Quiz 3:
Which of the following claims is made by Parton about the reliability of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
E. All the above
True or False: the tests applied to Scripture by Parton are biased in favor of religious documents.
B. False
What are the three tests that can be used to determine the accuracy of ancient documents?
B. The Bibliographic Test, the Internal Evidence Test, and the External Evidence Test
How many copies of Plato's Tetralogies do we have from ancient sources?
B. 7
How many copies of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John do we have from ancient sources?
E. In excess of 15,000
Which of the following is a strong indication of the accuracy of the Gospel accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ?
B. Hostile witnesses abounded in those early days and they had every motive, means and opportunity to refute the early writings of the eyewitnesses, but they did not
Which two early Christian writers give strong evidence of who wrote the Gospels?
D. Papias and Polycarp
True or False: The Dead Sea Scrolls suggest that two different people wrote the Book of Isaiah.
A. True
According to Dorothy Sayers, as cited in Parton, what is often the result of looking carefully at differing details in the Bible?
B. They are found to be supplementary
C. They are found to be coherent
True or False: Scripture should be examined with the same level of expectation and respect for evidence as any other subject. People should be consistent in how they examine Scripture compared to how they examine other subjects.
A. True
Quiz 4:
Where do both the Old Testament and the New Testament find their center, according to Hopkins/Kolb?
In Christ (Christocentricy)
What is the purpose of Scripture?
That readers may believe that Jesus is the Christ
Bring fallen sinners to salvation
Correct false ideas
Lead Christians to grow in the practice of godly living
All the above
How does God convey his saving truth to us, according to Hopkins/Kolb?
Through human language written in normal human fashion
What is the process called by which God led the human authors of the Bible to record not merely ideas, but the very words of Scripture, as “All scripture is breathed out by God”?
How much of the Bible is the true Word of God?
The Old Testament only
The New Testament only
Selected parts of the Old and New Testament only
All of it
True or False: Scripture is Clear.
True or False: Scripture is Sufficient.
True or False: Scripture is Powerful.
What is the best way to interpret Scripture?
Let Scripture interpret Scripture, with clearer passages interpreting more difficult passages
What two languages was most of the Bible originally written in?
Hebrew and Greek
Which of the following is NOT a way that Hopkins and Kolb describe sin?
We are OK, and everyone else is OK too
What do Hopkins and Kolb describe as the origin and root of all sin and every evil?
A broken relationship
How do Hopkins and Kolb define “original sin”?
A deep-seated disease that makes us despise God and hate his judgment
True or False: Sin has infected all of us completely.
True or False: God is the cause of human sinfulness.
While all the answers below may be true to a degree, what do Hopkins and Kolb say is “the root of all sin”?
Human deafness to the Word of God
What is the name for the type of sin that we as human beings actively commit, sins of thought, word, and deed that stem from our lack of trust?
Actual Sin
Some sins we commit by what we do wrong, attitudes and actions that offend and harm directly; and some sins we commit by what we fail to do that is right, failing to do the positive things God’s Law commands. What are the names of these two categories of sin?
Sins of Commission and Sins of Omission
True or false: Habitual Sins are unforgivable.
What do Hopkins and Kolb describe as “the big evil”?
Quiz 6:
Finish this statement, according to Hopkins and Kolb: “This structure, the Law…”
Gives us the gift of living out God’s gift of life in joy and peace
True or False: Keeping God’s Law grants us life and creates faith.
What is the First Use of the Law?
A Curb (limiting sin)
What parallels do Hopkins and Kolb give for the coercive force of the First use of the Law?
All the above
What is God’s standard or demand for human performance in regard to keeping His Law?
What is the Second, Primary, and Theological Use of the Law?
A Mirror (showing us our sinfulness)
When can humans enjoy life fully and enjoy true shalom (peace), according to Hopkins and Kolb?
When we center life in God and fulfill our humanity as God fashioned it
What is God’s reaction to all ungodliness and unrighteousness, according to Hopkins and Kolb?
What is the Third, Instructive Use of the Law?
A Guide (instructing us in how we should live as Christians)
What is God’s fundamental design for human life?
Loving God absolutely and totally and loving our neighbors as ourselves
Quiz 7:
What is the cosmological argument for the existence of God?
The existence of the creation requires a creator
What is the teleological argument for the existence of God?
Creation functions smoothly as a unit with disparate pieces working together toward a goal or purpose, which proves a designer
What is the ontological argument for the existence of God?
Something must be greater than all else, and that greatest thing must be God
True or False: Arguments for God drawn from nature, history, conscience, reason, and emotions have severe limitations
How do we hear the voice of God, verbalizing God’s presence and power among us?
All of the above (Jesus of Nazareth, pages of the Bible, preaching of Christians w one another)
Will sinners and human creatures ever be able to fully understand God, or “get their minds completely around their creator”?
Which of the following descriptions do Hopkins and Kolb use for God?
All of the above (I am who I am, the person who always was, is, and will be, the designer and creator of human life, the only reliable ultimate source of identity, security, and meaning)
Is the term “Trinity” a biblical term?
No, the term Trinity cannot be found in the Bible even though the triune revelation of God is apparent in Holy Scripture
What is “Modal Monarchianism”?
The one true God has three different modes, but not three distinct persons
What is the core teaching of the heresy of Arianism?
Jesus is the first creature of God with a different substance or essence than God
Quiz: 8
True or False: The Bible does not try to tell us what is real, for example, about creation. Scripture only speaks metaphorically or symbolically regarding creation.
How did God create the world?
Out of nothing, ex nihilo
How does Genesis 2 depict God creating Adam, according to Hopkins and Kolb?
Getting his hands dirty in the dust, pushing and pulling the dirt, forming it into the first man
As the Triune God is never alone, being in relationship as three distinct persons in perfect unity, what relationships has God created for humans to enjoy?
Humans are made for a relationship with God, being made in God’s image
Humans are made for a relationship with fellow human beings, as in marriage
Humans are made for a relationship with our fellow creatures, the nonhuman creation
All the above
According to Kolb, what establishes the worth of human creatures?
The worth that God has placed on life as he has created us
What is Pantheism?
The belief that denies that God and creation are fundamentally different, spiritualizing creation and trying to draw it, or its essence, into the nature of God
What is Deism?
The belief that there is a creator, but He has little interest in the continuing life of the creation or its development
What is Dualism?
The belief that two more or less equal divine powers must exist, continually struggling between good and evil
What is Gnosticism?
The belief that followers gain a secret knowledge to understand a dualism between spirit and matter, with the spiritual being more important than material things
True or False: According to Hopkins and Kolb, Science exceeds the acknowledged limits of the scientific method when it attempts to pierce the veil behind which lies the origin of all things and ultimate control of the universe.
Quiz 9
How do Hopkins and Kolb describe God’s care for his creation?
God provides for all he has made, for everyone and everything in creation
God keeps his creation running
God upholds the universe by his word of power
God preserves humankind and animal life
All the above
True or False: According to Hopkins and Kolb, God is lord over evil.
True or False: According to Hopkins and Kolb, God grieves over the evil that afflicts his people.
How do Hopkins and Kolb define miracles?
Any event in the physical world that deviates from the laws of nature
How does God provide for people’s needs today?
He uses home, occupation, and societal relationships as masks for his own presence
What does the term “angel” mean in Greek?
What is the name for the effort to solve the problem of how evil can exist if God is truly good and completely powerful, attempting to solve the problem in a haughty way?
What are some forms of the effort to solve the problem of how God can be truly good and completely powerful, while evil also exists that Hopkins and Kolb list?
Evil is an illusion
God is not all-powerful
God is not good
God permits evil against his own will
All the above
Which of the answers from Question 7 do Hopkins and Kolb recommend or approve of?
None of them
What answer does Job give to the problem of evil and suffering?
He leaves the question unanswered
Quiz 10: Chapter 8
True or False: The Bible teaches that Mary was a virgin at the time of Jesus’ birth.
What did Mary carry in her womb while pregnant?
All of the above (human creatures, God, Jesus, the Creator)
What answer did Peter give to Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that the Son of Man is?”
The Christ, the Son of the Living God
What was Jesus’ preferred title for himself?
Son of Man
What does the heresy of Docetism teach?
Jesus only appeared to be, seemed to be, human
What does the heresy of Adoptionism teach?
Jesus achieved his status as Son of God through exemplary life, leading God to adopt him as a “legal fiction”
What does the true Church teach, contrary to the heresy of Arianism?
All of the above (same substance as God, eternal, is truly God)
What does the heresy of Nestorianism teach?
All of the above (no connection between two natures, like two boards bound together, and Mary mother of Christ, not God)
Which of the following statements best describes Jesus Christ?
Truly God and truly human at the same time
According to Hopkins/Kolb, why do we have the promise that God reconciles all to Himself, restoring the peace of Eden?
The incarnate God, Jesus, shed his blood on the cross
Quiz 11:
What is the threefold office of Jesus Christ?
Prophet, priest, and king
How do Hopkins and Kolb describe the message of salvation?
Message of foolishness and weakness
Which of the following Bible chapters do Hopkins and Kolb NOT cite as containing an example of Jesus as a servant who suffers in our place?
2 Hezekiah 3
What is the basis and outcome of the sacrificial system in its Jewish origin, according to Hopkins and Kolb?
A gift from God, a means through which God reconciles people to himself
How does Martin Luther describe the image of the suffering servant, Jesus Christ taking the curse of sin upon himself for us?
All except D (most joyous and most comforting, teaches the indescribable and inestimable mercy and love, the Father heaped all sins upon him)
Which of the following best describes Jesus’ resurrection from the dead?
This was a fleshly resurrection in which Jesus’ body and soul were reunited
What are the three “Kingdoms” that Christ rules?
The Kingdom of Power, the Kingdom of Grace, and the Kingdom of Glory
What is the name of the theological motif rooted in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead in which Jesus wins victory over all the powers that opposed and plagued the believer, such as the devil, hell, and evil all around?
Christus Victor
How does Jesus “recapitulate” Adam, in Irenaeus’ understanding of Christ’s work?
Like Adam, Jesus moves from life to death but then rises to give life to Adam’s descendants
What do Hopkins and Kolb describe as Anselm’s vicarious satisfaction motif?
God has righted sinners’ wrongs by forgiving sins through his Son’s willing death on the cross
Quiz 12:
How do Hopkins and Kolb define “justification”?
God restoring fallen sinners to a right relationship with himself
God’s act of recreating fallen sinners by forgiving their sin
True or false: We can be saved by the good works that we do.
Which term best describes God acting as a gracious judge in pronouncing the fallen sinner innocent?
Forensic Justification
How are we saved and become righteous in God’s eyes?
By faith alone, without our good works
What does “simil justus et peccator” mean?
Fully righteous and fully sinful at the same time
Which of the following is NOT one of the three assurances of righteousness that Hopkins and Kolb reference?
We can be assured of God’s love based on the number of good works we do
What is the relationship between the Law and the Gospel?
The Law condemns desires in us that oppose God, the Gospel shows us God’s love
What does St. Paul boast in?
The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
Why are we righteous in God’s sight?
Because of God’s grace and favor, because Christ has given us his own righteousness and innocence
For whom did Jesus die?
Jesus died for all, regardless of whether they believe in him or not
QUIZ 13:
which of the following best describes the Holy Spirit?
True God, the distinct but inseparable third person of the Holy Trinity
Question 2
How do Christians receive the Holy Spirit?
He comes to us, takes possession of us, and comes to dwell in us
Question 3
How do Hopkins and Kolb describe the work of the Holy Spirit?
Sanctification, making holy
Question 4
What three components are included in the Lutheran understanding of a sacrament?
Forgiveness, physical elements, and Christ’s command
Question 5
How many sacraments MUST Christians agree to recognize?
The number varies based on the definition, no set number is required
Question 6
What is Pelagianism?
Believers take the initial and fundamental steps toward their own salvation by their own efforts
Question 7
What is Semi-pelagianism?
Grace is always necessary to complete, but not to initiate, the process of becoming righteous
Question 8
What is Synergism?
Sinners are saved by grace alone but must reach out their hands to receive the gift
Question 9
Who “raises the dead to life through his re-creative Word, as it comes in all the forms of the means of grace”?
Holy Spirit
Question 10
Which of the following statements best describes the conversion, and re-creation of the sinner, according to Hopkins and Kolb?
It is instantaneous, yet it lasts throughout human life
Quiz 14
True or False: According to 1 Peter 3:21, baptism saves.
Question 2
Who is active (acts) in baptism?
Question 3
In which of the following ways do Hopkins and Kolb describe baptism?
God accepting sinners as his own through the Word of life that he joins with water
Question 4
Why does the Church baptize infants?
In baptism God accepts his children and commits himself to them
Infants are sinners and need the gift of life
The early church practiced infant baptism
Infants also can have faith, because faith is based on relationship, not knowledge
All the above
Question 5
What items below are absolutely necessary for a baptism?
Water applied to the body of the baptized along with the Word
Question 6
What other names are used for the Lord’s Supper?
The Sacrament of the Altar
Holy Communion
A “covenant” or a “new testament”
Eucharist (broadly understood)
All the above
Question 7
What elements are allowable to be used in the Lord’s Supper?
Bread ‘and wine
Question 8
True or False: Unbelievers receive Christ’s body and blood when they partake of the Supper, even though they do not receive its benefits.
Question 9
What do Lutherans mean in the Scriptural interpretation of the “Real Presence” in the Lord’s Supper?
Jesus’ words “This is my body” and “This is my blood” are to be interpreted literally, communicants physically receive Jesus’ body and blood in their mouths
Question 10
What gifts does Jesus give to those who worthily receive the Lord’s Supper?
Christ’s body and blood
Unity with Jesus, and with his death and resurrection
Forgiveness of sins
Restoration to the family of God
All the above
QUIZ: 15
According to Hopkins and Kolb, what changes does the Holy Spirit bring about in believers’ hearts and minds through the Word?
Changing dread to delight
Changing anxiety to assurance
Changing selfishness to sympathy
All the above
Question 2
Where do Christians find the joy of being God’s people, according to Hopkins and Kolb?
All the above except D
Question 3
What is every believer’s experience of the struggle against sin?
The Law condemns daily and the Gospel renews the baptismal life daily
Question 4
How do Hopkins and Kolb describe following Jesus?
Becoming more human
Question 5
In what primary way do believers experience the cross, as Jesus calls them to “deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”?
In the Holy Spirit’s continual crucifying of our sinful urges
Question 6
As Christ bore the cross for others, so his people are called to bear the crosses of others. In home and on the job, in the community and the congregation, Christians’ callings do which of the following?
Bring Christians close to those who suffer
Question 7
What are the “four situations for human service” that Hopkins and Kolb designate, where Christians are called to serve?
Home, occupation, society, and congregation
Question 8
What are the virtues that can provide a category in which Christians can think about the Christian life that Hopkins and Kolb list?
Prudence, justice, courage, temperance, faith, hope, and love
Question 9
What is adiaphora?
Actions neither commanded nor prohibited in the Bible
Question 10
True or False: Hopkins and Kolb agree with the statement, “Other people take offense; I don’t give it.”
Which of the following does Veith NOT describe as a “mask of God”?
Veith describes all the above as masks of God
Question 2
Veith describes God as working in two kingdoms, a spiritual kingdom and an earthly kingdom. How does Veith describe God working in these two kingdoms?
In the spiritual realm, God works through the Word and Sacraments, in the earthly realm God works through vocation
Question 3
According to Luther, when a milkmaid is milking a cow, who also is milking the cow?
Question 4
According to Veith, while our American ideal is self-sufficiency, what is our actual human condition?
Question 5
The word “Vocation” is a Latinate form of what other word?
Question 6
What are the “Four Estates” that Luther describes as areas in which we live out our vocation?
Household, State, Church, and The Common Order of Christian Love
Question 7
According to Veith, what is the purpose of all vocations?
To love and serve our neighbors
Question 8
How does Wingren summarize Luther’s teaching about vocation?
God does not need our good works, but our neighbor does
Question 9
Who has the primary vocation of rearing children, according to Veith?
Question 10
True or False: Pastors have permission to use force, to coerce, and to manipulate people into belief in God.