Charge separation in clouds leads to lightning strikes.
Types: cloud-cloud and cloud-ground lightning.
Sound of thunder travels at approximately 5 seconds per mile.
Types of Thunderstorms
Air Mass Storms
Squall Line
Meso-scale Convective Complexes
Supercell Thunderstorms
Life Cycle of Thunderstorms
Development stages and evolutionary patterns of thunderstorms.
Distribution and Timing
Occurrence and frequency across the US and coastal waters, varying with time (over a year, over a day).
Types of Thunderstorm Phenomena
Downburst, Microburst, Derecho, Haboob
Tornado formation processes, classification, and global distribution.
Timing and frequency throughout the year and day, including specifically Waterspouts.
Types of Cyclones
Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones are defined by region.
Distribution and Timing
Occurrence and frequency across various ocean basins.
Key components: Eye, Eyewall, and Rain Bands.
Life Cycle
Stages of development: formation, maturity, and dissipation.
Storm Impact
Wind speeds, rainfall amounts, and storm surges/waves.
Assessment of deadly impacts and damage caused by hurricanes.
Climate Definition
Commonly defined in terms of temperature and precipitation data.
Climate Mapping
Historical mapping techniques, particularly the Koeppen climate classification (conceptual understanding only).
Precipitation Distribution
Influenced by the three-cell structure and land/ocean interaction.
Visual representation used to depict different climate regions.
Distinction between primary and secondary pollutants:
Examples: aerosols, carbon oxides, sulfur compounds, acid rain, nitrogen oxides, smog.
Urban Heat Islands
Explanation of the phenomenon and causes for their occurrence.
Defining Change
Understanding various "faces of change" with no singular path of progression.
Frequency of Climate Cycles
Analysis of warm and cold periods across various timescales.
Proxy Climate Indicators
Utilization of historical data sources: ice cores, tree rings, ocean sediments, coastal sediments, coral reefs.
Instrumental Records
Examination of atmospheric, oceanic, land, and ice changes over the past 150 years.
Physical Impacts of Climate Change
Effects on sea level, ice sheets, hydrology, isostasy, and species distribution.
Drivers of Change
Influential factors:
Solar Changes, Earth's Orbital Characteristics, Land Surface Changes (distribution and topography), Ocean Fluctuations, and Atmospheric Composition.
Identifying forcings contributing to climate change over the past 150 years.
Representation of Processes
Mathematical models simulating physical processes.
Components of Models
Incorporating atmosphere, ocean, ice, land, and vegetation.
Model Types and Challenges
Variations based on physical dimensions.
Addressing difficulties in aspects like cloud physics, ice stability, and land and ocean features.
Anthropogenic Impact
Human-induced changes dominating current climate patterns.
Emission Scenarios
Predictions on future emissions and their implications.
Signs of Change
Anticipated areas for significant change.
Further understanding sought in terms of:
Magnitude, Seasonality, Extremes, Sea Level Rise Dynamics.