Plate Tectonics & Earth’s Interior Key Terms
- Force exerted on ocean lithosphere due to rising material below the mid-ocean ridge
Ridge Push
- Instrument that measures small changes in magnetic fields
- Relatively steep portion of continental margin connecting the shallow continental margin with the deep ocean basin
Continental slope
- Relatively flat area of the deep ocean basin underlain by ocean lithosphere
Abyssal Plain
- Long, narrow depression with parallel mountains on either side found along developing and mature divergent plate boundaries
Rift Valley
- Force exerted on ocean lithosphere due to the weight of subducting ocean lithosphere
Slab Pull
- Conical-shaped underwater volcanic mountain
- Line on a map connecting points of equal age
- Flat-topped seamount
- Ancient super continent made up of all of today’s continents
- Preserved remains of ancient organisms found in rocks
- Process in which older ocean lithosphere moves away from the mid-ocean ridge as new ocean lithosphere forms along the mid-ocean ridge
Sea floor spreading
- Boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle
- Relatively flat portion of continental margin covered by shallow ocean water
Continental Shelf
- Process in which ocean lithosphere plunges back into the asthenosphere under other lithosphere
- Long, deep canyon on the ocean floor that forms where ocean lithosphere is subducting, typically the deepest parts of oceans
- Large, slow-moving pieces of the Earth’s Lithosphere
- Plate boundary where the two plates move toward one another
- The edges of continents, parts of which are under relatively shallow ocean water, and are underlain by continental lithosphere
Continental Margins
- Chain of volcanic islands bordering an ocean trench and formed by subduction
Volcanic Island Arc
- Middle part of the mantle below the lithosphere that exhibits the property of plasticity
- Energy waves given off during earthquakes that are used to study the layers of the Earth
Seismic waves
- Theory describing how the continents move and why there are earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges in certain areas
Plate tectonics
- Plate boundary where the two plates move away from one another
- Ability of a solid to flow slowly and change shape
- Gently sloping pile of sediments at the edge of the continental margin marking the boundary between the continental and ocean lithospheres
Continental Rise
- Volcanic mountain range along the edge of a continent bordering an ocean trench and formed by subduction
Continental Volcanic Arc
- Ancient magnetic field of the Earth preserved in igneous rocks when they crystallized from magma
- Volcanic activity caused by a rising plume of hot material through the asthenosphere such as occurs at Hawaii and Yellowstone
Hot spot
- Plate boundary where the plates move side-to-side past one another
- Solid, rigid top part of the Earth divided into numerous plates that slowly slide around the surface of the Earth
- Movement of heat energy through a substance in which the molecules of the substance move from one area to another
- Long mountain chain along the ocean floor in which new ocean lithosphere is formed by seafloor spreading
Mid-ocean ridge
- A 180 degree flip in Earth’s magnetic field
Magnetic Reversal