World History
Mr. Petrone
Review: Rise of Totalitarianism – 1920’ & 30’s
* A distorted or bad view of something
- disallusion
*His ideas unlocked atomic energy & space/time relativity
- Albert Einstein
*To instruct in a set of teachings, ideas, attitudes
- indoctrinate
*Basic freedoms & protections
- civil rights
*Reference to the spiritual condition of youth after WWI
- Lost Generation
*when a country stays out of the affairs of other countries
- isolationism
*a government with full control over the lives of its citizens
- totalitarianism
*Hatred, hostility or discrimination against Jews.
- anti- Semitism
*Book written by Hitler that expressed his racist views
- Mein Kampf
*His ideas repackaged biblical sin nature & morality principle
- Sigmund Freud
*All of the following problems existed after WWI into the 1920’s
- European discontent about the Treaty of Versailles
- all Eurro powers were in debt
- weak democracies formed in Europe
- totalitarian governments rose to power
*In 1924’s the Dawes Plan worked to do this for Germany.
- aid them in economic recovery
*After WWI, democracies in Europe were weak because of
- Inexperience with democracy
- lack of strong leaders, goals, & loyalty
- weak coalition political parties
*In 1928, European countries renounced war as national policy in this agreement.
Kellog-Briand Pact
*In the 1920’s, totalitarian governments in Europe shared these traits.
- dictators & one party control
- extreme military & police control
- elimination of basic freedoms of speech, press, religion, etc.
*This form of government emphasizes social equality & a classless society?
- communism
*This form of government emphasizes totalitarian control with capitalist economics.
- fascism
*This leader became the leader of Italy after his march on Rome in 1922?
- Benito Mussolini
*Fascism & communism share these characteristics.
- Totalitarian control & secret police creates fear
- use of censorship & propaganda
- Extreme nationalism & militarism
*This dictator came to power in 1928 in Russia after the death of Lenin.
- Joseph Stalin
*Mussolini’s Fascists and Hitler’s Nazis were alike in all of these ways.
- acted violently on socialists & communists
- supported by the upper class
- emphasized extreme nationalism
*This dictator came to power in Germany in 1933.
Adolf Hitler
*Mussolini, Stalin, & Hitler able to strengthen their power as dictators because
- most people were silent about their evil conduct
- they improved their economies
- they killed social, religious, & political opposition
*All these factors played a role in the rise of totalitarianism in Europe
- development of weak democracies - economic depression & desperation
- persuasive leaders with quick solutions
*The type of economy that calls for all economic decisions to be made by the
government and was installed by Stalin in the USSR is called
- command economy
*This man competed with Stalin for power in the USSR in the late 1920’s.
- Leon Trotsky
*The Nuremberg Laws in Germany had these effects on its Jewish population.
- Took their citizenship & basic rights
- Forbid them from public office
- forbid them from social service jobs
*The manipulation of media, education, & politics to reflect one form of philosophical
teaching was used by Mussolini, Hitler, & Stalin. This is called
- propaganda
* These were techniques Hitler used to gain mind control over the German people?.
- indoctrination & propaganda
- target the youth
- book burnings
*This country invaded Ethiopia in 1935 killing about 500,000 Ethiopians.
- Italy
*This factor about the League of Nations favored totalitarian dicators most.
- it had no military power
*Depression hit most major world powers in the 1930’s because of this event.
- US stock market crash
*As a result of the U.S. Stock Market crash in 1929, the following happened.
- unemployment increased
- Investments & loans to Europe were halted
- Banks closed & businesses failed
*In 1938, the two-day assault on the Jewish people in Germany was called
Kristallnacht, “Night of the Broken Glass”
*All these were ways Stalin kept total control over the Soviet Union,
- secret police
- the Gulag
- censorship
*To develop the USSR as a power, Stalin forced citizens to work on these projects
- 5 year plans
- science & technology
- collective farms
* What was the Nazi operation in 1934 to kill Nazi’s that threatened Hiter’s power?
- Night of Long Knives
*During the reign of Stalin, people in the Soviet Union might face all of the following -
- paranoia
- oppressed
*From the times of the czars to the rule of Stalin, serfdom was replaced by :
- collective farms
*All these facotors caused the Great Depression of the 1930’s
- overproduction of goods by businesses
- brokers buying stocks on loans
- too much consumer credit spending
- fearful reactions of brokers & banks
*During the 1920’s & 30’s, the US philosophy with world affairs was
- political isolationism
- economic aid providers
* The type of government did Stalin installed was
totalitarian & communist
* Totalitarianism USSR outlawed the following:
- churches
- synagogues
- mosques
*These tactics were used in totalitarian governments.
- manipulation in education
- elimination of basic rights/freedoms - diefication of
*How many people were killed, by Stalin, through starvation, harsh labor, & murder of
political opponents?
- 20 million
*The US Stock Market crashed on Black Tuesday, Oct 24, 1929 for these factors
- many companies’ values overestimated
- brokers bought stock with loans
- fearful investors sold stock rapidly
- paniced banks recalled many loans
*Mussolini, Stalin, & Hitler all came to power by this method.
- they were appointed
*Mussolini & Hitler worked with business leaders & industry but ultimtely had full
control of businesses & the economy, which was called a
- a corporate state
US President Roosevelt worked to fix the US economy by increasing government
spending on public works projects to put Americans back to work, in a plan called the
New Deal
*These are major life lessons to learn from the rise of totalitarian leaders in Europe
during the 1920’s.
- when we get desperate emotionally, economically, or otherwise, we often don’t make
sound decisions.
- If someone tells you all the right things or even does many good things for you, it
doesn’t necessarily mean they truly care about you.
- evaluate a person on their complete character, not just what they say or do for you.
- If a person lies, cheats, steals, or treats other people poorly, they are highly likely to do
that to a “friend” eventually.
*Another life lesson that can be learned from this era is, if a someone knows another
person is lying, cheating, stealing, or bullying someone, the best response is to
- report it to proper authorities