Ch 12 - Meiosis & Genetic Diversity

meiosis - process of cell division that is used in gamete formation

  • haploid gametes (n) from diploid (2n) parent cells

  • haploid egg is fertilized by haploid sperm = zygote has diploid number of chromosomes

  • four genetically different haploid gametes

meiosis 1 - first round of cell division; also known as reduction division

  • prophase 1: prophase + homologous chromosomes pair up and genetic recombination (crossing over) takes place

  • metaphase 1: chromosomes line up in homologous pairs along center of the cell

  • anaphase 1: pairs of homologous chromosomes separate and # of chromosomes remains the same

  • telophase 1: two new nuclei are formed —> two haploid cells (n)

meiosis 2: second round of cell division

  • prophase 2: chromosomes condense and become visible

  • metaphase 2: chromosomes line up in along center of each cell

  • anaphase 2: sister chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell —> separate chromosomes

  • telophase 2: each cell is split into two cells —> four haploid gametic cells

synapsis - homologous chromosomes pair up in this process to form tetrads in prophase I

  • exchange genetic information through genetic recombination

  • farther genes have higher chance of recombination

linked genes - genes that are close together on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together more often

translocation - genetic change in which a piece of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome

nondisjunction - pairs of homologous chromosomes all move to the same side of the cell —> end up in the same gamete

aneuploidy - atypical number of chromosomes
