Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch 6-8

jumble - an untidy collection or pile of things

dun - of a dull gray-ish brown color

convert - cause to change form, character, or function

infinite - limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate

snivel - cry and sniff in a feeble or fretful way

infuriating - making one extremely angry and impatient; very annoying

sagely - in a profoundly wise manner

blunder - make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumisly

traverses - to pass or crossover something

daunting - seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating

scurfy - rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf

brine - water strongly impregnanted with salt

obtuseness - the quality or state of lacking intellegence or quickness of mind

ruefully - in a way that expresses sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way

crestfallen - sad and disappointed

antagonism - active hostility or opposition

serenading - entertain (someone) with a serenade

tremulous - shaking or quivering slightly

rebuke - express sharp disapproval or critism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions

derision - contemptous ridicule or mockery

assurance - a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise

demure - reserved, modest, and shy

fervor - intense and passionate feeling

uproarious - characterized by or provoking loud noise or uproar

cynicism - an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism

illusive - deceptive, illusory

demoniac - of, like, or characterized by a demon or demons

anonymous - not identified by name; of unknown name

audible - able to be heard

frond - the leaf or leaflike part of a palm, fern, or similar plant

parody - an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect
