Water Scarcity

  • The definition of water scarcity is not having enough supply of water.

  • What causes water scarcity :

    • A way that water scarcity is caused is over population. When a country has too many people, the demand for clean water is higher

  • Examples of water scarcity:

    • It happens all around the world and especially in some places in Africa

    • In places like Cape Town people have limited supply of water. This is because it is far away from the equator, if you are closer there is a higher chance of rain

  • Effects of water scarcity:

    • People with no clean water have to carry big heavy bottles to find some clean water

    • A lot of people rely on the groundwater resources. But you can’t just take water out of soil

  • Day zero:

    • Some countries in the world are reaching closer to something called day zero

    • Day zero is when countries run out of water

  • Ways to resolve water scarcity:

    • A way to fix water scarcity is desalination, where water is taken from the ocean and desalinated

    • Desalination is removing salt from water

    • The problem with desalination is that we don’t have to much desalination plants, and they cost lots of money

  • How is water consumed in society:

    • One cup of coffee can equal up to 140 litres. This is because of you have to grow the beans, transport it, pour it and more.

    • To make one cotton t-shirt it uses 2,700 litres of water.
