Chem and Energetics

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Redox reactions and energetics

    • Example of redox reaction: zinc metal + copper 2 ion -> zinc ion + copper metal

    • Spontaneity of reaction: proceeds to completion, spontaneous in forward direction

    • Standard free energies of reactants and products

      • Zinc and copper metals: 0 kJ/mol

      • Copper 2 ion: +65 kJ/mol

      • Zinc ion: -147 kJ/mol

    • Calculation of standard free energy: -212 kJ/mol, indicating a spontaneous reaction

  • Spontaneous redox reaction between zinc and copper

    • Zinc strip in copper 2 nitrate solution leads to deposition of copper onto zinc and dissolution of zinc into zinc ions

    • Process continues until enough copper coats zinc to prevent zinc ions from escaping into solution

    • Reaction has enthalpy (delta H) negative, releasing energy as heat

    • Chemical energy can be captured as electrical energy

Chapter 2: Copper And Zinc

  • Voltaic cells for separating redox reactions

    • Voltaic cells: spontaneous, used to perform electrical work

    • Galvanic cells: non-spontaneous, require external energy

  • Components and operation of a voltaic cell

    • Electrochemical cell with zinc and copper electrodes

    • Connection through wire, switch, and voltmeter

    • Salt bridge for ion movement

    • Potential energy difference measured as voltage

  • Rules of voltaic cells

    • Anode: where oxidation occurs, electrons are products

    • Cathode: where reduction occurs, electrodes are reagents

    • Electrons flow through wire, cannot swim

Chapter 3: Energy Of Electrons

  • Electrons flow through wires, not solution, to maintain energy and do work

    • Exceptions like solvated electrons in liquid ammonia at -40 degrees C

  • Electrons flow from anode to cathode in voltaic cell

  • Anode is negative, cathode is positive, electrons flow through wire

  • Voltage is proportional to free energy of reaction, allowing creation of different voltage batteries

  • Anode compartment for oxidation, cathode compartment for reduction

  • Anions and cations move through porous barrier or salt bridge in batteries

Chapter 4: Solvated Zinc Ion

  • Cations move into cathode compartment, anions move into anode compartment for charge compensation

  • Zinc ions in anode compartment neutralized by moving nitrate ions

  • Process of zinc metal and copper ion solution interaction

  • Zinc atom transfers electrons to copper ion, forming solvated zinc ion

  • Half reactions in anode and cathode compartments

Chapter 5: Conclusion

  • Hydrogen fuel cell reaction: 2 hydrogen molecules oxidized to 2 hydrogen ions and 4 electrons

  • Electrons unite with oxygen at cathode to produce water

  • Proton conducting membrane allows hydrogen ions to move to cathode

  • Fuel cell more efficient in producing work compared to burning hydrogen

  • Fuel cell eliminates most energy losses, promising efficiency in
