
Goals and Learning Objectives

  • Goals for today:

    • Compare and contrast social and cognitive constructivism.

    • Analyze the ideas of Lev Vygotsky and John Piaget.

    • Analyze the causes and effects of World War II on American history.

Understanding Constructivism

  • Key Concepts:

    • Social Constructivism: Knowledge is constructed through social interactions.

    • Cognitive Constructivism: Knowledge is constructed individually as learners connect new knowledge with existing understanding.

    • Major theorists: Lev Vygotsky and John Piaget.

World War II Overview

  • 1945 Context:

    • The U.S. was conducting fire raids on Osaka using B-29 bombers.

    • Casualties in Osaka: 4,000 people killed; 19 factories destroyed.

    • Discuss the emotional impact of photographs as primary sources portraying destruction and human suffering.

  • Atomic Bomb Development:

    • J. Robert Oppenheimer led the Manhattan Project.

    • Consequences of the atomic bomb: Long-term health problems including cancer and birth defects in survivors.

Japanese Internment Camps

  • Historical Context:

    • Detention camps were established for Japanese Americans during WWII without evidence of wrongdoing.

    • Includes instances of discrimination against Middle Easterners post-9/11.

Key Events

  • Pearl Harbor Attack:

    • Date: December 7, 1941, prompted the U.S. to enter WWII.

  • Causes of WWII:

    • The Great Depression's socioeconomic impact.

    • Treaty of Versailles and its repercussions.

    • Rise of Hitler and Nazi ideology.

    • U.S. isolationism and subsequent policy changes.

    • Britain's and France's policy of appeasement.

    • Growth in Japan's economy and territorial ambitions.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Presidential Leadership:

    • Served from 1933-1945, shifting from isolationism to active involvement in WWII after Pearl Harbor.

    • The only president elected for four terms; led to the 22nd Amendment limiting terms to two.

    • Famous quote regarding Pearl Harbor's attack: "A date which will live in infamy."

The Human Cost of War

  • Anne Frank's Experience:

    • Birth year: 1929; diary reflects experiences during Nazi persecution.

    • Quote: "...I still believe that people are really good at heart."

  • Adolf Hitler's Impact:

    • Ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945, responsible for the Holocaust.

    • Committed suicide on April 30, 1945, as defeat loomed.

  • Winston Churchill's Role:

    • Prime Minister of Great Britain; known for powerful wartime speeches.

    • Notable quote: "Danger gathers upon our path. We cannot afford... to look back."

Teaching Strategies and Primary Sources

  • Use of primary sources to engage students in inquiry-based learning.

  • Examples of activities:

    • Role-playing scenarios based on historical photographs and events.

    • Analyzing ration books and discussing wartime economic conditions.

    • Discussion about women in wartime work (Rosie the Riveter).

Theoretical Frameworks

  • Cognitive Developments:

    • Learning is progressive and influenced by prior knowledge.

    • Importance of active student engagement and meaningful concepts.

  • Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD):

    • Difference between what a student can do alone and with guidance from a more knowledgeable other (MKO).

    • Essential for understanding how to scaffold learning and provide targeted assistance.

  • Role of Collaboration:

    • Importance of cooperative learning and peer interactions to enhance understanding.

Inquiry-Based Learning

  • Focus on the C3 framework developed by Kathy Swan.

  • Key elements of inquiry:

    • Good questions that activate prior knowledge and initiate research.

    • Utilizing various tools and resources to gather and synthesize data.

    • Encouraging reflection and the presentation of findings to an authentic audience.


  • Emphasis on adapting teaching strategies to student needs, promoting critical thinking, and utilizing historical inquiry to provide context to learning.
