Progressive Era

Woodrow wilson

  • clear racist

Investigate, educate, legislate

  • a progressive motto

The reformer is always right about what is wrong, but not about what is right

  • G.K. Chesterson

Progressive Movement

  • generally urban as a movement

  • efficiency and making laws rational

    • rational city planning, making better roads

  • very Science or Research-based

    • doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors, ‘politicians’ contributed more

      • all contributed to civil and public issues

    • credentialization

      • doctors, lawyers, etc. now how certification standards and procedures

      • standardized competition and stop quackery

  • leaned into a lot of social science and logical thinking

    • also led to eugenics and other large pseudo-sciences

  • Muckrakers

    • people who wrote books exposing ploys behind corrupt industries

    • in general were more subtle than people these days, but also more effectives

big issues;

  • child labor laws, discrimination, lack of public health, (write rest down from recording)


  • some sincere

  • some probably more self-centered

  • brought balance between economic class and ‘higher’ class

  • women had more of a role

    • split into 2 focuses: wanting better conditions and wanting political rights

populous movement

  • rural citizens behind this

  • wanted women to vote (19th)

  • more rule over money (16th)

  • 1913 federal reserve (17th)

  • wanted prohibition (18th amendment)

  • factory workers and rural population united

industrilization in 19th century early 1900s

  • big corporations much more common, a few ruling industires

The Merger Movement


  • people who use large amounts of money on behalf of

    • typically know less about the businesses themselves but just the processes they go through

      • e.g. J.P. Morgan

        • Carnegie sold to him


Scientific Management

  • researchers took time into account to how fast labor tasks are done

  • time and motion studies

    • are people in sync, are they talking while working, etc.

    • what actions are the most efficient

      • birth of micromanagement

  • birth of industrial research centers

    • came up with time and motion specialists

  • workers had no right in what the process of their work is/was

    • led to a lot of discontent and was then done away with

Industrial Response to Labor

  • greater acceptance

  • greater acceptance of regulation by the government

    • increased pay

Henry Ford was a big name

  • wanted to assimilate immigrants

    • “americanization”

    • teaching how to dress, talk, etc. like Americans

  • companies created newsletters and even adopted or created sports teams

  • celebrated retirement of long-term workers and managers

  • public relations became a common department

New Immigration

  • Chinese

  • mostly southern Europeans

    • scandanavian

      • Jewish and Catholic

    • were reluctant to send their kids to the public schools although all teens were required by law to go

      • resisted bc no religious values enforced and no way to make money at school

  • a lot less this time (1.8 million)

  • a lot of Mexicans

    • 10% moved to US due to revolution in MX

  • Birds of passage

    • would come to the US, make a bunch of money, then go back home

      • a lot of Italians

Dealing with Immigrations and Social Problems


  • thought a lot of immigrants drank too much

  • temperance turned to prohibition

  • women and children affected most by alcohol abuse

  • divorce rate double b/w 1880s and 1960

Theodore Roosevelt

low intellect, low wage, low moral

Progressive motives

  • industrial elites degrading society

    • concern about its effects and conditions for life

    • overall was an urban movement

    • wanted management and regulation, overall, not radicalism

  • restore past luster and lost status

  • belief in reason and science

    • could be solved if the right people put their minds to it

  • paternalistic and coercive

    • if you weren’t in their groups

    • very bold about their opinions “you need to do xyz, and this is why”

      • if you support target you’re a bigot, kind of thing

  • use of scientific management and basically more

  • paternalistic and coercive

  • is not really extremist or radical

    • had its exceptions: eugenics and over doing scientific management

  • did not work actively for Black suffrage

  • overcome political machines and newly rich

  • convert immigrants to Americanism and halt immigration from the ‘wrong countries’

  • less concern for individual charity and for helping individuals and more concern for improving society

  • a lot were first ministers

    • can create heaven on earth before Jesus comes back

    • almost exclusively protestant christians

      • then became more

  • eugenics

    • low intelligence was considered genetic

      • italians, czechs, russians, germans, etc.

      • called the mixing of these races the ‘race suicide’

    • persuaded poor to have fewer children

    • “the passing of

  • environmentalism

    • environment influences who people are

    • changing their environment changes who people are

    • criminals are made not born

Positive Eugenics


  • certifications

    • need to go to school to be a teacher, lawyer

  • economics became its own field

    • also needed to be certified for things

Women in Progressive Era

Florence Keller

Black Americans in the Progressive Era

  • Booker T Washington (South)

    • education and up to speed before civil rights

  • W.E>B> Du Bois

    • talent black americans

    • vocational education

    • one of first to get a P.h.D.

Civil Rights rarely touched in the south

  • not by either party

  • “the solid south”

    • all democrats who very strongly opposed civil rights in any manner

    • allowed lynching and all kinds of stuff

    • south very powerful in national voting

Cultural and Social life

  • movies silent except for music in the background like in plays

    • no audio until the 30s

  • 10k theatre houses with millions of viewers

  • National Academy of Art

    • without approval, you had a hard time seling your art

    • originality was seen more like a bane or just not that common

  • alternative school of art: AShkan school with 8 big artsits

    • gritty scenes of real life in big cities

    • 1900s-1920

    • jacob Reese

    • darker palletes

    • John sloan

    • George Bellows

    • Robert Henri

    • Theresa Bernstein

    • Brancusi

    • Cubism, Modernism, impressionism, fogs

    • not too involved with europe’s ideas

Presidents during the Progressive Era

theodore roosevelt

  • elected in 1896 for VP

  • becamse president in

established between good vs. bad trusts

  • good services at reasonable rates

  • vs. price gougers

clean food, pure drugs, pristine land

  • pure food and drug act 1906

    • happened in stages

    • accurate labeling

      • make sure u state all that was in it

    • unsafe products

      • if it has arsenic

    • be affective for what you say it does

3 C’s

  • conservation of natural resources

  • control of corporations

  • consumer protects

The square deal

  • equal opportunity

the Bully Pulpit

  • predatory wealth

Woodrow wilson

Henry Taft
