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History test study guide

  1. Imperialism: The policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, military conquest, or economic dominance.

  2. Economic Imperialism: A form of imperialism where a stronger nation dominates the economy of a weaker nation, often through investments, trade agreements, or monopolies.

  3. United Fruit Company: An American corporation that controlled vast banana plantations in Central America and the Caribbean, known for its influence in those regions.

  4. Unilever: A multinational consumer goods company formed from the merger of British soapmaker Lever Brothers and Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie, with historical ties to colonial trade.

  5. Causes of Imperialism: Motives include economic gain, the desire for colonies as sources of raw materials and markets, competition among European powers, nationalism, and the spread of culture and religion.

  6. Effects of Imperialism: Include economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, political instability, territorial disputes, and resistance movements.

  7. “Sick Man of Europe”: A term used to describe the declining Ottoman Empire in the 19th century due to internal strife and external pressures from imperialism.

  8. Settler Colonies: Colonies where the colonizing power sends settlers to inhabit and develop the land, often displacing indigenous populations.

  9. The Berlin Conference: A meeting in 1884-1885 where European powers divided Africa into colonies without regard for African ethnic or cultural boundaries.

  10. Scramble for Africa: The rapid colonization and annexation of African territory by European powers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  11. 7 European Countries that Imperialized Africa: Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were among the major European powers involved in African colonization.

  12. The Boers: Descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, also known as Afrikaners.

  13. Anglo-Boer War: Conflict between British forces and Boer settlers in South Africa from 1899 to 1902, resulting in British victory and the establishment of the Union of South Africa.

  14. Guerilla Warfare Fighting: Irregular warfare where small groups use ambushes, sabotage, and hit-and-run tactics against a larger, conventional military force.

  15. Anglo-Zulu War: Conflict between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom in 1879, resulting in British victory and the annexation of Zululand.

  16. Apartheid: A system of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the South African government from 1948 to 1994.

  17. Ethiopia: One of the few African nations to successfully resist European colonization during the Scramble for Africa.

  18. British East India Company: A British trading company that played a significant role in the colonization and exploitation of India before being dissolved in 1874.

  19. Impact of British Imperialism in India: Included economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, the establishment of British colonial rule, and the disruption of traditional Indian society.

  20. Sepoy Mutiny: A rebellion in 1857-1858 by Indian soldiers against the British East India Company's rule, leading to the end of the company's control over India and the beginning of direct British rule.

  21. British Raj: The period of British rule in the Indian subcontinent from 1858 to 1947.

  22. Mahatma Gandhi: Leader of the Indian independence movement who advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience against British rule.

  23. First and Second Opium Wars: Conflicts between China and Western powers (primarily Britain) over trade and diplomatic relations, resulting in Chinese defeat and concessions to the Western powers.

  24. Spheres of Influence: Areas where a foreign power has significant influence over trade, investment, or other economic activities, often without direct political control.

  25. Boxer Rebellion: A violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising in China from 1899 to 1901, suppressed by a coalition of Western powers.

  26. Open Door Policy (1899): A proposal by the United States to ensure equal access to trade and investment in China, preventing exclusive control by any one foreign power.

  27. Admiral Alfred T. Mahan: A U.S. naval officer and strategist who advocated for naval power and expansionism as essential elements of national greatness.

  28. Social Darwinism: The application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human society, often used to justify imperialism, racism, and social inequality.

  29. The Platt Amendment: A U.S. law that restricted Cuba's sovereignty and allowed the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs.

  30. The Anti-Imperialist League: An American political organization opposed to imperialism and the annexation of the Philippines and other territories acquired during the Spanish-American War.

  31. Expansionist: A person or policy advocating for territorial or economic expansion, often through imperialism or colonization.

  32. Luis Munoz Rivera: A Puerto Rican statesman and journalist who advocated for self-government and autonomy for Puerto Rico.

  33. Annexation of Hawaii: The 1898 incorporation of the Hawaiian Islands into the United States as a territory, followed by eventual statehood in 1959.

  34. King Kalakaua: The last reigning king of the Kingdom of Hawaii, who ruled from 1874 to 1891.

  35. Monroe Doctrine: A U.S. foreign policy doctrine asserting American dominance and opposition to European intervention in the Western Hemisphere.

  36. Roosevelt Corollary (1904): An addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting the right of the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries to maintain stability.

  37. Panama Canal: A waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, constructed by the United States from 1904 to 1914.

  38. Meiji Restoration: The period of Japanese history from 1868 to 1912, characterized by rapid industrialization, modernization, and the restoration of imperial authority.

  39. First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895): Conflict between China and Japan over influence in Korea, resulting in Japanese victory and the cession of territory from China to Japan.

  40. Industrialization of Russia: The late 19th and early 20th-century transformation of Russia from an agrarian society into an industrial powerhouse, led by government policies and investment.

World trade boosted

Massive manufacturing Increases in Europe= World trade increased through all nextworks of trade

Manufacturing in Europ before 1800s but China and India were main producers of goods

After 1760 good from the Americas weren’t just consumed or sold they were mostly used to produce goods on a much larger scale

This created a large demand for raw material in Euro that colonies in Africa Asia and the Americas could provide

Euro and the US - world’s largest producers of goods and activity of all trade routes increased to bring raw materials to Euro

19th century Imperialism

Using wealth production and technological advantages the US and Euro began to take advantage of the world in 19th century

Goal was the acquire territory for Raw materials and new markets

To do this Euro and America either took territory or forced foreign govts to do stuff for them

19th century would see US and Euro taking over controlling nearly the eitire world to take their resources and sell them goods

Econ Imperialism

Enchanced by the growth of Global trade European and Us businesses grew wildly during the 19th century

As wealth and money supply increased Us and European businesses began to sprout up else where in the world and dominate international market

Know as Eco imperialism some companies provided individual groups in the State financial benefits and support in exchange for econ privileges

Causes of Imperialism

Natonalism to gain power Euopean nations compete for colonies and trade

Eco competition demand for ra materials and new market spurs a search for colonies

Missionary spirit 

Europeans believed they must spread their christian teachings to the world



Colnial econ european control trade in the colonies and set up dependent cash crop econ


Christianity spread to Africa India and asia

Part 2 European imperalism

Decline of the ottoman empire

In africa Europe and the middle east OE began to decline and crumble quickly as they had failed to indstruizle with the west

Europeans chiseled away at the un-Industrlized and agrarian based OE first in Europe by the RUssian empire and the balkans by different ethnicities and former principalities

Greece and later the balkans began fighting for independence based on nationalism and anti Imperialism

While still a part of Euro politics and alliance the sick man of Europe was insignificant by the end of the 19th century as the empire began to crumble internally and at the hands of euro power

Settler colonies

Most instances of imperialism took place w out large settlements by euro 3 primary exceptions took place in the british empire

More similar to the early modern settlements in the americas Europeans migrated to a settled in certain colonies

Colonies like south africa australia and new Zealand british and Dutch settlers formed large Euro Population

Settlers dealt with similar resistance from native as did the American settlers in the 16th century

Disease enabled the easier  conquest of australia native africans in S. Africa and New Zealand posed a more organized resistance

Imperialism in Africa

Western Dominance

By the late 1800s countries of GB FR netherlands Germany Us and Russia ere far ahead of the world

Economies were far more developed their population more wealthy and their technology and production far ahead of everyone else

Bolt action rifle 


More state wealth and production due to factories

While W. Europe US and Russia had grown formerly powerful states of portugal and spain failed to develop industrially and lost the majority of their non America Colonies to other Europeans

In the Americas nearly all Euro holdings had been lost to Revolutions in both N and S america by the end of the 19th century ending the final remnants of the lberian Empires

In their place western companies from Us great GB the Netherlands etc acquired natural resources for their industrial manufacturing from Economic Imperialism practices in the single export econ of Latin America in the Colonies established in Africa during the 18th century

Race for Africa

1870s Belgium began to trade with Africans in the Congo

Afraid they ould miss out on various raw materials the other European nations scrambled to establish their presence on the continent 

The berlin Conference

During the scramble British took large portions of W africa (Ghana) Dutch and GB in the south While in N africa French and italy conquered and remove most of the Ottoman empire and the Germans and British took many colonies in Central and E. Africa

Some africans were treated humanely Euro maintained condescending and Racist views of both Africans and Asians as they are conquered 

Berlin Conference

No africans were invited

The european powers agreed on the following 

Before they could claim territory they would have to set up an outpost

whoever was the First to build an outpost would gain the area of land

The british

Gb claims in Africa were second in size only to Fr

Included heavily populated areas with greater natural resources Gb controlled egypt because of its strategic location

The frenchies

Fr was very powerful in North africa

Leter spread into west and central Africa

The territory Fr controlled was as large as the Us

Zee Germans

The newly formed German empire had to Fight many battles against African natives to Take land in the Southern half Of Africa

Germany would only keep these territories until the end of WW1


The Italians crossed the Mediterranean and Conquered Libya they then Took Smaliland in the Horn of Africa  Then were badly defeated by the Ethiopians

The Belgians

King Leopold and other early Belgians exploited The Riches of the Congo

He was known brutalizing the Natives 

Many Africans were enslaved beaten and killed

African Claims of the portuguese and Spanish were minimal even though they were the leaders of the Age of exploration 

Southern Africa

In the 1600s dutch farmers known as Boers settled in Southern Africa in Cape Town as a supply station

In the 1700s the Dutch and Herders and hunters began to move North The british then acquired Cape colony in the Early 1800s

Southern Africa

In the late 1800s the discovery of Gold and diamonds in the Northern Boer Territory set off the Anglo Boer war . The war was from 1899-1902 and involved bitter Guerrilla Fighting. British won but at a great cost (People dying)

Anglo-Zulu War

Early 100s african leader name Shaka conquered and united tribes to form the Zulu nation in southern africa

The Zulus were known to be skilled and organized fighters 

Shaka used his power and forces to fight against European slave trader and ivory

Part 2

The zulus wiped out a british force of 1800 at the Battle of Isandlwana

The zulu victory(s) were short lived The battle of Rorke’s Drift

 The superior weaponry of the British Military overtook the Zulus

South Africa

1910 After war against the Zulu and Boers the British secured Southern Africa Established the Republic of South Africa and Instituted Apartheid


The Ethiopians Kept their freedom through a successful military Resistance

Emperor Menelik II modernized the Army through Influenced from the I.R

When The Italians invaded they were defeated so badly by the Ethiopian Army that no other Europeans tried to take Ethiopia

Imperialism in Asia

New markets

  • What the focus of conquest in Africa was to exploit africa for cheap labor and raw materials Asian countries offered fewer raw materials

  • Aside from the Middle east and its abundance of oil Asia was seen primarily as an ideal set of established markets for westerners to sell manufactured goods

  • To do this Europeans could conquer and control these formerly great empires either rule them directly (Like india) or indirectly by bribing or forcing native leaders (Like China)

  • Euros would control an area and force native to buy their goods or at the very least ignore any taxes or commercials policies and customs of the Asia state

  • Europeans fought for the right to exclusively trade with certain areas or markets much like the British would establish in S. Asia most notably it’s colony of India

The british Raj

  • In INDIA the British East India company operating with massive wealth mercenary soldiers and a British charter had managed and controlled most local kingdoms of India since the 18th Century

Indian nationalism

  • Impact of the Brits imperialism in India

    • Good england built railroads telegraphs sewers and water systems hospitals and schools 

  • Bad England did not allow the Indians to govern themselves

Forced india to trade only with England

Converted farms to cotton plantations

The Sepoy mutiny

  • 1857 Sepoy soldiers rebelled against the British When they heard rumors that the bullets they were using were coated with Animal fat

  • Initiated by the sepoy Mangal Pandey the 1857 Sepoy mutiny would nearly succeed in ousting the British foiled only by the direct intervention The British Navy and army

    • The Sepoy Mutiny was crushed

    • This revealed the hostility between Ind and Brit

The british Raj

  • Following the Sepoy Mutiny the British govt would rule india directly until 1947 this direct rule in India is referred to as the British Raj

  • In india they controlled raw materials and Established Thousands of miles of railroad to promote British Econ interest

  • They also incorporated Indians into the Military and used them for cheap labor

Indian Nationalism

  • In 1885 Indians demanded self rule and created the Indian National Congress to gain more control over governing India 

  • Lead by mahatma Gandhi Indian finally gained its independence in 1947

The cope I mean Opium wars in China

  • One of the 1st areas in East asia euro would force the Chinese to accept and buy their goods 

  • And so this caused a war and GB won and forced China to sign a series of unequal trade treaties

  • The kept selling opium to China kept relinquishing of 5 trade port cities to the British

Spheres of Influence

  • Once Gb and FR easily defeated and exploited the Quing dynasty in the Opium wars other industrial powers the world saw an opportunity to capitalize economically on a vulnerable China

  • 1890s: The industrial states of Euro and Japan divided China into exclusive econ zones later known as Spheres of Influence

  • While the Qing Emperor was Still in charge he/She was Foriced to allow the Euros and Japanese operate factories Businesses in China While Ignoring Chinese law tax policies and Customs

  • Despite the fact that the Us Objected to this practice arguing to Keep China open for trade with the World and all zones China was humiliatingly subjugated by foreign powers

Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901

  • By 1890 the Chinese people and govt had been humiliated by the Opium war and the intrusion of Westerners Russia 

  • These people called Boxers were rebels in the west got assistance from the Qing Military forces but they got shutdown and demolished them in 1901

China Imperialized

  • Other European countries used China’s defeat in the Opium War to gain Spheres of influence

  • The USA didn’t get sphere of Influence in China Open door Policy in 1899

  • Boxer Rebellion (1901)

Part 3 Us imperialism

Econ competition

A technological advances allowed for production of large quantities of Goods

B. Amer. Needed new markets to sell it’s products and Raw materials

C. Exports increased from 234 Mil to 1.5 Bill after expanding overseas

Also Political and Military Competition

Other nations were establishing a Global military presence

Admiral Alfred T. Mahan advocated for a strong navy to protect shipping lanes and proposed military bases be put strategically so ships could refuel

Belief in Racial and cultural superiority

Some Amer. Used Social Darwinism to justify Anglo Saxon (Whites of European decent superiority)

Argued the U.S had a responsibility to spread Christianity and civilization to the World’s Inferior Peoples.

U.S Imperialism in Latin America

Spanish American War

Best Ex of Us Imperialism was the US war with the Spanish Empire in Cuba during their move to break from Spain in the 1890s

Claiming Spanish has sunk a US destroyer in Cuba and Enhanced by Sensational journalist US quickly Declared War

US took Guam the Philippines Puerto Rico and Installed the Platt Amendment in the New Cuban Government’s Constitution

This pretty much allowed The US to own and hold bases in Cuba

Similar instances of Military intervention by the US to protect American Corporate Interest took place throughout Latin America


War begins in the Philippines

Philippines was a main base for Spanish in the Pacific 

WIth Amers help the Philippines won their Independence from Spain

But the U.S Negotiated With Spanish and Purchased The philip For 20 mil Dollars

Feeling betrayed, the Filipinos revolted against Amer. Gov’t 3 years

Debate over Annexation of the Philippines

The Anti Imperialist League and other believed it was wrong to annex a foreign territory and rule its government 

Them expansionist wanted annexation and business ppl wanted the islands to be a trading post for goods from Asia and a fueling stop for merchant ships

The government act in the Phillip. Was annexed by the U.S and set up a government that was mostly appoint by their official

In 1946 the Philippines was finally granted its independence

Puerto Rico Struggled for Self government

Luis munoz Rivera fought to secure self government for Puerto Rico

After defeat of Spain U.S remained in control of P.R Government

In 1917 PR were given U.S citizenship and the right to elect both houses of their legislature in 1953 it became a commonwealth

Us imperialism in the Pacific

U.s Interest in Hawaii

U.S was interested in Hawaii’s Location for trade W/ Asia and in its excellent soil

Descendants of US Missionaries became wealthy landowners who wanted more control over the Hawaiian Gov’t

American sugar planter accounted for ¾ of the wealth of Hawaii

Immigrants from China Japan Korea and the Philippines were used to work on sugar and Pineapple Plantations

1875 treaty allowed hawaiian sugar to be sold duty free in the U.S which made growing sugar even more profitable

Executive  Council of Provisional government

Eventually Amer. sugar growers were required to pay duties which would put them in direct competition witch Cuba so they called for the Annexation of Hawaii by the U.S

Amer. Planters and businessmen formed the Secret Hawaiian league whose goal was to Overthrow the Monarchy

The league forced King kalakaua to sign a treaty which put most of the political power in the hands of American landowners

U.S Also forced the King to sign a treaty allowing A naval base in Pearl Harbor B/C they needed a min pacific Fueling station during Span. Amer. War.

When Queen Liliokalani came into power she fought to remove restrictions on voting Goal was to return the power to the native ppl

With the help of U.s Marines Annexationist took utter control over gov’t Building and a Provisional Gov’t as put in place

The queen was imprisoned in her palace and was forced to give up her throne

Hawaii was annexed in 1898 under Pres Mckinley without the ppl’s vote and remained a territory until 1959

U.S Foreign Policy in China

The Us and other nations were interested in trade with China 

TO prevent countries from having Private Trade agreements John hayes calls for an Open door policy (No country would have special trading right)

Chinese who opposed western influence Organized a rebellion (Boxer rebellion) but were defeated

U.S Con’t to make sure China was not colonized to protect their trade interests

As China faced Conflict with Japan the U.S G.B FR Germany and Russia pressured China to divide the country into spheres of influence (Ports or regions where specific countries would have rights over trade mines and railroads)

Under the Open Door policy China had to 

Keep all ports open to all nations

Allow Chineses

Panama Canal 

Speak softly and carry a big stick

Roosevelt wanted access B/T The atlantic and Pacific

Offered 10 Mil to colombia to build a canal in panama but they refused

U.s sent scholarships to back panamanians in a revolt against the Columbia and the Hay bunau Varilla treaty gave the U.s Control over a 10 Mile wide Canal Zone

Construction began in 1904 Worker faced terrible working conditions disease 

Majority of workers came from West indies

Canal was 51 Mi. long and opened in 1914

Asian imperialism

Quing self strengthening movement

First half of the 19th century prideful chinese leaders and officials opposed the idea of borrowing and learning foreigners they had considered inferior

Most chinese officials felt chinese methods and culture were superior and desired to keep its current society and economy intact opting only to purchase and adopt military tech and armaments by hiring foreign advisers

Imperialism in Japan

Since Sakoku the shogunte in Edo had kept Japan and its trade Euro and the world expect for the Dutch at deijima

While Japan remained closed since 1630s in 1853 Matthew Perry of the U.S navy arrived in with the intention of opening Japan backup to world market by force if necessary

This move humiliated the Japanese and they dedicated himself to industrializing blaming the Shogunate a its isolationist policies for failing to keep up with the rest of the world

Meiji restoration

In 1868 Many japanese leaders rebelled and overthrew the shogunate for its humiliating surrender to the US and the west for its failure to industrialize

The Japanese

Formed a democratic government and wrote a constitution 

First Sino Japanese war

W/In 30 years of the Meiji restoration Japanese looked to expand And create an imperial empire like the est and Russia focusing on China and Korea

Seeing China's weakness in the Opium wars Japan went to war with the Qing dynasty of Chinese Imperial holding in Korea and Taiwan

The Alarming success and speed of Japan's industrialization sent shockwaves through the world as China was humiliated by a loss of power prestige and influence to the much smaller Japan   once subservient protectorate state

This not only alerted the Chinese and Europeans as to how strong Japan had become but it also signified the end of the Self str movement as a miserable failure

Russo Japanese war

  • After boxer Rebellion Russia took control of Manchuria and then wanted Korea

  • Japan owned Korea after taking it from China in 1895. They set Korea up as an independent state

  • Russia refused to respect Japan’s claim causing ar B/t Russia and Japan 

Roosevelt negotiated Peace between Japan and Russia

Roosevelt helped to negotiate a treaty between the two countries and inspired Japan to modernize and build a large military and navy.

Russia agrees to give Japan control over Manchuria and Korea

For his work roosevelt won nobel Peace prize in 1906

Fearful of further Japanese expansion the U.s send battleships to show naval power and their presence in the Pacific

Russian Industrialization

  • While W. Countries used private (Non-Government) investment and capitalism to industrialize the Russian took a state sponsored approach

  • In 1861 Tsar Alex II officially ended serfdom (Peasants and stuff like that) as his first and most important liberal reform and freed up 23 Million workers to server the labor force

  • Russia used state money to build railroads factories and industrial centers and this put russia in the top 5 industrialized countries by 1900

  • Problem was that Russia lacked the Financial capital and taxes to fund this state sponsored industrialization

  • To fund it they overtaxed the agricultural workers and drew resentment from the lower classes as people did not support the fast Russian pace

  • Tension reach the boiling point between the populace and the tsar in 1905 when Russia suffered a defeat in the Russo Japanese war

Industrial Comparison

  • Like Russia Japan utilized more state sponsored industrialization rather than private investors

  • Unlike Russia Japan had more financial capital with which to invest

  • The Japanese People the govt and population were determined to remain inferior to the eastern powers

  • Japanese workers and officials were more willing to make the Sacrifice necessary to catch the west and expand the Japanese 

Russian and American Expansion

  • Like the rapid expansion of W. Euro maritime empires Russia and the Us used their industrial advantage to expand territory

  • While Russia peasants had settled eastward since the 1600s the Emergence of railroads and industrialized weapons allowed Russia to conquer larger areas

  • 19th century Russia completed conquest of Central Asian Muslims (that fiercely opposed Russian rule) as well as exploring and claiming Alaska

  • US,during the 19th century began to fulfill a policy called Manifest Destiny spreading American borders and culture from coast to coast

  • To do this they had to buy or conquer territory from GB FR Spain Mexico Russia and all the remaining native americans

Ottoman industrialization

  • Like the proud officials of Chin much of the Ottoman leadership were opposed to modernizing their economy and military

  • Like China the OE had a long proud history of success and many saw their losses to European as a temporary setback

  • Despite these views Selim III was the first sultan to realize that mounting losses were not due to a setback but were due to lack of innovation and reform on the part of the ottoman Empire

  • Opposition Selim III attempted to bring FR military advisors in an attempt to reform their Military and tactics

  • Outraged at the prospect of reforms initiated by a Western Christian powers the nobles imprisoned and killed Selim III and virtually ended any attempts by future sultans to Westernize the OE

Khedivate of Egypt

  • In Egypt a man named Muhammad Ali(Not the boxer) Also recognized the need for the Islamic world to industrialized if they hoped to maintain their sovereignty against the west

  • Seeing the failure of Selim III Ali established Egypt as a Khedivate as autonomous tribute state in 1863 which remained loyal to the ottoman empire but allowed Egypt to operate independently to pursue military and economic Westernization

  • Only formed and established the professional standing army and navy as well as an organized Central bureaucracy

  • While these reforms would ultimately fail to protect egypt from british imperialism it was a significant step in forming an egyptian national identity independent of the Ottoman empire

Part V Effects and Impacts of Imperialism

Effects of Imperialism 

Pos results

  1. Unified national states created

  2. Improved Medical care sanitation and nutrition

  3. Increased agricultural production

  4. Improved transportations and communication facilities

  5. Expanded educational opportunities

Neg Results

  1. Encouraged tribal wars by creating artificial borders

  2. Created population explosion and famine

  3. Produced Cash crops needed by European and not food for Africans 

  4. Exploited natural resources minerals lumber rubber human rights

  5. Downgraded traditional African culture and westernization

Dividing Africa

Europeans dividing Africa ignored the tribal ethnic and cultural boundaries of the African people

  • This had led to tribal conflict in many African nations that continue to this day

History test study guide

  1. Imperialism: The policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, military conquest, or economic dominance.

  2. Economic Imperialism: A form of imperialism where a stronger nation dominates the economy of a weaker nation, often through investments, trade agreements, or monopolies.

  3. United Fruit Company: An American corporation that controlled vast banana plantations in Central America and the Caribbean, known for its influence in those regions.

  4. Unilever: A multinational consumer goods company formed from the merger of British soapmaker Lever Brothers and Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie, with historical ties to colonial trade.

  5. Causes of Imperialism: Motives include economic gain, the desire for colonies as sources of raw materials and markets, competition among European powers, nationalism, and the spread of culture and religion.

  6. Effects of Imperialism: Include economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, political instability, territorial disputes, and resistance movements.

  7. “Sick Man of Europe”: A term used to describe the declining Ottoman Empire in the 19th century due to internal strife and external pressures from imperialism.

  8. Settler Colonies: Colonies where the colonizing power sends settlers to inhabit and develop the land, often displacing indigenous populations.

  9. The Berlin Conference: A meeting in 1884-1885 where European powers divided Africa into colonies without regard for African ethnic or cultural boundaries.

  10. Scramble for Africa: The rapid colonization and annexation of African territory by European powers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  11. 7 European Countries that Imperialized Africa: Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were among the major European powers involved in African colonization.

  12. The Boers: Descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, also known as Afrikaners.

  13. Anglo-Boer War: Conflict between British forces and Boer settlers in South Africa from 1899 to 1902, resulting in British victory and the establishment of the Union of South Africa.

  14. Guerilla Warfare Fighting: Irregular warfare where small groups use ambushes, sabotage, and hit-and-run tactics against a larger, conventional military force.

  15. Anglo-Zulu War: Conflict between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom in 1879, resulting in British victory and the annexation of Zululand.

  16. Apartheid: A system of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the South African government from 1948 to 1994.

  17. Ethiopia: One of the few African nations to successfully resist European colonization during the Scramble for Africa.

  18. British East India Company: A British trading company that played a significant role in the colonization and exploitation of India before being dissolved in 1874.

  19. Impact of British Imperialism in India: Included economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, the establishment of British colonial rule, and the disruption of traditional Indian society.

  20. Sepoy Mutiny: A rebellion in 1857-1858 by Indian soldiers against the British East India Company's rule, leading to the end of the company's control over India and the beginning of direct British rule.

  21. British Raj: The period of British rule in the Indian subcontinent from 1858 to 1947.

  22. Mahatma Gandhi: Leader of the Indian independence movement who advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience against British rule.

  23. First and Second Opium Wars: Conflicts between China and Western powers (primarily Britain) over trade and diplomatic relations, resulting in Chinese defeat and concessions to the Western powers.

  24. Spheres of Influence: Areas where a foreign power has significant influence over trade, investment, or other economic activities, often without direct political control.

  25. Boxer Rebellion: A violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising in China from 1899 to 1901, suppressed by a coalition of Western powers.

  26. Open Door Policy (1899): A proposal by the United States to ensure equal access to trade and investment in China, preventing exclusive control by any one foreign power.

  27. Admiral Alfred T. Mahan: A U.S. naval officer and strategist who advocated for naval power and expansionism as essential elements of national greatness.

  28. Social Darwinism: The application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human society, often used to justify imperialism, racism, and social inequality.

  29. The Platt Amendment: A U.S. law that restricted Cuba's sovereignty and allowed the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs.

  30. The Anti-Imperialist League: An American political organization opposed to imperialism and the annexation of the Philippines and other territories acquired during the Spanish-American War.

  31. Expansionist: A person or policy advocating for territorial or economic expansion, often through imperialism or colonization.

  32. Luis Munoz Rivera: A Puerto Rican statesman and journalist who advocated for self-government and autonomy for Puerto Rico.

  33. Annexation of Hawaii: The 1898 incorporation of the Hawaiian Islands into the United States as a territory, followed by eventual statehood in 1959.

  34. King Kalakaua: The last reigning king of the Kingdom of Hawaii, who ruled from 1874 to 1891.

  35. Monroe Doctrine: A U.S. foreign policy doctrine asserting American dominance and opposition to European intervention in the Western Hemisphere.

  36. Roosevelt Corollary (1904): An addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting the right of the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries to maintain stability.

  37. Panama Canal: A waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, constructed by the United States from 1904 to 1914.

  38. Meiji Restoration: The period of Japanese history from 1868 to 1912, characterized by rapid industrialization, modernization, and the restoration of imperial authority.

  39. First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895): Conflict between China and Japan over influence in Korea, resulting in Japanese victory and the cession of territory from China to Japan.

  40. Industrialization of Russia: The late 19th and early 20th-century transformation of Russia from an agrarian society into an industrial powerhouse, led by government policies and investment.

World trade boosted

Massive manufacturing Increases in Europe= World trade increased through all nextworks of trade

Manufacturing in Europ before 1800s but China and India were main producers of goods

After 1760 good from the Americas weren’t just consumed or sold they were mostly used to produce goods on a much larger scale

This created a large demand for raw material in Euro that colonies in Africa Asia and the Americas could provide

Euro and the US - world’s largest producers of goods and activity of all trade routes increased to bring raw materials to Euro

19th century Imperialism

Using wealth production and technological advantages the US and Euro began to take advantage of the world in 19th century

Goal was the acquire territory for Raw materials and new markets

To do this Euro and America either took territory or forced foreign govts to do stuff for them

19th century would see US and Euro taking over controlling nearly the eitire world to take their resources and sell them goods

Econ Imperialism

Enchanced by the growth of Global trade European and Us businesses grew wildly during the 19th century

As wealth and money supply increased Us and European businesses began to sprout up else where in the world and dominate international market

Know as Eco imperialism some companies provided individual groups in the State financial benefits and support in exchange for econ privileges

Causes of Imperialism

Natonalism to gain power Euopean nations compete for colonies and trade

Eco competition demand for ra materials and new market spurs a search for colonies

Missionary spirit 

Europeans believed they must spread their christian teachings to the world



Colnial econ european control trade in the colonies and set up dependent cash crop econ


Christianity spread to Africa India and asia

Part 2 European imperalism

Decline of the ottoman empire

In africa Europe and the middle east OE began to decline and crumble quickly as they had failed to indstruizle with the west

Europeans chiseled away at the un-Industrlized and agrarian based OE first in Europe by the RUssian empire and the balkans by different ethnicities and former principalities

Greece and later the balkans began fighting for independence based on nationalism and anti Imperialism

While still a part of Euro politics and alliance the sick man of Europe was insignificant by the end of the 19th century as the empire began to crumble internally and at the hands of euro power

Settler colonies

Most instances of imperialism took place w out large settlements by euro 3 primary exceptions took place in the british empire

More similar to the early modern settlements in the americas Europeans migrated to a settled in certain colonies

Colonies like south africa australia and new Zealand british and Dutch settlers formed large Euro Population

Settlers dealt with similar resistance from native as did the American settlers in the 16th century

Disease enabled the easier  conquest of australia native africans in S. Africa and New Zealand posed a more organized resistance

Imperialism in Africa

Western Dominance

By the late 1800s countries of GB FR netherlands Germany Us and Russia ere far ahead of the world

Economies were far more developed their population more wealthy and their technology and production far ahead of everyone else

Bolt action rifle 


More state wealth and production due to factories

While W. Europe US and Russia had grown formerly powerful states of portugal and spain failed to develop industrially and lost the majority of their non America Colonies to other Europeans

In the Americas nearly all Euro holdings had been lost to Revolutions in both N and S america by the end of the 19th century ending the final remnants of the lberian Empires

In their place western companies from Us great GB the Netherlands etc acquired natural resources for their industrial manufacturing from Economic Imperialism practices in the single export econ of Latin America in the Colonies established in Africa during the 18th century

Race for Africa

1870s Belgium began to trade with Africans in the Congo

Afraid they ould miss out on various raw materials the other European nations scrambled to establish their presence on the continent 

The berlin Conference

During the scramble British took large portions of W africa (Ghana) Dutch and GB in the south While in N africa French and italy conquered and remove most of the Ottoman empire and the Germans and British took many colonies in Central and E. Africa

Some africans were treated humanely Euro maintained condescending and Racist views of both Africans and Asians as they are conquered 

Berlin Conference

No africans were invited

The european powers agreed on the following 

Before they could claim territory they would have to set up an outpost

whoever was the First to build an outpost would gain the area of land

The british

Gb claims in Africa were second in size only to Fr

Included heavily populated areas with greater natural resources Gb controlled egypt because of its strategic location

The frenchies

Fr was very powerful in North africa

Leter spread into west and central Africa

The territory Fr controlled was as large as the Us

Zee Germans

The newly formed German empire had to Fight many battles against African natives to Take land in the Southern half Of Africa

Germany would only keep these territories until the end of WW1


The Italians crossed the Mediterranean and Conquered Libya they then Took Smaliland in the Horn of Africa  Then were badly defeated by the Ethiopians

The Belgians

King Leopold and other early Belgians exploited The Riches of the Congo

He was known brutalizing the Natives 

Many Africans were enslaved beaten and killed

African Claims of the portuguese and Spanish were minimal even though they were the leaders of the Age of exploration 

Southern Africa

In the 1600s dutch farmers known as Boers settled in Southern Africa in Cape Town as a supply station

In the 1700s the Dutch and Herders and hunters began to move North The british then acquired Cape colony in the Early 1800s

Southern Africa

In the late 1800s the discovery of Gold and diamonds in the Northern Boer Territory set off the Anglo Boer war . The war was from 1899-1902 and involved bitter Guerrilla Fighting. British won but at a great cost (People dying)

Anglo-Zulu War

Early 100s african leader name Shaka conquered and united tribes to form the Zulu nation in southern africa

The Zulus were known to be skilled and organized fighters 

Shaka used his power and forces to fight against European slave trader and ivory

Part 2

The zulus wiped out a british force of 1800 at the Battle of Isandlwana

The zulu victory(s) were short lived The battle of Rorke’s Drift

 The superior weaponry of the British Military overtook the Zulus

South Africa

1910 After war against the Zulu and Boers the British secured Southern Africa Established the Republic of South Africa and Instituted Apartheid


The Ethiopians Kept their freedom through a successful military Resistance

Emperor Menelik II modernized the Army through Influenced from the I.R

When The Italians invaded they were defeated so badly by the Ethiopian Army that no other Europeans tried to take Ethiopia

Imperialism in Asia

New markets

  • What the focus of conquest in Africa was to exploit africa for cheap labor and raw materials Asian countries offered fewer raw materials

  • Aside from the Middle east and its abundance of oil Asia was seen primarily as an ideal set of established markets for westerners to sell manufactured goods

  • To do this Europeans could conquer and control these formerly great empires either rule them directly (Like india) or indirectly by bribing or forcing native leaders (Like China)

  • Euros would control an area and force native to buy their goods or at the very least ignore any taxes or commercials policies and customs of the Asia state

  • Europeans fought for the right to exclusively trade with certain areas or markets much like the British would establish in S. Asia most notably it’s colony of India

The british Raj

  • In INDIA the British East India company operating with massive wealth mercenary soldiers and a British charter had managed and controlled most local kingdoms of India since the 18th Century

Indian nationalism

  • Impact of the Brits imperialism in India

    • Good england built railroads telegraphs sewers and water systems hospitals and schools 

  • Bad England did not allow the Indians to govern themselves

Forced india to trade only with England

Converted farms to cotton plantations

The Sepoy mutiny

  • 1857 Sepoy soldiers rebelled against the British When they heard rumors that the bullets they were using were coated with Animal fat

  • Initiated by the sepoy Mangal Pandey the 1857 Sepoy mutiny would nearly succeed in ousting the British foiled only by the direct intervention The British Navy and army

    • The Sepoy Mutiny was crushed

    • This revealed the hostility between Ind and Brit

The british Raj

  • Following the Sepoy Mutiny the British govt would rule india directly until 1947 this direct rule in India is referred to as the British Raj

  • In india they controlled raw materials and Established Thousands of miles of railroad to promote British Econ interest

  • They also incorporated Indians into the Military and used them for cheap labor

Indian Nationalism

  • In 1885 Indians demanded self rule and created the Indian National Congress to gain more control over governing India 

  • Lead by mahatma Gandhi Indian finally gained its independence in 1947

The cope I mean Opium wars in China

  • One of the 1st areas in East asia euro would force the Chinese to accept and buy their goods 

  • And so this caused a war and GB won and forced China to sign a series of unequal trade treaties

  • The kept selling opium to China kept relinquishing of 5 trade port cities to the British

Spheres of Influence

  • Once Gb and FR easily defeated and exploited the Quing dynasty in the Opium wars other industrial powers the world saw an opportunity to capitalize economically on a vulnerable China

  • 1890s: The industrial states of Euro and Japan divided China into exclusive econ zones later known as Spheres of Influence

  • While the Qing Emperor was Still in charge he/She was Foriced to allow the Euros and Japanese operate factories Businesses in China While Ignoring Chinese law tax policies and Customs

  • Despite the fact that the Us Objected to this practice arguing to Keep China open for trade with the World and all zones China was humiliatingly subjugated by foreign powers

Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901

  • By 1890 the Chinese people and govt had been humiliated by the Opium war and the intrusion of Westerners Russia 

  • These people called Boxers were rebels in the west got assistance from the Qing Military forces but they got shutdown and demolished them in 1901

China Imperialized

  • Other European countries used China’s defeat in the Opium War to gain Spheres of influence

  • The USA didn’t get sphere of Influence in China Open door Policy in 1899

  • Boxer Rebellion (1901)

Part 3 Us imperialism

Econ competition

A technological advances allowed for production of large quantities of Goods

B. Amer. Needed new markets to sell it’s products and Raw materials

C. Exports increased from 234 Mil to 1.5 Bill after expanding overseas

Also Political and Military Competition

Other nations were establishing a Global military presence

Admiral Alfred T. Mahan advocated for a strong navy to protect shipping lanes and proposed military bases be put strategically so ships could refuel

Belief in Racial and cultural superiority

Some Amer. Used Social Darwinism to justify Anglo Saxon (Whites of European decent superiority)

Argued the U.S had a responsibility to spread Christianity and civilization to the World’s Inferior Peoples.

U.S Imperialism in Latin America

Spanish American War

Best Ex of Us Imperialism was the US war with the Spanish Empire in Cuba during their move to break from Spain in the 1890s

Claiming Spanish has sunk a US destroyer in Cuba and Enhanced by Sensational journalist US quickly Declared War

US took Guam the Philippines Puerto Rico and Installed the Platt Amendment in the New Cuban Government’s Constitution

This pretty much allowed The US to own and hold bases in Cuba

Similar instances of Military intervention by the US to protect American Corporate Interest took place throughout Latin America


War begins in the Philippines

Philippines was a main base for Spanish in the Pacific 

WIth Amers help the Philippines won their Independence from Spain

But the U.S Negotiated With Spanish and Purchased The philip For 20 mil Dollars

Feeling betrayed, the Filipinos revolted against Amer. Gov’t 3 years

Debate over Annexation of the Philippines

The Anti Imperialist League and other believed it was wrong to annex a foreign territory and rule its government 

Them expansionist wanted annexation and business ppl wanted the islands to be a trading post for goods from Asia and a fueling stop for merchant ships

The government act in the Phillip. Was annexed by the U.S and set up a government that was mostly appoint by their official

In 1946 the Philippines was finally granted its independence

Puerto Rico Struggled for Self government

Luis munoz Rivera fought to secure self government for Puerto Rico

After defeat of Spain U.S remained in control of P.R Government

In 1917 PR were given U.S citizenship and the right to elect both houses of their legislature in 1953 it became a commonwealth

Us imperialism in the Pacific

U.s Interest in Hawaii

U.S was interested in Hawaii’s Location for trade W/ Asia and in its excellent soil

Descendants of US Missionaries became wealthy landowners who wanted more control over the Hawaiian Gov’t

American sugar planter accounted for ¾ of the wealth of Hawaii

Immigrants from China Japan Korea and the Philippines were used to work on sugar and Pineapple Plantations

1875 treaty allowed hawaiian sugar to be sold duty free in the U.S which made growing sugar even more profitable

Executive  Council of Provisional government

Eventually Amer. sugar growers were required to pay duties which would put them in direct competition witch Cuba so they called for the Annexation of Hawaii by the U.S

Amer. Planters and businessmen formed the Secret Hawaiian league whose goal was to Overthrow the Monarchy

The league forced King kalakaua to sign a treaty which put most of the political power in the hands of American landowners

U.S Also forced the King to sign a treaty allowing A naval base in Pearl Harbor B/C they needed a min pacific Fueling station during Span. Amer. War.

When Queen Liliokalani came into power she fought to remove restrictions on voting Goal was to return the power to the native ppl

With the help of U.s Marines Annexationist took utter control over gov’t Building and a Provisional Gov’t as put in place

The queen was imprisoned in her palace and was forced to give up her throne

Hawaii was annexed in 1898 under Pres Mckinley without the ppl’s vote and remained a territory until 1959

U.S Foreign Policy in China

The Us and other nations were interested in trade with China 

TO prevent countries from having Private Trade agreements John hayes calls for an Open door policy (No country would have special trading right)

Chinese who opposed western influence Organized a rebellion (Boxer rebellion) but were defeated

U.S Con’t to make sure China was not colonized to protect their trade interests

As China faced Conflict with Japan the U.S G.B FR Germany and Russia pressured China to divide the country into spheres of influence (Ports or regions where specific countries would have rights over trade mines and railroads)

Under the Open Door policy China had to 

Keep all ports open to all nations

Allow Chineses

Panama Canal 

Speak softly and carry a big stick

Roosevelt wanted access B/T The atlantic and Pacific

Offered 10 Mil to colombia to build a canal in panama but they refused

U.s sent scholarships to back panamanians in a revolt against the Columbia and the Hay bunau Varilla treaty gave the U.s Control over a 10 Mile wide Canal Zone

Construction began in 1904 Worker faced terrible working conditions disease 

Majority of workers came from West indies

Canal was 51 Mi. long and opened in 1914

Asian imperialism

Quing self strengthening movement

First half of the 19th century prideful chinese leaders and officials opposed the idea of borrowing and learning foreigners they had considered inferior

Most chinese officials felt chinese methods and culture were superior and desired to keep its current society and economy intact opting only to purchase and adopt military tech and armaments by hiring foreign advisers

Imperialism in Japan

Since Sakoku the shogunte in Edo had kept Japan and its trade Euro and the world expect for the Dutch at deijima

While Japan remained closed since 1630s in 1853 Matthew Perry of the U.S navy arrived in with the intention of opening Japan backup to world market by force if necessary

This move humiliated the Japanese and they dedicated himself to industrializing blaming the Shogunate a its isolationist policies for failing to keep up with the rest of the world

Meiji restoration

In 1868 Many japanese leaders rebelled and overthrew the shogunate for its humiliating surrender to the US and the west for its failure to industrialize

The Japanese

Formed a democratic government and wrote a constitution 

First Sino Japanese war

W/In 30 years of the Meiji restoration Japanese looked to expand And create an imperial empire like the est and Russia focusing on China and Korea

Seeing China's weakness in the Opium wars Japan went to war with the Qing dynasty of Chinese Imperial holding in Korea and Taiwan

The Alarming success and speed of Japan's industrialization sent shockwaves through the world as China was humiliated by a loss of power prestige and influence to the much smaller Japan   once subservient protectorate state

This not only alerted the Chinese and Europeans as to how strong Japan had become but it also signified the end of the Self str movement as a miserable failure

Russo Japanese war

  • After boxer Rebellion Russia took control of Manchuria and then wanted Korea

  • Japan owned Korea after taking it from China in 1895. They set Korea up as an independent state

  • Russia refused to respect Japan’s claim causing ar B/t Russia and Japan 

Roosevelt negotiated Peace between Japan and Russia

Roosevelt helped to negotiate a treaty between the two countries and inspired Japan to modernize and build a large military and navy.

Russia agrees to give Japan control over Manchuria and Korea

For his work roosevelt won nobel Peace prize in 1906

Fearful of further Japanese expansion the U.s send battleships to show naval power and their presence in the Pacific

Russian Industrialization

  • While W. Countries used private (Non-Government) investment and capitalism to industrialize the Russian took a state sponsored approach

  • In 1861 Tsar Alex II officially ended serfdom (Peasants and stuff like that) as his first and most important liberal reform and freed up 23 Million workers to server the labor force

  • Russia used state money to build railroads factories and industrial centers and this put russia in the top 5 industrialized countries by 1900

  • Problem was that Russia lacked the Financial capital and taxes to fund this state sponsored industrialization

  • To fund it they overtaxed the agricultural workers and drew resentment from the lower classes as people did not support the fast Russian pace

  • Tension reach the boiling point between the populace and the tsar in 1905 when Russia suffered a defeat in the Russo Japanese war

Industrial Comparison

  • Like Russia Japan utilized more state sponsored industrialization rather than private investors

  • Unlike Russia Japan had more financial capital with which to invest

  • The Japanese People the govt and population were determined to remain inferior to the eastern powers

  • Japanese workers and officials were more willing to make the Sacrifice necessary to catch the west and expand the Japanese 

Russian and American Expansion

  • Like the rapid expansion of W. Euro maritime empires Russia and the Us used their industrial advantage to expand territory

  • While Russia peasants had settled eastward since the 1600s the Emergence of railroads and industrialized weapons allowed Russia to conquer larger areas

  • 19th century Russia completed conquest of Central Asian Muslims (that fiercely opposed Russian rule) as well as exploring and claiming Alaska

  • US,during the 19th century began to fulfill a policy called Manifest Destiny spreading American borders and culture from coast to coast

  • To do this they had to buy or conquer territory from GB FR Spain Mexico Russia and all the remaining native americans

Ottoman industrialization

  • Like the proud officials of Chin much of the Ottoman leadership were opposed to modernizing their economy and military

  • Like China the OE had a long proud history of success and many saw their losses to European as a temporary setback

  • Despite these views Selim III was the first sultan to realize that mounting losses were not due to a setback but were due to lack of innovation and reform on the part of the ottoman Empire

  • Opposition Selim III attempted to bring FR military advisors in an attempt to reform their Military and tactics

  • Outraged at the prospect of reforms initiated by a Western Christian powers the nobles imprisoned and killed Selim III and virtually ended any attempts by future sultans to Westernize the OE

Khedivate of Egypt

  • In Egypt a man named Muhammad Ali(Not the boxer) Also recognized the need for the Islamic world to industrialized if they hoped to maintain their sovereignty against the west

  • Seeing the failure of Selim III Ali established Egypt as a Khedivate as autonomous tribute state in 1863 which remained loyal to the ottoman empire but allowed Egypt to operate independently to pursue military and economic Westernization

  • Only formed and established the professional standing army and navy as well as an organized Central bureaucracy

  • While these reforms would ultimately fail to protect egypt from british imperialism it was a significant step in forming an egyptian national identity independent of the Ottoman empire

Part V Effects and Impacts of Imperialism

Effects of Imperialism 

Pos results

  1. Unified national states created

  2. Improved Medical care sanitation and nutrition

  3. Increased agricultural production

  4. Improved transportations and communication facilities

  5. Expanded educational opportunities

Neg Results

  1. Encouraged tribal wars by creating artificial borders

  2. Created population explosion and famine

  3. Produced Cash crops needed by European and not food for Africans 

  4. Exploited natural resources minerals lumber rubber human rights

  5. Downgraded traditional African culture and westernization

Dividing Africa

Europeans dividing Africa ignored the tribal ethnic and cultural boundaries of the African people

  • This had led to tribal conflict in many African nations that continue to this day
