One population of humpback whales stays in the Arabian sea year-round. Because upwelling allows for primary production to sustain the food web
Not all cetaceans migrate between feeding and breeding areas, but the breeding congregations are very common for pinnipeds
Reasons for migration
Cetacean breeding:
Right whales
Move between calving grounds (fall winter, along SE coast) and feeding areas (cape cod area)
Gray whales
Move between southern winter feeding grounds and northern summer feeding grounds
Pinniped breeding:
Finer scale fidelity
Females will often return to nearly the exact location they were born to give birth
Males return within 55m, and females return within 50 meters.
Phocids molting
Lose large chunks of fur and skin. To regrow, they push blood to the surface. Due to thermoregulation, it is not ideal to do this in the water so they haul out on the beaches
Go to warmer waters to molt
Thought that humpbacks and gray whales migrate to avoid orcas
Gray whales stay close to shore when going north with calves, likely to avoid orcas
Arabian sea whales accumulate internal parasites, but other whales that migrate fast between feeding and breeding sites starves their parasites.
Calves have a thin blubber layer so metabolism is really high to maintain body temperature in cold waters. This requires mom to feed them a ton, so it is a higher cost to have calves in cold water (even if they can survive)
In terms of destination, temperature of the water seems to be driving (it may not necessarily be what prompts them to leave, but it does determine where they go).
Natural springs have year round temp of 72 degrees, so manatees migrate to springs in large numbers
Warm water refuges near power plants
Often where the water is warmer, the food is more scarce so they are required to fast
Population structure
Population: Group of interbreeding individuals of same species (same species, same place, same time)
But there can be two separate populations that overlap in space and time, but do not interbreed
St Johns dolphins example. Dolphins north of dry dock will not mate with SJR dolphins (genetic data supports this)
How do you define the boundaries?
Using measurable criteria that are measurable and meaningful to the animals themselves (behavioral and genetic data)
State or national boundaries. Arbitrary lines humans have created. We often do this to manage stocks, but not often useful
Common bottlenose dolphins along east coast
Doesn’t make sense in a lot of cases (eg right whales move between canada and u.s)
Manageable from a conservation perspective (ie. NOAA fisheries)
Set boundaries on a small enough scale that they can manage them
Population size: Why count?
Abundance: Can tell us if there Are
enough animals to sustain the population through time
Trends: Is the abundance count stable or is in changing? (Can help point to potential threats to the population that can be fixed)
Life history characteristics: Survival, growth, reproduction. Number of animals born each season is important to know if population is stable
In East Australia, population is super low so the female whales have higher reproductive rate than the pacific coast population.
Management success
Hawaii closed certain bays from 9:00am-3:00pm to allow spinner dolphins to rest. Community is super mad. So measuring reproductive rate to be sure that this is worth it, is important to maintain that management method.
Methods for determining abundance
Census: Complete count of individuals
Not possible for fully aquatic species
More possible for species that haul out on beaches via drone images
Index counts: Count a sample of individuals that pass through a specific area.
Problematic because some individuals may not pass through the area the same way or at the same time. You can collect trend data, but cannot estimate how many animals are within a population
Estimates: Count sample and extrapolate to population
Line transects (distance sampling)
Line transects: How you collect the data
Distance sampling: How you use that data to estimate population size
Survey large area (ship or aircraft)
Transect lines systematically placed. Spaced appropriately so you don’t miss any animals.
Count # of animals and spatial arrangement around line
The angle from the transect line and the distance from the spotter. Then you can calculate how far the animal was from the transect line. These numbers must be very precise in order to be accurate. Helps you come up with a probability of sighting animals at certain distances from the transect line which can help you extrapolate your sample.
Sample represents population: All age and sex classes
No missed animals on the transect line
Difficult to accomplish
Must be moving slow enough to be able to spot animals before you move through a transect section
Animals do not move prior to detection
Data recorded accurately
Observations independent (not counting the same animal twice)
Mark individuals, release, and then recapture. Some will be marked others
Migration: Breeding
Aggregation often forms during breeding seasons
Site Fidelity to breeding areas varies
most lack specific breeding area
Exceptions: Humpback, Gray, and Right Whales
finer scale fidelity
Most cases
Marine biologists use estimates to determine population abundance.
Transects need angles from the viewers to the animal seen and the distance the animal is from the ship/plane.
Transects are done on a larger scale
Mark recapture
collect data from known individuals (marked) for smaller scale
Series of surveys Capture
mark then release (N)
come back later and do the same and reward
How many were captured that were already marked (n2)
Marking isn’t always physical. Marking for whales is just taking a pic of their tail fluke and keeping that for N2 and M2 data
Mark Recapture Assumptions
Markes have to be unique
be careful to not mark 2 different tail flukes as being one whale
Markes cannot be lost
marking should not easily fall off
Marks case add on barnacle marking
All marks are correctly recorded
if marking fades, how can you identify them
Markings do not affect survival
If the board is too scary due to the first encounter, the individual will not
Equal problem of capture with each sample
if seasons affect the density of individuals, then the survey must be done within the same season
Other Ways of mark-recapture Data
The movement patterns
where their home is stable or a site of fidelity
Can create a profile of individuals Ex.1997 she was sited with a cafe (98 no calf 99, 02 yearly sightings with calf annual breeding.
Population Dynamics
how and why population change
stable, increasing, or decreasing pop
Demographic parameters:
Natality: How many families and how many are reproducing each year?
(based on the reproductive potential of females)
Mortality: has a negative impact in comparison to birth rate (notality)
Immigration (+) or Emmigration (-): smaller effects on pop size
N= pop size
Population Growth: Exp vs. Logistic
Exp growth
\Intrinsic growth rate (r.): maximum potential to increase population size without any negative effects from the environment.
predators, limited food, humans, etc.
How does it change in a given time dN/dt or N
Logistic growth: At first growth seen exp. because they have lots of food. As the population grows, resources (food, space) become scarce. Meets carrying capacity (k) (max # of individuals).
dN/dt = rN (k-N)/k
* Eventually levels out
*Don’t need to know equations, must know which is which and if given equation, can you tell if Exp or Logistics
Contains species are able to reproduce a bunch (r.) While other species are limited in reproduction (k)
Most marine mammals are k species
Marine mammals take a long time to reach sexual maturity, care for babies for a long time have long lives, and are stable at carrying cap (k).
k-species age of sexual maturity takes a while and the mother usually takes care of them during this time.
Density dependence
Fluctuations around carrying cap., this has effects on future strategies.
increase in juvenile mortality: most with nerable / elep ent
less experience, smaller body, size, first to experience stress with population size changes
increase in age of sexual maturation: If population size exceeds K, mothers ween earlier, can increase risk juvenile success
decrease in fertility: no resources, no new birth
Females are not physically prepared for pregnancy
Increase in adult maturity: if resources are still limited, older and sicker individuals will die
Life history Characteristics
Nutrition comes first in maintaining the body (brain, muscle, etc)
Extra nutrients go to growing the body. If growth is ideal, reproduction will be a priority.
A larger body size will have (see slide 10)
Reproductive life history traits (see slide 10)
Polar bears are the only exception to the rule of having only one offspring at a time
IBI: inter-birth intervals: gestation and IBI will be similar if giving birth and becoming pregnant are close in time.
Reproductive lifespan: most mammals reproduce until death. Some species have menopause and continue living long after.
Menopause mammals: Resident orcas, Belugas, Narwhals, short-finned pilot whales.
Senescence: As you mature, reproductive success decreases
Remember: Belugas and Narwhals are close relatives (share common ancestor)
One population of humpback whales that stay in the Ararbian sea? year round. Because upwelling allows for primary production to sustain the food web
Not all cetaceans migrate between feeding and breeding areas, but the breeding congregations are very common for pinnipeds
Reasons for migration
Cetacean breeding:
Right whales
Move between calving grounds (fall winter, along SE coast) and feeding areas (cape cod area)
Gray whales
Move between southern winter breeding grounds and northern summer feeding grounds
Pinniped breeding:
Finer scale fidelity
Females will often return to nearly the exact location they were born to give birth
Males return within 55m, and females return within 50 meters.
Phocids molting
Lose large chunks of fur and skin. To regrow, they push blood to the surface. Due to thermoregulation, it is not ideal to do this in the water so they haul out on the beaches
Go to warmer waters to molt
Thought that humpbacks and gray whales migrate to avoid orcas
Gray whales stay close to shore when going north with calves, likely to avoid orcas
Arabian sea whales accumulate internal parasites, but other whales that migrate fast between feeding and breeding sites starves their parasites.
Calves have a thin blubber layer so metabolism is really high to maintain body temperature in cold waters. This requires mom to feed them a ton, so it is a higher cost to have calves in cold water (even if they can survive)
In terms of destination, temperature of the water seems to be driving (it may not necessarily be what prompts them to leave, but it does determine where they go).
Natural springs have year round temp of 72 degrees, so manatees migrate to springs in large numbers
Warm water refuges near power plants
Often where the water is warmer, the food is more scarce so they are required to fast
Population structure
Population: Group of interbreeding individuals of same species (same species, same place, same time)
But there can be two separate populations that overlap in space and time, but do not interbreed
St Johns dolphins example. Dolphins north of dry dock will not mate with SJR dolphins (genetic data supports this)
How do you define the boundaries?
Using measurable criteria that are measurable and meaningful to the animals themselves (behavioral and genetic data)
State or national boundaries. Arbitrary lines humans have created. We often do this to manage stocks, but not often useful
Common bottlenose dolphins along east coast
Doesn’t make sense in a lot of cases (eg right whales move between canada and u.s)
Manageable from a conservation perspective (ie. NOAA fisheries)
Set boundaries on a small enough scale that they can manage them
Population size: Why count?
Abundance: Can tell us if there Are enough animals to sustain the population through time
Trends: Is the abundance count stable or is in changing? (Can help point to potential threats to the population that can be fixed)
Life history characteristics: Survival, growth, reproduction. Number of animals born each season is important to know if population is stable
In East Australia, population is super low so the female whales have higher reproductive rate than the pacific coast population.
Management success
Hawaii closed certain bays from 9:00am-3:00pm to allow spinner dolphins to rest. Community is super mad. So measuring reproductive rate to be sure that this is worth it, is important to maintain that management method.
Methods for determining abundance
Census: Complete count of individuals
Not possible for fully aquatic species
More possible for species that haul out on beaches via drone images
Index counts: Count a sample of individuals that pass through a specific area.
Problematic because some individuals may not pass through the area the same way or at the same time. You can collect trend data, but cannot estimate how many animals are within a population
Estimates: Count sample and extrapolate to population
Line transects (distance sampling)
Line transects: How you collect the data
Distance sampling: How you use that data to estimate population size
Survey large area (ship or aircraft)
Transect lines systematically placed. Spaced appropriately so you don’t miss any animals.
Count # of animals and spatial arrangement around line
The angle from the transect line and the distance from the spotter. Then you can calculate how far the animal was from the transect line. These numbers must be very precise in order to be accurate. Helps you come up with a probability of sighting animals at certain distances from the transect line which can help you extrapolate your sample.
Sample represents population: All age and sex classes
No missed animals on the transect line
Difficult to accomplish
Must be moving slow enough to be able to spot animals before you move through a transect section
Animals do not move prior to detection
Data recorded accurately
Observations independent (not counting the same animal twice)
Mark individuals, release, and then recapture. Some will be marked others