abominable – adjective: repugnantly hateful; very unpleasant, detestable, loathsome
abscond – verb: to leave secretly and hide
capitulate – verb: to surrender.
castigate – verb: to punish or subdue with punishment; to criticize with drastic severity.
comatose – adjective: lethargic, unconscious
consolidate – verb: to make solid; to unite or to merge
despondency – noun: depression, dejection
destitution – noun: the state of being extremely poor; in extreme want
eddy – noun: a current of air or water moving contrary to the main current.
enfranchise – verb: to give or bestow something such as the right to vote or citizenship.
ennoble – verb: to elevate to raise in rank
fecund – adjective: capable of reproducing; intellectual productive
inebriation – noun: drunkenness, intoxication
inopportune – adjective: inconvenient, poorly timed
inviolable – adjective: secure from violation or from being profaned
nonchalance – noun: indifference or showing of little interest.
prevarication – noun: evasiveness or lie
primordial – adjective: original, existing at the beginning (usually relates to time)
punctilious – adjective: stressing precise following of instructions, details, codes or conduct.
remonstrate – verb: to protest, to make objections to protest or express objections, often in a forceful or earnest manner.
rudimentary – adjective: consisting in first principles, of a primitive kind; relating to basic skills.
sonnet – noun: a fourteen line form of poetry.
tantamount – adjective: equivalent in value or significance
turgid - adjective: swollen
vestigial – adjective: something in an underdeveloped form.