Lead up to WW1

**Background-The Beginning of WW1(US)**


•     World War I began in the fall of 1914

•     At the beginning, there were two major alliances involved, centered around European powers.

○  One involved Britain, France, and Russia.

○  The other involved Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

•     The U.S. immediately proclaimed its neutrality when the war began.

○  Wilson tried to mediate the dispute, but with no success.

Neutrality is a Difficult Thing


•     Under international law, the United States' neutrality meant:

○  No military action was allowed that was not defensive in nature.

○  No military action was allowed that benefited either side.

○  The U.S. could trade with either side as freely as it wished.

○  Ships belonging to either navy could visit U.S. ports and get supplies/ safe harbors for repairs

○  **American citizens and property were not to be harmed**

•     However…

○  Britain put a blockade around Germany at sea, limiting U.S. trade opportunities.

○  Germany declared the waters around the British Isles a "war zone," and warned any ship in those waters was subject to attack.

○  The U.S. did far more trade with Britain and her allies than Germany and hers.

Implications of this "Neutrality"


•     The blockade was literally starving Germany and it was unable to buy munitions like Britain, so it had to stop the flow of supplies.

•     Germany's surface fleet was useless thanks to the blockade.

•     Her navy turned to U-boats, with the intent of sinking ships in the open ocean and in the declared "war zone" around the British Isles.

•     U.S. ships and passengers were warned to keep clear and off British ships.

•     The U.S. demanded its people, ships and goods be unmolested or else the neutrality might end.

The Sinking of The *Lusitania,* May 7,1915



•     The British passenger liner *Lusitania* had been suspected of carrying war material in her voyages from New York in addition to passengers

•     Germany warned potential passengers leaving New York

*Lusitania* Sunk


•     German U-boat U-20 fired two torpedoes 13 km away from Ireland

•     The liner sank in 18 minutes, with 1098 of 1906 passengers and crew still aboard

•     128 Americans died in the disaster

The *Lusitania's* Manifest


•     Overall, more than 170 tons of war supplies were on board

○  4.2 million rounds of ammunition

○  1250 cases of empty shell casings

○  18 cases of artillery shell fuses

Results of sinking the Lusitania


•     President Wilson angrily demanded Germany end USW

•     Germany pledged to follow international law and avoid attacking passenger ships, ending USW for now

         New Year & An Old Problem


•     Jan. 3-Germany announces it will resume USW

•     The U.S.S. Housatonic was torpedoed and sunk

•     Feb. 3-US ends diplomatic relations with Germany

•     Feb 26. Pres. Wilson asks Congress for authority to arm merchant ships and take steps to protect American commerce

Spiral to War-The Zimmerman Note and the U.S.A.


•     Secret telegram from German FM to the German ambassador to Mexico

•     Proposed Mexico would join the war against the U.S., and that with a Central Powers victory, Mexico would receive TX, NM, AZ

•     Intercepted by Britain, given to the US; published March 1, caused outrage