force to a bone will generate an electrical currenting making it more dense

21. Understand the female athlete triad

a. Overtraining and undereating

b. Poor bone health can come from poor nutrition

c. Missed or irregular periods

d. Cross country or gymnastics

22. Be familiar with all forms administered before exercise testing begins

a. Health history and PAR-Q

23. If given a client’s age, be able to calculate their maximal heart rate

a. 220-age

24. Be very familiar with the stages of hypertension, and how to diagnose someone as a stage of hypertension.

a. An individual with hypertension has an increased risk in cardiovascular disease and stroke

25. Understand what happens to blood pressure during exercise, and be able to asses whether or not a client can continue exercising if you are given an example of an exercise blood pressure

a. 120/80 is normal

b. Yes, systolic bp should increase will exercises but not an extreme amount, diastole should only stay the same or go a little lower

26. Understand the usefulness of both the OMNI Scale and the Borg RPE Scale

a. OMNI is overall easier for people to understand

b. Borg correlates with heart rate; advantage: safety

27. Be familiar with the FITT acronym

a. Frequency (how often # of days per week ), intensity (how hard, weight ranges, set ranges, %VO2max, or hr max) , time (how long, duration) and type (what kind, different resistance training, jog, bike, etc)

28. Understand the tenants of exercise prescription including overload, specificity, and individuality.

a. Specific – Relevant to the client / patient’s goal

b. Individual – No cookie cutter programs, everyone responds differently

c. Progressive Overload – Exercise should increase in intensity duration and frequency OVER time

Reversibility: if you don’t use it you will lose it; once someone stops and exercise program, as time progresses, they will lose any adaptations they make

Normal blood pressure : 120/80

Prehypertension 120/139 or 80-89

Stage 1 hypertension 140-59 or 90-99

Stage 2 hypertension greater than 160 or greater than 100

Stage 3 hypertension greater than 180 or greater than 110

1. Understand the difference between Morbidity and Mortality

- Morbidity: the relative incidence of a particular disease (how many people catch it)

- Mortality: death rate for disease

2. Understand the relationship between exercise and the leading causes of death in the US in 2019-2020

- Heart disease and cancer could have been prevented/ alleviated if 100% of Americans followed physical activity and exercise guidelines

3. Know what the NHANES is

a. National health and nutrition examination survey

b. To assess the health and nutritional status of adults

4. Understand when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use BMI as measurement of overweightness and obesity

a. It is inappropriate for those who lift weights, have more muscle mass and those who are taller

b. It is appropriate for those who are physically inactive

5. Understand the difference between exercise and physical activity

a. Exercise is planned, goal-oriented, and repetitive constant engagement

b. Physical activity: movement of daily living leisure and work around the home

6. Know the different areas in KINESIOLOGY and what they study

a. Exercise physiology

i. Physiological responses to physical activity, exercise, sport, and athletic competition

b. Clinical exercise physiology

i. Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases

c. Athletic training and sports medicine

i. Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport and athletic injuries

d. Exercise and sport nutrition

i. Nutritional aspects of disease prevention and improvement of sport and athletic performance

e. Exercise and sport psychology

i. Behavioral and mental aspects of exercise, sport, and athletic performance

f. Motor behavior

i. Control of body movement in healthy and diseased conditions and improvement of sport and athletic performance

g. Clinical and sport biomechanics

i. Mechanical aspects of movement in disease, injury, sport, and athletic performance.

7. Understand the role of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist

- Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases, evaluate the health/ fitness status of the patient, prescribe physical activity/ exercise

8. Know the differences between basic and applied research

a. Basic Research: Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study.

b. Applied Research: Research directed toward finding solutions to an immediate practical problem

i. Results are generalized and extended towards the targeted population setting

9. Understand what makes something “qualitative” vs “quantitative” research

a. Quantitative Research: Research that uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or surveys (assigned a number )one-rep max

b. Qualitative Research: Research that uses extensive observations and interviews to provide non-numeric data obtained in natural environments or open-ended survey responses (detailed notes on a football game)

10. Know all the body systems and how they relate specifically to exercise science

a. Nervous

b. Endocrine

c. Respiratory

d. Circulatory

e. Muscular

f. Skeletal

g. Energy

11. Understand the anatomy and function of the Nervous System

a. Control voluntary and involuntary actions of the body

b. Works with other systems to respond to stimuli or challenges places on the body (stimulus- something your body responses to)

c. Typically divided into the central and the peripheral nervous system

12. Know the difference between the three types of muscle

a. Cardiac- muscle found in the heart

b. Smooth- muscle found in the lining of the walls of organs and vessels

c. Skeletal- muscle involved in movement of bone

13. Understand the differences between the growth of muscle vs the growth of adipose tissue

a. Hypertrophy- growth of the muscle fiber cross sectional area (Size)

b. Hyperplasia- growth of number of muscle fibers (fat, adipose)

14. Understand the cause and prevention of osteoporosis

a. Cause: lack of calcium, genetics, and lack of exercise

b. Prevention: maximize bone mass by age 30 and slow rate of bone loss (calcium intake, exercise- high intensity)

15. Understand the disease condition “Atherosclerosis”

a. Plague and fat build up in the arteries supplying blood to the heart slow blood flow to cardiac muscle

16. Understand the difference between acute and chronic

a. Acute-short term, actions that occur in response to a single bout of physical activity or exercise

b. Chronic long term, changes in the system of the body that occurs in response to repeated regular physical activity and exercise

Know the acute and chronic responses to PA/Exercise

c. Pulmonary

i. Acute: Increased in air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs

ii. Chronic: improved air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs at similar intensities

d. Cardiovascular

i. Acute: increase heart rate, bp, and redirection of blood flow to working muscle

ii. Chronic: decrease in resting heart rate

e. Muscular

i. Acute: increase in force production, usage of energy and heat production

ii. Chronic: more energy from fat at the same exercise intensities

f. Endocrine system

i. Acute: increase in adrenaline

ii. Chronic: decrease in adrenaline production at the same exercise intensities

17. Know what the body can use for energy

a. Mainly fats and carbs, sometimes proteins

18. Understand when the body uses different macronutrients as its primary energy source

a. Fats: low intensity and long duration

b. Carbs: high intensity short duration

c. Proteins: starvation mode

19. Explain why the “Fat Burning Zone” may or may not be real

a. Because when you are exercising at a higher intensity, you are burning more calories which means you are burning more fat

20. Understand the relationship between exercise and bone health

a. Exercise provides a stimulus for bone growth. This helps to combat bone loss often seen with ageing

b. Piezoelectric effect: applying force to a charge will create a voltage

c. Wolfs law: applying a force to a bone will generate an electrical currenting making it more dense

21. Understand the female athlete triad

a. Overtraining and undereating

b. Poor bone health can come from poor nutrition

c. Missed or irregular periods

d. Cross country or gymnastics

22. Be familiar with all forms administered before exercise testing begins

a. Health history and PAR-Q

23. If given a client’s age, be able to calculate their maximal heart rate

a. 220-age

24. Be very familiar with the stages of hypertension, and how to diagnose someone as a stage of hypertension.

a. An individual with hypertension has an increased risk in cardiovascular disease and stroke

25. Understand what happens to blood pressure during exercise, and be able to asses whether or not a client can continue exercising if you are given an example of an exercise blood pressure

a. 120/80 is normal

b. Yes, systolic bp should increase will exercises but not an extreme amount, diastole should only stay the same or go a little lower

26. Understand the usefulness of both the OMNI Scale and the Borg RPE Scale

a. OMNI is overall easier for people to understand

b. Borg correlates with heart rate; advantage: safety

27. Be familiar with the FITT acronym

a. Frequency (how often # of days per week ), intensity (how hard, weight ranges, set ranges, %VO2max, or hr max) , time (how long, duration) and type (what kind, different resistance training, jog, bike, etc)

28. Understand the tenants of exercise prescription including overload, specificity, and individuality.

a. Specific – Relevant to the client / patient’s goal

b. Individual – No cookie cutter programs, everyone responds differently

c. Progressive Overload – Exercise should increase in intensity duration and frequency OVER time

Reversibility: if you don’t use it you will lose it; once someone stops and exercise program, as time progresses, they will lose any adaptations they make

Normal blood pressure : 120/80

Prehypertension 120/139 or 80-89

Stage 1 hypertension 140-59 or 90-99

Stage 2 hypertension greater than 160 or greater than 100

Stage 3 hypertension greater than 180 or greater than 110

kin exam 1

1. Understand the difference between Morbidity and Mortality

- Morbidity: the relative incidence of a particular disease (how many people catch it)

- Mortality: death rate for disease

2. Understand the relationship between exercise and the leading causes of death in the US in 2019-2020

- Heart disease and cancer could have been prevented/ alleviated if 100% of Americans followed physical activity and exercise guidelines

3. Know what the NHANES is

a. National health and nutrition examination survey

b. To assess the health and nutritional status of adults

4. Understand when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use BMI as measurement of overweightness and obesity

a. It is inappropriate for those who lift weights, have more muscle mass and those who are taller

b. It is appropriate for those who are physically inactive

5. Understand the difference between exercise and physical activity

a. Exercise is planned, goal-oriented, and repetitive constant engagement

b. Physical activity: movement of daily living leisure and work around the home

6. Know the different areas in KINESIOLOGY and what they study

a. Exercise physiology

i. Physiological responses to physical activity, exercise, sport, and athletic competition

b. Clinical exercise physiology

i. Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases

c. Athletic training and sports medicine

i. Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport and athletic injuries

d. Exercise and sport nutrition

i. Nutritional aspects of disease prevention and improvement of sport and athletic performance

e. Exercise and sport psychology

i. Behavioral and mental aspects of exercise, sport, and athletic performance

f. Motor behavior

i. Control of body movement in healthy and diseased conditions and improvement of sport and athletic performance

g. Clinical and sport biomechanics

i. Mechanical aspects of movement in disease, injury, sport, and athletic performance.

7. Understand the role of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist

- Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases, evaluate the health/ fitness status of the patient, prescribe physical activity/ exercise

8. Know the differences between basic and applied research

a. Basic Research: Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study.

b. Applied Research: Research directed toward finding solutions to an immediate practical problem

i. Results are generalized and extended towards the targeted population setting

9. Understand what makes something “qualitative” vs “quantitative” research

a. Quantitative Research: Research that uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or surveys (assigned a number )one-rep max

b. Qualitative Research: Research that uses extensive observations and interviews to provide non-numeric data obtained in natural environments or open-ended survey responses (detailed notes on a football game)

10. Know all the body systems and how they relate specifically to exercise science

a. Nervous

b. Endocrine

c. Respiratory

d. Circulatory

e. Muscular

f. Skeletal

g. Energy

11. Understand the anatomy and function of the Nervous System

a. Control voluntary and involuntary actions of the body

b. Works with other systems to respond to stimuli or challenges places on the body (stimulus- something your body responses to)

c. Typically divided into the central and the peripheral nervous system

12. Know the difference between the three types of muscle

a. Cardiac- muscle found in the heart

b. Smooth- muscle found in the lining of the walls of organs and vessels

c. Skeletal- muscle involved in movement of bone

13. Understand the differences between the growth of muscle vs the growth of adipose tissue

a. Hypertrophy- growth of the muscle fiber cross sectional area (Size)

b. Hyperplasia- growth of number of muscle fibers (fat, adipose)

14. Understand the cause and prevention of osteoporosis

a. Cause: lack of calcium, genetics, and lack of exercise

b. Prevention: maximize bone mass by age 30 and slow rate of bone loss (calcium intake, exercise- high intensity)

15. Understand the disease condition “Atherosclerosis”

a. Plague and fat build up in the arteries supplying blood to the heart slow blood flow to cardiac muscle

16. Understand the difference between acute and chronic

a. Acute-short term, actions that occur in response to a single bout of physical activity or exercise

b. Chronic long term, changes in the system of the body that occurs in response to repeated regular physical activity and exercise

Know the acute and chronic responses to PA/Exercise

c. Pulmonary

i. Acute: Increased in air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs

ii. Chronic: improved air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs at similar intensities

d. Cardiovascular

i. Acute: increase heart rate, bp, and redirection of blood flow to working muscle

ii. Chronic: decrease in resting heart rate

e. Muscular

i. Acute: increase in force production, usage of energy and heat production

ii. Chronic: more energy from fat at the same exercise intensities

f. Endocrine system

i. Acute: increase in adrenaline

ii. Chronic: decrease in adrenaline production at the same exercise intensities

17. Know what the body can use for energy

a. Mainly fats and carbs, sometimes proteins

18. Understand when the body uses different macronutrients as its primary energy source

a. Fats: low intensity and long duration

b. Carbs: high intensity short duration

c. Proteins: starvation mode

19. Explain why the “Fat Burning Zone” may or may not be real

a. Because when you are exercising at a higher intensity, you are burning more calories which means you are burning more fat

20. Understand the relationship between exercise and bone health

a. Exercise provides a stimulus for bone growth. This helps to combat bone loss often seen with ageing

b. Piezoelectric effect: applying force to a charge will create a voltage

c. Wolfs law: applying a force to a bone will generate an electrical currenting making it more dense

21. Understand the female athlete triad

a. Overtraining and undereating

b. Poor bone health can come from poor nutrition

c. Missed or irregular periods

d. Cross country or gymnastics

22. Be familiar with all forms administered before exercise testing begins

a. Health history and PAR-Q

23. If given a client’s age, be able to calculate their maximal heart rate

a. 220-age

24. Be very familiar with the stages of hypertension, and how to diagnose someone as a stage of hypertension.

a. An individual with hypertension has an increased risk in cardiovascular disease and stroke

25. Understand what happens to blood pressure during exercise, and be able to asses whether or not a client can continue exercising if you are given an example of an exercise blood pressure

a. 120/80 is normal

b. Yes, systolic bp should increase will exercises but not an extreme amount, diastole should only stay the same or go a little lower

26. Understand the usefulness of both the OMNI Scale and the Borg RPE Scale

a. OMNI is overall easier for people to understand

b. Borg correlates with heart rate; advantage: safety

27. Be familiar with the FITT acronym

a. Frequency (how often # of days per week ), intensity (how hard, weight ranges, set ranges, %VO2max, or hr max) , time (how long, duration) and type (what kind, different resistance training, jog, bike, etc)

28. Understand the tenants of exercise prescription including overload, specificity, and individuality.

a. Specific – Relevant to the client / patient’s goal

b. Individual – No cookie cutter programs, everyone responds differently

c. Progressive Overload – Exercise should increase in intensity duration and frequency OVER time

Reversibility: if you don’t use it you will lose it; once someone stops and exercise program, as time progresses, they will lose any adaptations they make

Normal blood pressure : 120/80

Prehypertension 120/139 or 80-89

Stage 1 hypertension 140-59 or 90-99

Stage 2 hypertension greater than 160 or greater than 100

Stage 3 hypertension greater than 180 or greater than 110

1. Understand the difference between Morbidity and Mortality

- Morbidity: the relative incidence of a particular disease (how many people catch it)

- Mortality: death rate for disease

2. Understand the relationship between exercise and the leading causes of death in the US in 2019-2020

- Heart disease and cancer could have been prevented/ alleviated if 100% of Americans followed physical activity and exercise guidelines

3. Know what the NHANES is

a. National health and nutrition examination survey

b. To assess the health and nutritional status of adults

4. Understand when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use BMI as measurement of overweightness and obesity

a. It is inappropriate for those who lift weights, have more muscle mass and those who are taller

b. It is appropriate for those who are physically inactive

5. Understand the difference between exercise and physical activity

a. Exercise is planned, goal-oriented, and repetitive constant engagement

b. Physical activity: movement of daily living leisure and work around the home

6. Know the different areas in KINESIOLOGY and what they study

a. Exercise physiology

i. Physiological responses to physical activity, exercise, sport, and athletic competition

b. Clinical exercise physiology

i. Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases

c. Athletic training and sports medicine

i. Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport and athletic injuries

d. Exercise and sport nutrition

i. Nutritional aspects of disease prevention and improvement of sport and athletic performance

e. Exercise and sport psychology

i. Behavioral and mental aspects of exercise, sport, and athletic performance

f. Motor behavior

i. Control of body movement in healthy and diseased conditions and improvement of sport and athletic performance

g. Clinical and sport biomechanics

i. Mechanical aspects of movement in disease, injury, sport, and athletic performance.

7. Understand the role of a Clinical Exercise Physiologist

- Using movement in the prevent and rehabilitation of acute and chronic diseases, evaluate the health/ fitness status of the patient, prescribe physical activity/ exercise

8. Know the differences between basic and applied research

a. Basic Research: Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study.

b. Applied Research: Research directed toward finding solutions to an immediate practical problem

i. Results are generalized and extended towards the targeted population setting

9. Understand what makes something “qualitative” vs “quantitative” research

a. Quantitative Research: Research that uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or surveys (assigned a number )one-rep max

b. Qualitative Research: Research that uses extensive observations and interviews to provide non-numeric data obtained in natural environments or open-ended survey responses (detailed notes on a football game)

10. Know all the body systems and how they relate specifically to exercise science

a. Nervous

b. Endocrine

c. Respiratory

d. Circulatory

e. Muscular

f. Skeletal

g. Energy

11. Understand the anatomy and function of the Nervous System

a. Control voluntary and involuntary actions of the body

b. Works with other systems to respond to stimuli or challenges places on the body (stimulus- something your body responses to)

c. Typically divided into the central and the peripheral nervous system

12. Know the difference between the three types of muscle

a. Cardiac- muscle found in the heart

b. Smooth- muscle found in the lining of the walls of organs and vessels

c. Skeletal- muscle involved in movement of bone

13. Understand the differences between the growth of muscle vs the growth of adipose tissue

a. Hypertrophy- growth of the muscle fiber cross sectional area (Size)

b. Hyperplasia- growth of number of muscle fibers (fat, adipose)

14. Understand the cause and prevention of osteoporosis

a. Cause: lack of calcium, genetics, and lack of exercise

b. Prevention: maximize bone mass by age 30 and slow rate of bone loss (calcium intake, exercise- high intensity)

15. Understand the disease condition “Atherosclerosis”

a. Plague and fat build up in the arteries supplying blood to the heart slow blood flow to cardiac muscle

16. Understand the difference between acute and chronic

a. Acute-short term, actions that occur in response to a single bout of physical activity or exercise

b. Chronic long term, changes in the system of the body that occurs in response to repeated regular physical activity and exercise

Know the acute and chronic responses to PA/Exercise

c. Pulmonary

i. Acute: Increased in air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs

ii. Chronic: improved air movement into and out of the lungs, and increased blood flow through the lungs at similar intensities

d. Cardiovascular

i. Acute: increase heart rate, bp, and redirection of blood flow to working muscle

ii. Chronic: decrease in resting heart rate

e. Muscular

i. Acute: increase in force production, usage of energy and heat production

ii. Chronic: more energy from fat at the same exercise intensities

f. Endocrine system

i. Acute: increase in adrenaline

ii. Chronic: decrease in adrenaline production at the same exercise intensities

17. Know what the body can use for energy

a. Mainly fats and carbs, sometimes proteins

18. Understand when the body uses different macronutrients as its primary energy source

a. Fats: low intensity and long duration

b. Carbs: high intensity short duration

c. Proteins: starvation mode

19. Explain why the “Fat Burning Zone” may or may not be real

a. Because when you are exercising at a higher intensity, you are burning more calories which means you are burning more fat

20. Understand the relationship between exercise and bone health

a. Exercise provides a stimulus for bone growth. This helps to combat bone loss often seen with ageing

b. Piezoelectric effect: applying force to a charge will create a voltage

c. Wolfs law: applying a force to a bone will generate an electrical currenting making it more dense

21. Understand the female athlete triad

a. Overtraining and undereating

b. Poor bone health can come from poor nutrition

c. Missed or irregular periods

d. Cross country or gymnastics

22. Be familiar with all forms administered before exercise testing begins

a. Health history and PAR-Q

23. If given a client’s age, be able to calculate their maximal heart rate

a. 220-age

24. Be very familiar with the stages of hypertension, and how to diagnose someone as a stage of hypertension.

a. An individual with hypertension has an increased risk in cardiovascular disease and stroke

25. Understand what happens to blood pressure during exercise, and be able to asses whether or not a client can continue exercising if you are given an example of an exercise blood pressure

a. 120/80 is normal

b. Yes, systolic bp should increase will exercises but not an extreme amount, diastole should only stay the same or go a little lower

26. Understand the usefulness of both the OMNI Scale and the Borg RPE Scale

a. OMNI is overall easier for people to understand

b. Borg correlates with heart rate; advantage: safety

27. Be familiar with the FITT acronym

a. Frequency (how often # of days per week ), intensity (how hard, weight ranges, set ranges, %VO2max, or hr max) , time (how long, duration) and type (what kind, different resistance training, jog, bike, etc)

28. Understand the tenants of exercise prescription including overload, specificity, and individuality.

a. Specific – Relevant to the client / patient’s goal

b. Individual – No cookie cutter programs, everyone responds differently

c. Progressive Overload – Exercise should increase in intensity duration and frequency OVER time

Reversibility: if you don’t use it you will lose it; once someone stops and exercise program, as time progresses, they will lose any adaptations they make

Normal blood pressure : 120/80

Prehypertension 120/139 or 80-89

Stage 1 hypertension 140-59 or 90-99

Stage 2 hypertension greater than 160 or greater than 100

Stage 3 hypertension greater than 180 or greater than 110