What’s similar and what’s different about the European empires in the Americas from 1450 to 1740?
The Spanish Empire:
Latin America (central and south America)
Spain conquered Aztec and Inca empires
“most wealthy, urbanized, and densely populated area of the Western Hemisphere”
“New Spain” recreated Old Spain in America
commercial agriculture and gold/ silver mining
encomienda system organized society
social hierarchy: Peninuares, creoles, mestizos, Indians
British Colonies in North Americas:
the leftovers of the new world
why so different from Spain?
Britain had more religious and class conflict
British colonists wanted to escape British society
settler colonies
over 90% of population of European origin
mostly small scale local farmers
no massive demand for slavery yet
What connected that of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
Good 1: silver
Spain in the Americas
other mixed groups
Spain discovers a ton of silver in the New World
China starts collecting taxes in silver
increase in demand of silver
potosi becomes the biggest city in the west
wealthy Europeans live in luxury
natives work in deadly silver mines
economy becomes commercialized
massive deforestation due to cash crops
stays center of global trade
makes a ton of money
becomes most powerful European kingdom in 1600
later causes massive inflation across Europe
manila in the Philippines becomes a global trade city
Spanish piece of eight becomes first world-wide currency
source of the $ symbol
Good 2: fur
The British, French, and Russians in North America
Native Americas
European population growth - over hunting
mini ice age
Europeans set up trading posts
trade with Native Americans
paid in guns, blankets, and alcohol
massive deforestation and loss of native animal populations
initially, Native Americans gain:
long term they lose:
massive waves of disease
deadly warfare
more dependent on European goods
epidemics of drinking and violence
Native Americans Resistance: the Iroquois Confederacy
the Iroquois Confederacy- 5 Indian tribes the unite to stand together against invasions
one of the world’s oldest democracies
rose to power by trading beaver pelts to English and Dutch, and by waging war on other Native Americans
As British and French came to power, the confederacy kept them under their control
established control between New York and Great Lakes
got the British to meet for political conferences and recognize their power
inspired the American political system