Jewish historian who wrote for Rome, references Jesus (the problem), too Christian
Roman historian, references Jesus by reflecting reality, annoyed with Christians
Babylonian Conquest
Conquered Juda in 587
Spread jewish communities across the world
Persian Conquest
Conquered Babylon, don’t have independence when they go back to the land; 539
Alexander the Great
Took over the Persian Empire and world, he dies within a decade, his empire divided into 4 parts where two of them fought over israel
Spread of Greek thought especially in the roman empire; jewish people respond differently
Jewish philosopher who embraces Hellenism and wants to show how Jewish thought and Hellenism can be blended
Lived in the desert and wanted nothing to do with Greek thought and life; one example of response to hellenism
Want to rebel against hellenism
Associated with commonfolk, more liberal than Sadducees, “of the people,” Paul trained as a Pharisee
Did not believe in the resurrection, connected to the temple, elites
Maccabean Revolt
Kinda like the zealots, catch Rome and take over for Jewish independence for about a century
Increasingly accept Rome during this time
Roman Conquest –
63 BC Rome retakes the land of Israel
Ultimately culminates to the destruction of the temple
Roman Religious Policies
Had to worship the roman god, contribute to society in some way, tolerant to other religions bc they believed all religions were connected in some way so it didn’t matter what people worshipped
They wanted religious antiquity
Tolerant towards other religions, wanted synchronism, wanted emperor worship, favored ancient religions
Missionary to the Gentiles
Paul’s teachings and mission to the Gentiles was successful and prominently made up Christian success
Roman citizen
Distinctives of the Church
Sabbath on Saturday and worshipped on Sunday
Famous for sharing a meal together
Baptized to be initiated into the community
Met in wealthy patron homes
Gospel of Thomas
Most likely not written by him
Gnostic document, church considers it heretical
Church in Jerusalem
Led by James, Jesus’ brother
Prior to 70, the church was the lead church in Christianity
Strong tradition that he went to India before he died; globalism term of Christianity
Rejected the virgin birth, a heresy of jewish Christians, not willing to accept teachings from certain jewish teachings
Believed Jesus only appeared to be human, spiritual world is “good” and material world is “bad”
Believed Jesus only appeared to suffer
Deep secret knowledge is needed
Material world is evil, spiritual world is good
Demiurge was an idiot for making the material world
Rejects the Old Testament and most of the NT
Closely related to Gnosticism
Believed the God of the OT is bad for making the material world
Tru God is different than the father of Jesus
Ignatius of Antioch
Bishop of Antioch
Wrote seven letters
Against Docetism and ebionism
Irenaeus of Lyons
Bishop in southern France
Opposes gnosticism espcially
Emphasizes the universality of the faith and says there is an apostolic tradition (faith is handed down and preserved)
First to identify the four gospels
Muratorian Canon
Earliest list of the NT (not exact but still)
Tests of Canonicity
Apostolicity (associated with apostles), catholicity (universal), antiquity (goes back to apostolic era), orthodoxy (align with the teachings of the church)
Apostolic Tradition
Illustrates the church structure
Teaches us we need to be saved for 3 years before we are baptized
Elevate the element of the holy spirit over bishops and Jesus himself
The Didache
Early Christian document
Justin Martyr
Loves philosophical traditions
Says the best of philosophical traditions blends with Christian ideals
The Epistle to Diognetus
Early Christian document
Emphasizes the morality of Christianity
The Incarnation
God became human
The assembly of the Church
Roman perception of Christianity
Economic threat, incestuous and cannibalistic religion, bad citizens because they don’t participate in society/economy
Persecution in the first 200 years
Local and spiritic, not universal
Rome burns, rumor he started it and he blames Christians only in Rome
Blames Christians for not worshipping the emperor
Roman official who writes to the emperor Trajan asking what to do with Christians
Responds to Pliny that he shouldn’t hunt them out but find them if they cause problems
Roman emperor
Requires a certification for a sacrifice
Focuses persecution on pastors and leaders of church
Systematic persecution on the church
Hates philosophy and rejects Greek philosophy, says we need the gospel
First to use term trinity
Clement of Alexandria
Bishop of Alexandria
Talked that the lightness of God was a gift of God not granted through education
Woman who is a persecuted Christian
Had to willingly allow herself to die
Persecuted woman Christian
Bishop of Carthage
Must be part of the church to be saved
In Alexandria
Allegorical views of scripture
Focuses persecution on pastors
Constantine’s Conversion
Baptized on his death bed
Edict of Milan
Allows religious tolerance for Christianity and all religions
Made Christianity official religion
Becomes punishable to not be Christian
Another word for monasticism
Induce personal suffering through self-discipline
One is killed for their faith
Movement in response to Christianity becoming the official religion of Rome
Wandering Holy Man
Type of ascetic or monk who goes around performing miracles
Lives in seclusion and practice ascetic lifestyle
Interchangeable with hermits
Communal Monks
Monks who live in communities and abide by certain rules and share possessions
Interchangeable word for communal monks
First church historian
Argue God triumphed through Constantine’s conversion
Proceedings of Zenophilus
Focused on taking sacred texts from christians
Anthony of Egypt
Monk who lives in desert and gives up wealth
Father of monasticism
One explanation for relationship b/w God and Jesus
God adopts Jesus
No distinction b/w Jesus and God
Teaches there was a time when Christ didn’t exist
Major heresy that prompts Nicaean Council
Arius of Alexandria
First came up with Arianism
Nicene Council
Called for by Constantine
Wants to deal with conquest over Arianism
Roman council
Eusebius of Nicomedia
Baptizes Constantine and supports Arius
Grave defender of Nicaean Christianity
Opposes Arius
The Nicene Creed
Statement that produced by the Nicean Council and addresses common hereseys and encapsulates Christian faith
Important church in Egypt
Church in Syria
Influenced by Aristotle
Reads scripture historically
Capital of Rome named after Constatntine
Important leader in Church
Council of Chalcedon
Tried to resolve Ariust debate
Can a bishop be restored if they recanted their faith during persecution
Augustine of Hippo
Opposes doneticts (say they cant be restored)
Says you can be restored
Gregory of Nyssa
Defended Christianity