Definition: Delegation is the authorization by a written assignment issued by a public prosecution investigator to preliminary criminal investigation officers to conduct specific investigative procedures, except for interrogating the accused (Article 66, Saudi Criminal Procedures Law).
Limited Time for Investigators: High workload leads to necessary delegation of tasks.
Necessity for Speed: Urgent tasks may require local officers to handle situations swiftly, especially if investigators are geographically limited.
Utilization of Capabilities: Preliminary officers have the physical strength, skills, and technical resources essential for certain tasks like arrests and searches.
Tasks may include:
Arresting the accused.
Conducting searches of the accused or their properties.
Additional related investigative tasks.
Note: Certain tasks are still prohibited.
Interrogating the Accused: Officers cannot interrogate unless in exceptional circumstances (e.g., immediate danger to life).
Exception: If an investigation task leads to critical information, interrogation is allowed to prevent loss of evidence.
Pretrial Detention: Cannot order pretrial detention as it requires prior interrogation.
Investigating an Entire Case: Delegation is for urgent situations, not comprehensive investigations.
Written Order: Must be documented, signed, and clearly outline tasks; verbal communication is insufficient.
Explicit and Specific Assignment: Must detail subjects, properties, and procedures involved to prevent misuse of power.
Authority: Order must originate from an authorized public investigator.
Qualified Officer: Assignments should be given to officers with local and task-specific expertise, not subordinates.
Crime Occurrence: Tasks must relate to crimes that have already occurred.
Multiple Officers: If more than one officer is assigned, any can act unless specified otherwise.
Validity Period: Must be dated, and any required extensions must be requested.
Key Details Required: The order should include information about the public investigator, type of action, and names of persons involved.
The structured approach to delegation ensures efficient and accountable investigative procedures while safeguarding the rights of the accused. Any questions on these points?