Instructor: Prof Enrique Amador
Heat Agents:
Superficial: Affects skin and subcutaneous tissues, with limited effect beyond 2 cm (e.g., Hot Packs, Fluidotherapy, Paraffin).
Deep: Affects deeper tissues, goes about 3-5 cm (e.g., Short Wave Diathermy and Ultrasound).
Literature Discrepancy: There are varying numbers regarding the depth of effect.
Historical Background:
Therapeutic ultrasound began in the early 20th century, originally developed from military applications using sonar.
Initial focus was on heating properties, using continuous mode at intensities of 0.5-1.5 watts/cm², primarily studied by scientists rather than clinicians treating patients.
Relevance of Material: Not all chapter content is crucial for practical application in patient care.
Focus: Lecture will emphasize basic physical principles, crucial for understanding clinical applications for thermal and non-thermal effects in both superficial and deep tissues.
Sound Properties:
Sound is a mechanical wave characterized by pressure oscillation in solids, liquids, or gases that can be heard.
Ultrasound operates at frequencies beyond human hearing ranges.
Frequency Range:
Audible Sound: 30-20,000 cycles/second.
Therapeutic Ultrasound: 1-3 million cycles/second (1-3 MHz).
Wave Effects:
When waves travel through media, they cause effects such as vibrations and energy transfer, shifting mechanical energy to thermal energy.
Machine Mechanics:
Ultrasound machines convert electrical currents into mechanical vibrations through crystals in the transducer to produce ultrasound waves.
Key Characteristics:
Frequency, Duty Cycle/Duty Factor, Intensity, Duration.
Impact on Tissue Depth:
Higher frequencies (3 MHz) target superficial tissues, while lower frequencies (1 MHz) penetrate deeper.
Delivery Modes:
Continuous Ultrasound: 100% duty factor, generates thermal effects.
Pulsed Ultrasound: Intermittent intensity (20-50% duty factor), results in non-thermal effects.
Clinical Application: Continuous mode for heating, pulsed mode for inflammation.
Ultrasound Properties: Absorption, Penetration, Reflection, Refraction.
Tissue Absorption: Different tissues absorb ultrasound energy variably: Bone > Muscle > Blood.
Inverse Relation: Higher absorption correlates with lower penetration.
Sound waves may reflect from boundaries, diminishing power as they enter tissues.
Coupling Agent Importance: Essential to mitigate reflection at the transducer-skin interface.
Wave Bending: Occurs at angled boundaries, risking standing waves that may increase energy and cause tissue damage.
Movement Precaution: Keeping the ultrasound head in motion avoids damage.
Definition: Expansion and contraction of gas bubbles in tissues exposed to ultrasound.
Types: Stable cavitation increases cell permeability, while unstable cavitation can harm tissues - mitigate by moving the transducer head.
BNR (Beam Nonuniformity Ratio): Indicates quality; recommended ratios are 5:1 or 6:1.
ERA (Effective Radiating Area): Refers to the size of the effective ultrasound delivery.
Assessment: BNR and ERA determined using hydrophones; periodic safety checks ensure effective delivery and compliance.
Increases nerve conduction velocity, modulation of pain, improved circulation, metabolic rate, reduction of muscle spasms, increases soft tissue extensibility, decreased joint stiffness.
Enhancement of cell membrane permeability, increased intracellular calcium, facilitation of tissue repair, and promotion of normal cell functions.
Determining the required thermal vs. non-thermal effects based on conditions—recognizing variations in treatment for acute versus chronic issues.
Specific Conditions:
Examples include (non-thermal): Acute conditions, calcium deposits, chronic inflammation, etc.
Includes decreased circulation, DVT, active malignancy, and pregnancy. Important for clinicians to remember key contraindications (e.g., pacemaker, pregnancy, cancer).
Transducer Sizes: Commonly from 1-10 cm², with 5 cm² being the most used.
Direct Coupling: Apply a coupling agent before treatment;
Indirect Coupling: Includes using water or gel pads in specific scenarios.
Transducer movement should overlap at a speed of 3-4 cm/s, at 90-degree angles to tissues.
Treatment area should be approximately 2-3 times the ERA, avoiding ultrasound for over 4 times the ERA size.
Determine based on size, depth, and desired effects. Research supports 5 minutes for an area of 2-3 times the ERA, but billing practices necessitate a minimum of 8 minutes.
Non-thermal effects applied early in healing, while thermal effects focus on later recovery stages.
Requires annual inspections, understanding contraindications, ongoing patient assessments, and clear documentation among care personnel.
Definition: Ultrasound used for the transdermal delivery of medications (e.g., anti-inflammatories, analgesics).
Application Modes: Either pulsed or continuous, tailored to minimize tissue heating.