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ApWH Unit 2 Review:

The growth of trade networks including the Silk Road, the Indian Ocean Trade Network and the trans-Saharan trade networks as well as the Mongol Empire, and the cultural and environmental impact of connectivity.

Mongol empire:

  • Afro-Eurasia

  • Genghis Khan

  • Mongol domination in 1209 and forward

  • Mongol army was highly trained, used horseback and had great skills because of their lives on tough, arid, terrain.

  • Used siege weapons (from China)

  • Pax Mongolica (Mongol peace) is the term used to refer to economic, social, stability, and cultural growth under the Mongols.

  • the mongols with every place they conquered once it was conquered there was peace in that region

  • practiced religious tolerance

  • were located in central asian region which gave them access to China

  • silk road was able to succeed because of the Mongols presence

  • using military tactics like splitting the soldiers and surrounding the enemy

  • during Mongol rule, the “third golden age” of the silk road took place

  • the Mongols improved roads, punished bandits, enforced laws, respected merchants, and actively patrolled trade routes which all contributed to the growth of the Silk Road

  • After the death of Genghis Khan 3 out of 4 of his grandsons all formed their own Khanates in Eurasia:

  • Batu & the Golden Horde(west), in Russia, the Mongols ruled through a tribute system

  • Hulegu & the Islamic Heartlands (southwest), established the il-Khanate in Muslim territory, also ruled through tribute (indirectly), and converted to islam, adapts to culture

  • Kublai Khan & the Yuan Dynasty, defeated the Song Dynasty (China) but since they wanted to keep traditional styles of government they established the Yuan Dynasty, were religiously tolerant (embraced Buddhism), tried to conquer Japan but failed, dismantled the civil service exam due to that the White Lotus Society rebelled and overthrew Mongol rule resulting in the Ming dynasty.

  • The MOST IMPORTANT is Kublai Khan because China will still dominate the world with Kublai Khan

  • Waring Khans and resistance to the Mongols led to the decline of the empire

  • Largest continuous land empire in history

  • Strengthened long distance trade & a built a system of roads that connected new places resulting in cultural exchange

  • China paper moved west, medical knowledge went to the west, scientific knowledge went to China

  • transmitted trade resulted in the Black death and the spread of it

  • understood centralized power

  • improved siege & military technology

    The Silk Road, the Indian Ocean Network, and Trans-Saharan Trade:

  • silk road is largest trade network overland at this time, and is more prosperous when ruled by one single empire at a time(Abbasid, Mongol)

  • Causes of the Growth of Trade:Increased demand for luxury goods in Europe caused by the Christian crusades.Improved transportation technology like the magnetic compass, travel caravans, travel saddles being invented, the Chinese invention of the Rudder & Junk Boat.Unification and protection under the Mongol Empire.

  • utilize horses, and develop ships

    Effects of the Growth of Trade:

  • The Growth of cities like Kashgar and Samarkand along trading routes

  • Caravanserai - hotels(inns) on the Silk Road, leading to more cultural exchange along the Silk road

  • increased production and supply of luxury goods in Europe as a result of Crusades

  • a Money economy was developed to replace trading economy

  • credit called flying cash was introduced, bill of exchange(saying they were owed a certain amount and needed to be paid that amount)

    Indian Ocean:

  • crossed waterways all the way from China to the regions bordering the Indian Ocean including the Middle East and Africa.

  • maritime technological advances like the development of boats such as the Lateen (triangle)sail, Stern rudders, astrolabe

  • one of the most famous travelers Zheng he, under the ming dynasty Zheng he travels different voyages to showcase Chinese wealth

    Demand for products:

  • Islam connected more parts of the world than ever, increased demand for goods drove trade.

  • Maritime trade was cheaper than land trade, so more common goods were exchanged than on the silk road.

  • India - Cotton, leather, stonework, and spices like pepper from its coastal city Calicut.

  • Malaysia and Indonesia were the Spice Islands because of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

  • African Swahili coastal cities traded ivory, gold, and slaves.

  • China exported silks and porcelain.

  • Southwest Asia traded horses, figs, and dates.

  • Ethiopia can’t reach the silk road so the Indian ocean network will expand and allows trade that can happen with different regions of the world

    Effects of Trade:

  • knowledge of Monsoon winds helped merchants navigate the ocean(knew when and where to travel), this knowledge led to the creation of diasporic communities because merchants were staying longer in a region

  • Monsoon winds allows trade & travel

  • diasporic communities led to intermarriage between cultures, which encouraged cultural interactions and assimilations like Islam going to Southern Asia.

  • Important diasporic communities are:Arab and Persian communities in East Africa. Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia.Malaysian communities in the Indian Ocean Basin.

  • different kingdoms interact with each other

  • Indian ocean network promotes idea of diasporic communities

  • the Indian ocean allowed people to settle down and create a community, the silk road didn’t have that

  • longer lasting connections which is why by the time we hit 1600s there is still an Indian ocean network

  • increased trade & demand for goods, encourage state gov’ts to form throughout the Indian ocean

  • Malacca (muslim city-state) grew due to the Indian ocean network

  • Calicut in India became a massive trade port where people went in search of spices

  • The Swahili City-States on the East Coast of Africa became wealthy due to increased trade in gold, ivory, and slaves.

  • Gujarat in India became wealthy because of taxes and it was a port

  • religion continued to grow as states and trade did, more specifically Islam.

    Trans-Saharan Trade network:

    Impact of Islam:

  • after missionaries, Muslim merchants moved into Africa spreading an increased desire for trade

  • Merchants brought with them architecture, Islam, and increased desire for trade.


  • the Somali camel saddle(from east Africa) increased the ability to trade across Africa

  • Caravans grew more popular making trade safer


  • Ibn Battuta, a Sufi muslim who traveled across the Indian ocean network looking for a greater understanding of the Muslim world, in his writings he depicted such:African and Islamic economies, Political and societal information , Cultural traditions of many locations.

  • Marco Polo, a European traveler who went as far as China in search of great trade possibilities, he brought back to Europe a depiction of what life in China is like(China was far more advanced than Europe at the time)

    Growth of State and Empire on the Trans-Saharan trade network:

  • Mali empire, one of the richest in the world because of GOLD.Africa dominated gold trade in the Indian ocean network.

  • Timbuktu grew into a massive center of trade and Islamic learning.

  • the growth of trade also meant the growth of government(currencies were created, military was risen)

  • As empires grew, more people were brought into them and introduced to distant cultures and Islam.

    Cultural and Environmental Consequences of Connectivity:

    Spread of Technology:

  • Gunpowder & paper from China

  • Champa rice from India to China

  • Seafaring technology spread making trade easier

  • Islamic scholars translated Greek classics like Aristotle into Arabic(translating things helped golden age)

  • Math from India to Afro Eurasia

  • Advancements in medicine

    Growth of Cities:

  • Political stability, less invasions (no need for warfare)

  • safe & reliable transportation

  • increase in commerce & trade

  • large labor supplies

  • increased agricultural output

  • Mongols cause problems

  • Dhow Ships (more of a Chinese ship)with the Lateen Sails (Passed through Arabic, Indian and Asian worlds)

  • lateen sail comes around during the time of the Indian Ocean trade

  • cross cultural, combining technologies together

    Spread of Religion:

  • Buddhism spread to East Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam) from India and found favor with lower classes which Confucianism had left out.

  • Buddhism and Hinduism spread to Southeast Asia contributing to the growth of empires like the Khmer empire.

  • Islam went ALL OVER Afro Eurasia - because of the caste system, the Bhakti movement, Africa became a center of Islam with lots of center for Islamic learning.

  • biggest spreaders are buddhism and islam

  • for islam the spread of Islam, spreads into Europe, Spain, north Africa, west Africa, later into central and east Africa, great unifying force, makes trade easier, if you knew Arabic you were able to communicate with one another

    Effects of Trade:

  • The black plague resulted in many deaths, economic output in Europe declines, workers rights become important as well as labor

  • Feudalism declines as peasants lives start to improve

  • weakening of feudalism will connect to renaissance


  • Champa rice from India to China

  • Bananas are introduced to Africa

  • cotton, sugar, and citrus fruits are introduced to the Mediterranean


  • increased populations put pressure on resources

  • Overgrazing, deforestation, and soil erosion become problems.

  • the Plague

ApWH Unit 2 Review:

The growth of trade networks including the Silk Road, the Indian Ocean Trade Network and the trans-Saharan trade networks as well as the Mongol Empire, and the cultural and environmental impact of connectivity.

Mongol empire:

  • Afro-Eurasia

  • Genghis Khan

  • Mongol domination in 1209 and forward

  • Mongol army was highly trained, used horseback and had great skills because of their lives on tough, arid, terrain.

  • Used siege weapons (from China)

  • Pax Mongolica (Mongol peace) is the term used to refer to economic, social, stability, and cultural growth under the Mongols.

  • the mongols with every place they conquered once it was conquered there was peace in that region

  • practiced religious tolerance

  • were located in central asian region which gave them access to China

  • silk road was able to succeed because of the Mongols presence

  • using military tactics like splitting the soldiers and surrounding the enemy

  • during Mongol rule, the “third golden age” of the silk road took place

  • the Mongols improved roads, punished bandits, enforced laws, respected merchants, and actively patrolled trade routes which all contributed to the growth of the Silk Road

  • After the death of Genghis Khan 3 out of 4 of his grandsons all formed their own Khanates in Eurasia:

  • Batu & the Golden Horde(west), in Russia, the Mongols ruled through a tribute system

  • Hulegu & the Islamic Heartlands (southwest), established the il-Khanate in Muslim territory, also ruled through tribute (indirectly), and converted to islam, adapts to culture

  • Kublai Khan & the Yuan Dynasty, defeated the Song Dynasty (China) but since they wanted to keep traditional styles of government they established the Yuan Dynasty, were religiously tolerant (embraced Buddhism), tried to conquer Japan but failed, dismantled the civil service exam due to that the White Lotus Society rebelled and overthrew Mongol rule resulting in the Ming dynasty.

  • The MOST IMPORTANT is Kublai Khan because China will still dominate the world with Kublai Khan

  • Waring Khans and resistance to the Mongols led to the decline of the empire

  • Largest continuous land empire in history

  • Strengthened long distance trade & a built a system of roads that connected new places resulting in cultural exchange

  • China paper moved west, medical knowledge went to the west, scientific knowledge went to China

  • transmitted trade resulted in the Black death and the spread of it

  • understood centralized power

  • improved siege & military technology

    The Silk Road, the Indian Ocean Network, and Trans-Saharan Trade:

  • silk road is largest trade network overland at this time, and is more prosperous when ruled by one single empire at a time(Abbasid, Mongol)

  • Causes of the Growth of Trade:Increased demand for luxury goods in Europe caused by the Christian crusades.Improved transportation technology like the magnetic compass, travel caravans, travel saddles being invented, the Chinese invention of the Rudder & Junk Boat.Unification and protection under the Mongol Empire.

  • utilize horses, and develop ships

    Effects of the Growth of Trade:

  • The Growth of cities like Kashgar and Samarkand along trading routes

  • Caravanserai - hotels(inns) on the Silk Road, leading to more cultural exchange along the Silk road

  • increased production and supply of luxury goods in Europe as a result of Crusades

  • a Money economy was developed to replace trading economy

  • credit called flying cash was introduced, bill of exchange(saying they were owed a certain amount and needed to be paid that amount)

    Indian Ocean:

  • crossed waterways all the way from China to the regions bordering the Indian Ocean including the Middle East and Africa.

  • maritime technological advances like the development of boats such as the Lateen (triangle)sail, Stern rudders, astrolabe

  • one of the most famous travelers Zheng he, under the ming dynasty Zheng he travels different voyages to showcase Chinese wealth

    Demand for products:

  • Islam connected more parts of the world than ever, increased demand for goods drove trade.

  • Maritime trade was cheaper than land trade, so more common goods were exchanged than on the silk road.

  • India - Cotton, leather, stonework, and spices like pepper from its coastal city Calicut.

  • Malaysia and Indonesia were the Spice Islands because of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

  • African Swahili coastal cities traded ivory, gold, and slaves.

  • China exported silks and porcelain.

  • Southwest Asia traded horses, figs, and dates.

  • Ethiopia can’t reach the silk road so the Indian ocean network will expand and allows trade that can happen with different regions of the world

    Effects of Trade:

  • knowledge of Monsoon winds helped merchants navigate the ocean(knew when and where to travel), this knowledge led to the creation of diasporic communities because merchants were staying longer in a region

  • Monsoon winds allows trade & travel

  • diasporic communities led to intermarriage between cultures, which encouraged cultural interactions and assimilations like Islam going to Southern Asia.

  • Important diasporic communities are:Arab and Persian communities in East Africa. Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia.Malaysian communities in the Indian Ocean Basin.

  • different kingdoms interact with each other

  • Indian ocean network promotes idea of diasporic communities

  • the Indian ocean allowed people to settle down and create a community, the silk road didn’t have that

  • longer lasting connections which is why by the time we hit 1600s there is still an Indian ocean network

  • increased trade & demand for goods, encourage state gov’ts to form throughout the Indian ocean

  • Malacca (muslim city-state) grew due to the Indian ocean network

  • Calicut in India became a massive trade port where people went in search of spices

  • The Swahili City-States on the East Coast of Africa became wealthy due to increased trade in gold, ivory, and slaves.

  • Gujarat in India became wealthy because of taxes and it was a port

  • religion continued to grow as states and trade did, more specifically Islam.

    Trans-Saharan Trade network:

    Impact of Islam:

  • after missionaries, Muslim merchants moved into Africa spreading an increased desire for trade

  • Merchants brought with them architecture, Islam, and increased desire for trade.


  • the Somali camel saddle(from east Africa) increased the ability to trade across Africa

  • Caravans grew more popular making trade safer


  • Ibn Battuta, a Sufi muslim who traveled across the Indian ocean network looking for a greater understanding of the Muslim world, in his writings he depicted such:African and Islamic economies, Political and societal information , Cultural traditions of many locations.

  • Marco Polo, a European traveler who went as far as China in search of great trade possibilities, he brought back to Europe a depiction of what life in China is like(China was far more advanced than Europe at the time)

    Growth of State and Empire on the Trans-Saharan trade network:

  • Mali empire, one of the richest in the world because of GOLD.Africa dominated gold trade in the Indian ocean network.

  • Timbuktu grew into a massive center of trade and Islamic learning.

  • the growth of trade also meant the growth of government(currencies were created, military was risen)

  • As empires grew, more people were brought into them and introduced to distant cultures and Islam.

    Cultural and Environmental Consequences of Connectivity:

    Spread of Technology:

  • Gunpowder & paper from China

  • Champa rice from India to China

  • Seafaring technology spread making trade easier

  • Islamic scholars translated Greek classics like Aristotle into Arabic(translating things helped golden age)

  • Math from India to Afro Eurasia

  • Advancements in medicine

    Growth of Cities:

  • Political stability, less invasions (no need for warfare)

  • safe & reliable transportation

  • increase in commerce & trade

  • large labor supplies

  • increased agricultural output

  • Mongols cause problems

  • Dhow Ships (more of a Chinese ship)with the Lateen Sails (Passed through Arabic, Indian and Asian worlds)

  • lateen sail comes around during the time of the Indian Ocean trade

  • cross cultural, combining technologies together

    Spread of Religion:

  • Buddhism spread to East Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam) from India and found favor with lower classes which Confucianism had left out.

  • Buddhism and Hinduism spread to Southeast Asia contributing to the growth of empires like the Khmer empire.

  • Islam went ALL OVER Afro Eurasia - because of the caste system, the Bhakti movement, Africa became a center of Islam with lots of center for Islamic learning.

  • biggest spreaders are buddhism and islam

  • for islam the spread of Islam, spreads into Europe, Spain, north Africa, west Africa, later into central and east Africa, great unifying force, makes trade easier, if you knew Arabic you were able to communicate with one another

    Effects of Trade:

  • The black plague resulted in many deaths, economic output in Europe declines, workers rights become important as well as labor

  • Feudalism declines as peasants lives start to improve

  • weakening of feudalism will connect to renaissance


  • Champa rice from India to China

  • Bananas are introduced to Africa

  • cotton, sugar, and citrus fruits are introduced to the Mediterranean


  • increased populations put pressure on resources

  • Overgrazing, deforestation, and soil erosion become problems.

  • the Plague