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2.2.11 Inorganic Ions


  • Calcium ions (Ca2+) - Involved in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission

  • Sodium ions (Na+) - Involved in co-transport, reabsorption of water in the kidney and nerves impulse transmission.

  • Potassium ions (K+) - Involved in stomatal opening and nerve impulse transmission.

  • Hydrogen ions (H+) - Involved in chemiosmosis, pH determination and catalysis of reactions.

  • Ammonium ions (NH4+ ) - Involved in nitrogen cycle, where by bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrate ions.


  • Nitrate ions (NO3-)- Mineral ion absorbed by plants to provide a source of nitrogen to make amino acids.

  • Hydrogencarbonate ions (HCO3-) - Maintains the pH of the blood.

  • Chloride ions (Cl-) - Provide a negative charge to balance to positive sodium ion and potassium ions in cells. Also acts as a cofactor for amylase.

  • Phosphate ions (PO43-) - Involved in the formation of phospholipids for cell membranes, nucleic acid and ATP formation and in making bones.

  • Hydroxide ions (OH-) - Involved in regulation of blood.


2.2.11 Inorganic Ions


  • Calcium ions (Ca2+) - Involved in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission

  • Sodium ions (Na+) - Involved in co-transport, reabsorption of water in the kidney and nerves impulse transmission.

  • Potassium ions (K+) - Involved in stomatal opening and nerve impulse transmission.

  • Hydrogen ions (H+) - Involved in chemiosmosis, pH determination and catalysis of reactions.

  • Ammonium ions (NH4+ ) - Involved in nitrogen cycle, where by bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrate ions.


  • Nitrate ions (NO3-)- Mineral ion absorbed by plants to provide a source of nitrogen to make amino acids.

  • Hydrogencarbonate ions (HCO3-) - Maintains the pH of the blood.

  • Chloride ions (Cl-) - Provide a negative charge to balance to positive sodium ion and potassium ions in cells. Also acts as a cofactor for amylase.

  • Phosphate ions (PO43-) - Involved in the formation of phospholipids for cell membranes, nucleic acid and ATP formation and in making bones.

  • Hydroxide ions (OH-) - Involved in regulation of blood.