I. Overview of Performance Enhancement
Performance enhancement in the musculoskeletal system is the focus.
It involves permitted and prohibited substances and methods (training, supplements, hormones).
Physiological analysis of enhancement effects is crucial.
Enhancements influence physiological capacity, remove constraints, and speed recovery.
II. Categories of Performance Enhancement
Training (key for performance enhancement)
Nutritional supplements (dietary and performance)
Anabolic steroids
Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
III. Training Methods for Performance Enhancement
Training programs are essential, tailored, and sport-specific.
Methods include:
Weights/Resistance training
Flexibility training
Aerobic techniques (interval training)
IV. Resistance Training
Involves muscle contraction against resistance.
Physiological Benefits:
Increased muscle size and mass
Increased fuel stores
Increased bone density
Training Specifics:
Based on speed, volume, and recovery
Types: Endurance, Strength, Power
V. Adaptations from Resistance Training
Muscular adaptations vary by fitness component:
Strength/Power = Anaerobic adaptations
Endurance = Aerobic adaptations
Mechanical aids can enhance movements.
VI. Plyometric Training
Increases muscular power through specific actions.
Utilizes the stretch-shortening cycle for explosive activities.
Benefits: Enhanced explosive power performance
Risks: Stress on muscles/joints; requires gradual progression
VII. Flexibility Training
Enhances joint and muscle range of motion (ROM).
Reduces injury risk; beneficial at any age.
Static stretching
Dynamic stretching
PNF stretching
Exercise timing and recovery are important.
VIII. Interval Training
Involves work/rest periods.
Short Interval: Targets ATP-PC energy system
Intermediate Interval: Focuses on anaerobic endurance
IX. Aerobic Training
Improved muscular endurance
Improved oxygen delivery
Improved energy production
Muscle soreness
Injury from insufficient recoverycan lead to decreased performance and long-term setbacks in training.