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AP World Unit 4

What’s similar and what’s different about the European empires in the Americas from 1450 to 1740?

The Spanish Empire:

  • Latin America (central and south America)

  • Spain conquered Aztec and Inca empires

    • “most wealthy, urbanized, and densely populated area of the Western Hemisphere”

  • “New Spain” recreated Old Spain in America

    • commercial agriculture and gold/ silver mining

    • encomienda system organized society

    • social hierarchy: Peninuares, creoles, mestizos, Indians

British Colonies in North Americas:

  • the leftovers of the new world

  • why so different from Spain?

    • Britain had more religious and class conflict

    • British colonists wanted to escape British society

  • settler colonies

    • over 90% of population of European origin

    • mostly small scale local farmers

    • no massive demand for slavery yet

What connected that of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?

Good 1: silver

  • who?

    • Spain in the Americas

    • China

    • other mixed groups

  • Why?

    • Spain discovers a ton of silver in the New World

    • China starts collecting taxes in silver

    • increase in demand of silver

  • Consequences:

    • America:

      • potosi becomes the biggest city in the west

      • wealthy Europeans live in luxury

      • natives work in deadly silver mines

  • china:

    • economy becomes commercialized

    • massive deforestation due to cash crops

    • stays center of global trade

  • Spain:

    • makes a ton of money

    • becomes most powerful European kingdom in 1600

    • later causes massive inflation across Europe

  • manila in the Philippines becomes a global trade city

  • Spanish piece of eight becomes first world-wide currency

    • source of the $ symbol

Good 2: fur

  • who?

    • The British, French, and Russians in North America

    • Native Americas

  • Why?

    • European population growth - over hunting

    • mini ice age

  • how?

    • Europeans set up trading posts

    • trade with Native Americans

    • paid in guns, blankets, and alcohol

  • consequences:

    • massive deforestation and loss of native animal populations

    • initially, Native Americans gain:

      • competition

      • profit

    • long term they lose:

      • massive waves of disease

      • deadly warfare

      • more dependent on European goods

      • epidemics of drinking and violence

Native Americans Resistance: the Iroquois Confederacy

  • the Iroquois Confederacy- 5 Indian tribes the unite to stand together against invasions

    • one of the world’s oldest democracies

    • rose to power by trading beaver pelts to English and Dutch, and by waging war on other Native Americans

  • As British and French came to power, the confederacy kept them under their control

    • established control between New York and Great Lakes

    • got the British to meet for political conferences and recognize their power

    • inspired the American political system

AP World Unit 4

What’s similar and what’s different about the European empires in the Americas from 1450 to 1740?

The Spanish Empire:

  • Latin America (central and south America)

  • Spain conquered Aztec and Inca empires

    • “most wealthy, urbanized, and densely populated area of the Western Hemisphere”

  • “New Spain” recreated Old Spain in America

    • commercial agriculture and gold/ silver mining

    • encomienda system organized society

    • social hierarchy: Peninuares, creoles, mestizos, Indians

British Colonies in North Americas:

  • the leftovers of the new world

  • why so different from Spain?

    • Britain had more religious and class conflict

    • British colonists wanted to escape British society

  • settler colonies

    • over 90% of population of European origin

    • mostly small scale local farmers

    • no massive demand for slavery yet

What connected that of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?

Good 1: silver

  • who?

    • Spain in the Americas

    • China

    • other mixed groups

  • Why?

    • Spain discovers a ton of silver in the New World

    • China starts collecting taxes in silver

    • increase in demand of silver

  • Consequences:

    • America:

      • potosi becomes the biggest city in the west

      • wealthy Europeans live in luxury

      • natives work in deadly silver mines

  • china:

    • economy becomes commercialized

    • massive deforestation due to cash crops

    • stays center of global trade

  • Spain:

    • makes a ton of money

    • becomes most powerful European kingdom in 1600

    • later causes massive inflation across Europe

  • manila in the Philippines becomes a global trade city

  • Spanish piece of eight becomes first world-wide currency

    • source of the $ symbol

Good 2: fur

  • who?

    • The British, French, and Russians in North America

    • Native Americas

  • Why?

    • European population growth - over hunting

    • mini ice age

  • how?

    • Europeans set up trading posts

    • trade with Native Americans

    • paid in guns, blankets, and alcohol

  • consequences:

    • massive deforestation and loss of native animal populations

    • initially, Native Americans gain:

      • competition

      • profit

    • long term they lose:

      • massive waves of disease

      • deadly warfare

      • more dependent on European goods

      • epidemics of drinking and violence

Native Americans Resistance: the Iroquois Confederacy

  • the Iroquois Confederacy- 5 Indian tribes the unite to stand together against invasions

    • one of the world’s oldest democracies

    • rose to power by trading beaver pelts to English and Dutch, and by waging war on other Native Americans

  • As British and French came to power, the confederacy kept them under their control

    • established control between New York and Great Lakes

    • got the British to meet for political conferences and recognize their power

    • inspired the American political system
