Untitled Flashcards Set
Arcane – secret, mysterious
Artifacts – simple objects showing human workmanship
Atone – to make amends
Callow – immature, inexperienced
Clamor – loud noise or shouting
Countenance – to condone or to give approval
Dilettante – an aimless and superficial follower of the arts, a dabbler
Foreboding – premonition of evil, an ominous omen
Hack – one who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or reward
Impede – to interfere with or to obstruct the progress
Indubitable – not open to question or doubt
Invective – critical or abusive language; violent abuse
Philanthropist –one who tries to do good for mankind; lover of mankind
Precursor – something that comes before, forerunner
Relish – to take great pleasure or delight
Rhetoric – the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; inflated language
Rigor – strictness, severity
Somnambulist – a sleepwalker
Stymie – to block, to present an obstacle
Tepid – moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or animation
Unkempt – disheveled in appearance
Vacuous – lacking content; marked by a lack of intelligence
Variegated – changed in appearance by using or applying different colors
Vehement – forcefully expressing emotion or conviction
Zealot – one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor
Arcane – secret, mysterious
Artifacts – simple objects showing human workmanship
Atone – to make amends
Callow – immature, inexperienced
Clamor – loud noise or shouting
Countenance – to condone or to give approval
Dilettante – an aimless and superficial follower of the arts, a dabbler
Foreboding – premonition of evil, an ominous omen
Hack – one who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or reward
Impede – to interfere with or to obstruct the progress
Indubitable – not open to question or doubt
Invective – critical or abusive language; violent abuse
Philanthropist –one who tries to do good for mankind; lover of mankind
Precursor – something that comes before, forerunner
Relish – to take great pleasure or delight
Rhetoric – the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; inflated language
Rigor – strictness, severity
Somnambulist – a sleepwalker
Stymie – to block, to present an obstacle
Tepid – moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or animation
Unkempt – disheveled in appearance
Vacuous – lacking content; marked by a lack of intelligence
Variegated – changed in appearance by using or applying different colors
Vehement – forcefully expressing emotion or conviction
Zealot – one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor