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Anatomy/Physiology Exam 2

Ch 11: Nervous system

General steps:

  1. Sensory input (Sensory nerve fibers/afferent division)

  2. Integration (CNS)

  3. Motor output (motor nerve fibers/efferent division)

Basic architecture:

  • Central Nervous System = brain and spinal cord (integrative/control)

  • Peripheral Nervous System = cranial and spinal nerves (communication btwn CNS and body)

  • Sensory division = somatic and visceral sensory fibers (impulses from receptors to CNS)

  • Motor division = conducts impulses from CNS to effectors (muscles/glands)

    • Somatic nervous system = voluntary; from CNS to muscles

    • Autonomic nervous system = visceral/involuntary; from CNS to cardiac, smooth, glands

      • Sympathetic division = mobilizes body during activity

      • Parasympathetic division = conserves energy; promotes housekeeping during rest

Neuroglia: supportive cells in nervous system

  • astrocytes - support, organize, clean (neurotransmitters), feed; form blood/brain barrier; most abundant

  • microglial cells - immune roles (ordinary WBC cannot cross blood/brain barriers)

  • ependymal cells - line CSF spaces; produce CSF (choroid plexus of ventricles)

  • oligodendrocytes - form myelin sheath around CNS axons (interacts with multiple)

  • satellite cells - surround PNS cell bodies (similar to astrocytes)

  • Schwann cells - form myelin sheath around PNS axons (single portion of axon)


  • Highly elongated (axon/dendrite structure); high metabolic rate (aerobic); highly differentiated structure (cannot divide); long lived (lifetimes)

  • Dendrites - receptive/input regions, convey messages toward body

  • cell body - metabolic center, clusters in CNS=nuclei, clusters in PNS=ganglia

  • axon hillock - initiates AP in response to EPSP depolarization to threshold. “trigger zone”

  • Schwann cells/myelin sheath - insulates axon; lipid (plasma membrane); accelerates AP

  • node of Ranvier - gaps in myelin to allow for saltatory conduction

  • axon - propagates AP to terminus

  • axon terminal - secretory region, releases neurotransmitters to communicate

    • AP terminated; triggers Ca+2 influx, exocytosis of NT by synaptotagmin and SNAP/SNARE complex

      Diagram of Neuron Anatomy 358962 Vector Art at Vecteezy

  • afferent (sensory) neuron - transmit sensory info towards CNS (unipolar - one branched process [T], sensory of PNS)

  • efferent (motor) neuron - carry impulses away from CNS (multipolar - many dendrites and one axon, common in CNS; body in CNS)

  • interneurons - btwn motor/sensory neurons; through CNS; 99% of neurons; multipolar

    • bipolar - one dendrite, one axon; rare, typically in special senses

Membrane potentials

  • Resting potential - established by Na+/K+ ATPase (3 Na out, 2 K in; active ion pump); -70mV;

    • K+ has higher permeability (leaks out of cell and leaves behind anions; leak channels); Na+ leaks into cell MUCH slower, maintains conc. gradient)

    • Resting potential depends on the permeabilities of ions (closest to equilibrium of K+)

  • Graded potential - incoming (local) signals with varying strength (not all or nothing); must add up before it initiates an AP; current decreases with distance and varies with strength of stimulus

    • depolarization - decrease in membrane potential (EPSP; closer to AP threshold; -55mV; Na+ channels [voltage gated ion channels])

      • inactivation gate of channel prevents continuous activation; one way propagation

    • hyperpolarization - increase in membrane potential (IPSP; Cl- or VG K+ channels)

    • receptor potential - graded potential at sensory neuron due to physical or chemical change

    • postsynaptic potential - graded potential produced by ligand-gated ion channels (LGICR) in postsynaptic cell (NT, NM, hormone)

  • Action potential - long distance signal of axon (always same strength)

    • initiation/threshold - depolarization at hillock opens VG-Na+ channels (-55mV)

    • depolarization - Na+ influx changes polarization to +30mV

    • repolarization - K+ channels open as a result of potential change, influx into cell and decreases potential to baseline

      • absolute refractory period - when channels are open/resetting (inhibitory gate) another AP cannot occur; also why it propagates unidirectionally

      • AP don’t last forever due to diffusion, leak channels, Na/K pump

    • hyperpolarization - continued flow of K+ decreases to -90mV

    • recovery - ions slowly restore back to resting potential through leaky channels and ATPase

      • relative refractory period - AP requires greater stimulation to reach threshold, but it can still occur

  • Conduction velocity - size and degree of myelination

    • Size - larger diameter = less resistance = faster conduction

    • Myelination - much faster when myelinated

  • Strength of signal - based on frequency and number of nerve cells engaged

  • Saltatory conduction - AP '“jumps” from nodes of Ranvier (insulated wave propagation, ion flow to maintain AP only at nodes)

Neuron Interfaces

  • Synapses

    • axodendritic - btwn axon ending of presynaptic cell and postsynaptic dendrite (typically chemical)

    • axosomatic - direct interface btwn presynaptic axon and postsynaptic soma (body); stronger effect due to proximity to axon hillock

    • axoaxonic - (rare) connection btwn axon terminus and axon (important in neuromodulation [alteration of strength of synapse by external forces])

    • electrical - gap junctions; physical portal btwn two cells for direct ion transfer/conduction of AP (rare - smooth/cardiac but NOT muscle)

    • chemical - rely on NT to bridge gap btwn cells and carry message

      • AP induces VG-channel to allow Ca+2 into the terminus; vesicular fusion triggered by Ca+2 binding to synaptotagmin, conformation change, SNARE complex proteins form vesicles for exocytosis

      • Termination: 1) diffusion of ligand out of synapse (often reabsorbed by astrocytes); 2) reuptake by presynaptic cell for recycling/storage; 3) breakdown by enzymes in synaptic cleft

      • synaptic delay - chemical (diffusion limited)/physical (membrane/protein rearrangement) limitations of NT (0.3-5.0 ms); slower than electrical wave; synapse = rate limiting step (gap junctions are the fastest!)

  • Signaling summation

    • Temporal - increased frequency (helps reach threshold); one pre and one postsynaptic

    • Spatial - helps reach threshold; many pre and one postsynaptic

    • EPSP - excitatory (depolarizing) stimulus (Na+); must be summed before AP produced

    • IPSP - inhibitory (K+ channels or Cl-); if present, EPSP must overcome to activate AP (integration)

  • Synaptic potentiation - repeated/continuous use enhances ability to excite (larger EPSP); accumulation of Ca+2 in terminus or more complicated

  • Presynaptic inhibition - hyperpolarize axons (axoaxonic), inhibit NT release, smaller EPSP

  • Long-term potentiation (LTP) - sensitizing synaptic firing patterns in hippocampus; neural pathway is easier to trigger by some stimulus

    • postsynaptic receptor upregulation (DISCUSSED LATER); Ca+2 ionotropic sensitization; increased NT synthesis


  • NT - chemicals that carry signals btwn neurons (or effector tissue)

    • chemical ID is not sufficient to determine action; actions are based on receptors (same NT can have different effect based on different receptors); different signal transduction pathways

    • metabotropic - activates signal transduction pathway (G-protein, secondary messengers); can alter many cell functions (enzyme activity, gene expression, ion channels)

    • ionotropic - activates LGICR to directly alter membrane potential in postsynaptic neuron (EPSP or IPSP)

  • NM (neuromodulator) - chemical signal released that affects strength of transmission (not directly EPSP or IPSP); TUNE not GENERATE signal

  • acetylcholine

    • nicotinic cholinergic receptor (NAchR); ionotropic, EPSP; skeletal muscle stimulation (PNS); nicotine is agonist, increases sympathetic activation

    • muscarinic cholinergic receptor (MAchR); metabotropic, M2-Gi inhibitory, M1/M3 excitatory; PaANS, inhibits smooth muscle and pacemaker, stimulates digestion; muscarine is agonist, atropine is antagonist, used to control HR

  • norepinephrine/epinephrine

    • alpha adrenergic receptors; metabotropic, a1 excitatory, a2 inhibitory; a1 stimulate smoother muscle constriction, a2 are autoreceptor negative feedback; a1 agonists for vasoconstrictors, a2 for vasodilation

    • beta adrenergic receptors; metabotropic, mostly excitatory (B1, B3), B2 inhibitory; B1, excitatory, increase HR and cardiac contractile force (blockers lower HR and BP); B2, smooth muscle relaxation (agonists used to reverse airway constriction); B3, lipolysis, thermogenesis

  • dopamine (dopaminergic receptor); metabotropic, neuromodulatory; limbic system (emotion), desire/reward, motivation, satisfaction, motor relays in midbrain (Parkinson’s); monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) inhibits degradation, increasing dopamine levels, treats depression

  • serotonin, 5-HT (serotonergic receptor); metabotropic, neuromodulatory; sleep, wakefulness, emotional state, perception, modulates CNS, stomach activity; serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) increase serotonin in synapses, reduce depression, LSD stimulates receptors

  • glutamate (glutamatergic receptors); ionotropic, EPSP; stimulatory of CNS; NMDA antagonists are anesthetics, dissociative euphoriants, alcohol is iGluR antagonist

  • GABA (gabaergic receptors); inonotropic, IPSP; inhibitory of CNS; benzodiazepine agonists reduce anxiety and/or muscle tone (xanax), alcohol is agonist and slows CNS

Ch 14: Autonomic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System - unconscious actions/changes in homeostatic set points (metabolism, reflexes, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, etc.); Sympathetic and Parasympathetic; visceral

  • SyANS: moves body towards action

    • effector origin: thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

    • short preganglionic (ganglia along spinal cord); long post ganglionic

    • ACh (nicotinic), epinephrine/norepinephrine

    • extensive preganglionic branching

    • adrenal and sweat glands involved

    • elevated HR, pupil dilation, vaso-constriction/dilation, increased ventilation, inhibit glands and digestion, stimulates epinephrine production, increased metabolic rate

      • vascular system is under sympathetic tone at rest

      • Uniquely SyANS: thermoregulation (blood vessel dilation/sweat glands); release of renin from kidneys (blood pressure); metabolic effects

  • PaANS: moves body towards rest (maintain homeostasis)

    • effector origin: cranial nerves, sacral spinal cord

    • long preganglionic fibers (ganglia near/within organs)

    • ACh, (nicotinic and muscarinic)

    • limited preganglionic branching

    • slows HR, stimulates digestion, promotes peeing, restricts ventilation, sexual arousal

      • under tone: cardiac activity (pacemaker of heart is around 100bpm, PaANS is inhibitory), digestive and urinary activity, immunity

    • Vagus nerve - primary visceral sensory and PaANS effector pathway for all organs in thorax and abdomen (90% of fibers); PaANS is focused on digestive, heart, lungs

  • Dual innervation: both SyANS and PaANS control; allows for fine tuning (rapid and precise changes); easier to “come down” from SyANS to enter PaANS state

    • Mostly antagonistic, “push-pull” control

    • Cooperative action: sexual excitation and urination

  • Visceral vs Somatic NS

    • involuntary (Somatic NS: voluntary)

    • sensory - general sensations/action for organs, run with autonomic fibers (SNS: general sensations from integument and superficial regions of body; run with motor neurons; muscles)

    • stimulates OR inhibits, modulatory (SNS: stimulation only)

    • dual-fiber pathways, require synapses at autonomic ganglia (SNS: single-fiber pathway, cell body in spinal cord and axon termini at target)

    • NT: ACh preganglionic, acetylcholine (muscarinic) or adrenergic post ganglionic, epinephrine (SNS: ACh, glutamate and GABA in CNS)

Brain regions:

  • spinal cord - lateral horns (effector bodies), medial dorsal horn (visceral reflexes)

  • brain stem - cranial nerves and where they originate (manage ANS, network spanning these regions); ventrolateral medulla (HR and blood vessel diameter), medullary region (gastrointestinal), midbrain (pupil diameter and focus)

  • hypothalamus - overall control; anterior (CRH, PaANS); posterior (ACTH, SyANS)

  • limbic system and cortex - emotional state; fear response w amygdala; remembered stress w hippocampus

    • Conscious thought does not control ANS, but emotion and memory (so relaxation) can affect ANS tone; good for managing chronic stress from SyANS

Chapter 15: Endocrine system

Exocrine - “secreted outside”; chemical signals that leave internal space of body (enter lumen or exit skin); released by ducts; non-hormonal

Endocrine - “secreted inside”; chemical signals for communication; released by glands into blood stream (reach most cells)

  • hormone - long distance (global) signaling between tissues through the blood (or lymph)

  • paracrine - “secreted along side”; short distance (released into ISF to near-by tissues; act locally); can be the same chemical as hormone

  • autocrine - “secreted by self”; short distance (target the same cell that released it); negative feedback


  • water soluble: fast-acting, short-lived; GPCR or RTK signaling

    • amines - nitrogenated compounds; acetylcholine (made from phospholipid, NOT a lipid), biogenic amines (amino acid derivatives: epi/norepi, dopamine, thyroid hormone, serotonin, melatonin

      • catecholamines - derivatives of tyrosine (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, thyroid hormones)

      • indolamines - derivatives of tryptophan (serotonin, melatonin)

    • peptides - small protein fragments; hypothalamic and pituitary hormones

      • fragments of polypeptide gene products; produced similarly to proteins, but are clipped (by proteases) rather than folded; one gene can produce many signaling peptides

    • proteins - posttranslationally modified before active; insulin, prolactin

    • eicosanoids - most paracrines, highly modified fatty acid; BP, pain, swelling

  • lipid soluble: long-acting, long-lived, enter cell and act deep within (change transcription)

    • steroids - cholesterol derivative; adrenal and gonadal

      • need to be transported by carrier proteins, diffuse directly through cell membranes, activate internal receptors

      • glucocorticoids - glucose metabolism, stress

      • mineralocorticoids - sodium reabsorption

      • gonadocorticoids - sex hormones

    • thyroid hormone - modified amine, acts like steroid


  • Humoral: direct change in blood ion/glucose concentration

  • Neural: response to neural stimulation (neuron or neurotransmitter); adrenaline in response to ACh

  • Hormonal: response to another hormone; aldosterone in response to ACTH

    • tropic = hormones that stimulate the production/release of other hormones

      • hypophysiotropins = released by hypothalamus into hypophyseal portal to stimulate anterior pituitary (different from neurological stimulation to posterior pituitary)


  • cell response is based on receptor and the signal transduction at those receptors

  • upregulation - persistent low levels = more receptors to increase sensitization

  • downregulation - persistent high levels = decreased receptors to tolerate hormone

  • permissiveness - hormone cannot exert full effects without other hormone present

  • synergy - more than one hormone produces the same effect; amplification

  • antagonism - two hormones oppose actions of another

Hypothalamic hormones (stored in posterior lobe)

  • GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) - stimulates GH

  • GHIR (growth hormone-inhibiting hormone) - inhibits GH, hunger/metabolism

  • TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates TSH in response to metabolic need

  • CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates ACTH, increased by stress and low BP

  • GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates FSH and LH

  • DA (PIH) - dopamine, inhibits prolactin

Pituitary hormones

  • ACTH; pars distalis; stimulates adrenal cortex, trigger for cortisol; stimulated by CRH

    • Cushing’s disease - hypersecretion of cortisol; characteristic body mass changes, elevated blood glucose, decreased healing, possible sexual development changes, water and mineral balance; typically hypersecretion of ATCH

  • ADH; pars nervosa; vasoconstriction, renal water reabsorption; stimulated by low BP, high osmolarity

    • Diabetes insipidus - hypersecretion of ADH; high urinary volume, high thirst/water intake; damage or tumor to hypothalamus or pituitary gland

  • endorphins; pars intermedia; natural opioid, pain killer; stimulated by pain/stress

  • FSH; pars distalis; sexual development and reproduction, stimulates estrogens; stimulated by GnRH

  • GH; pars distalis; tissue growth, activates IGF’s to promote mitosis and tissue growth; stimulated/inhibited by GHRH/GHIH

    • gigantism - hypersecretion of GH during childhood

    • dwarfism - hyposecretion during childhood

  • LH; pars distalis; sexual development and reproduction, testosterone and progesterone; stimulated by GnRH

  • MSH; pars intermedia; melanocyte activity, melanin production; stimulated by UV exposure

  • oxytocin; pars nervosa; contractions, breastfeeding, social attachments and bonding; stimulated by childbirth, breastfeeding, social interaction

  • PRL (prolactin); pars distalis; mammary gland development and milk production; stimulated by sex hormones, maybe TRH

  • TSH; pars distalis; thyroid gland development and TH production; stimulated by TRH

Pineal gland: endocrine gland in cranium (melatonin)


  • Thyroid hormone - tyrosine derivatives; contain iodide and two linked tyrosine AA; secreted by follicular cells as precursors

    • T3 (triiodothyronine) - high activity form; formed from T4 at target tissues

    • T4 (thyroxine) - low activity form

  • TSH stimulates thyroid release and stimulation to “restock” follicle lumen; TRH stimulates release; T3 acts as negative feedback to both TSH and TRH, TRH inhibits TSH

  • hormonal ‘throttle’ of metabolic rate, body heat, hunger (inc. sugar uptake, release of fatty acids, mobilizes fuel); permissive to GH; sympathetic activation of B-adrenergic receptors (hyperthyroid can present as high sympathetic activation)

  • Goiter - enlarged or protruding thyroid; iodine deficiency = low T3 = inc TRH and TSH = thyroid growth

  • Grave’s disease - hyperthyroid; autoimmune, antibodies target thyroid and stimulate TH release; elevated metabolism, anxiety, insensitivity to cold

  • Congenital hypothyroidism - poor development of thyroid in babies (TH needed for neural and physical development)

  • parafollicular secretory cells - No known role in humans, calcitonin antagonizes PTH to decrease blood calcium


  • small glands on posterior side of thyroid; produce PTH (parathyroid hormone)

  • PTH stimulated by low blood calcium; decreases renal secretion of Ca+2, increases Vitamin D activation, increases bone reabsorption (osteoclasts)

Adrenal gland (above renal [kidneys])

Adrenal Glands: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology | SpringerLink

  • Zona glomerulosa - aldosterone (mineralocorticoid); increases Na retention and K excretion by kidney; increases blood volume/pressure; stimulated by RAAS, increase in plasma K, ACTH, inhibited by ANP

  • Zona fasciculata - cortisol (glucocorticoids) and some adrenal androgens (in response to ACTH); increases blood sugar/metabolic activity, gluconeogenisis, permissive to adrenaline signaling, chronic stress suppresses growth, immunity, digestion, inflammation; stimulated by ATCH and CRH

    • cortisol supports stress changes with increased fuel, decreased digestion, immune, reproductive and growth actions; stimulated by ATCH

  • Zona reticularis - androgens (gonadocorticoids) and some cortisol; stimulated by ATCH; precursors to testosterone and estrogen but also have behavioral roles (sex drive in women); some progesterone made, mostly in ovaries

  • Adrenal medulla - produces epinephrine and some norepinephrine

    • adrenaline drives primary stress response (HR, BP, metabolic rate, etc.); stimulated by SyANS

  • Addison’s disease - ‘underactive adrenal gland’ or adrenal hyposecretion; ATCH levels rise but insufficient corticosteroids produced; weight loss, low blood sugar, low energy, high K levels, dehydration

Pancreas (both endocrine and exocrine)

  • Blood sugar regulators

    • glucagon - stimulated by low blood sugar; alpha cells; stimulates gluconeogenisis (breakdown of fats/proteins to glucose) and glucose release from liver; targets liver and fat

    • insulin - stimulated by high blood sugar; beta cells; stimulated glucose uptake and storage in tissues, fat anabolism, metabolism; synergistic with growth hormone

  • digestive regulators

    • somatostatin (SST) - delta cells

    • pancreatic polypeptide (PP) - gamma cells

    • ghrelin - epsilon cells


  • leptin, adiponectin, resistin: adipose tissue; “fat” hormones; leptin = increases metabolism, decreases appetite, high fat levels; adiponectin = increased insulin sensitivity, low fat; resistin = increased insulin resistance, high fat

  • ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) - stretch in atrial wall (high BP/volume); inhibits aldosterone release, decreases blood Na and volume

  • EPO (erythropoietin), renin: kidneys; EPO = stimulates red blood cell formation, in response to O2 levels; renin = stimulates aldosterone production, SyANS and urinary flow

  • osteocalcin: bone; metabolic regulator, increases insulin production, restricts fat anabolism

  • Vitamin D: cholesterol in skin or ingested; absorption of Ca from diet

  • IGF1: liver, skeletal muscle, bone; resource/nutrient uptake; stimulated by GH


Anatomy/Physiology Exam 2

Ch 11: Nervous system

General steps:

  1. Sensory input (Sensory nerve fibers/afferent division)

  2. Integration (CNS)

  3. Motor output (motor nerve fibers/efferent division)

Basic architecture:

  • Central Nervous System = brain and spinal cord (integrative/control)

  • Peripheral Nervous System = cranial and spinal nerves (communication btwn CNS and body)

  • Sensory division = somatic and visceral sensory fibers (impulses from receptors to CNS)

  • Motor division = conducts impulses from CNS to effectors (muscles/glands)

    • Somatic nervous system = voluntary; from CNS to muscles

    • Autonomic nervous system = visceral/involuntary; from CNS to cardiac, smooth, glands

      • Sympathetic division = mobilizes body during activity

      • Parasympathetic division = conserves energy; promotes housekeeping during rest

Neuroglia: supportive cells in nervous system

  • astrocytes - support, organize, clean (neurotransmitters), feed; form blood/brain barrier; most abundant

  • microglial cells - immune roles (ordinary WBC cannot cross blood/brain barriers)

  • ependymal cells - line CSF spaces; produce CSF (choroid plexus of ventricles)

  • oligodendrocytes - form myelin sheath around CNS axons (interacts with multiple)

  • satellite cells - surround PNS cell bodies (similar to astrocytes)

  • Schwann cells - form myelin sheath around PNS axons (single portion of axon)


  • Highly elongated (axon/dendrite structure); high metabolic rate (aerobic); highly differentiated structure (cannot divide); long lived (lifetimes)

  • Dendrites - receptive/input regions, convey messages toward body

  • cell body - metabolic center, clusters in CNS=nuclei, clusters in PNS=ganglia

  • axon hillock - initiates AP in response to EPSP depolarization to threshold. “trigger zone”

  • Schwann cells/myelin sheath - insulates axon; lipid (plasma membrane); accelerates AP

  • node of Ranvier - gaps in myelin to allow for saltatory conduction

  • axon - propagates AP to terminus

  • axon terminal - secretory region, releases neurotransmitters to communicate

    • AP terminated; triggers Ca+2 influx, exocytosis of NT by synaptotagmin and SNAP/SNARE complex

      Diagram of Neuron Anatomy 358962 Vector Art at Vecteezy

  • afferent (sensory) neuron - transmit sensory info towards CNS (unipolar - one branched process [T], sensory of PNS)

  • efferent (motor) neuron - carry impulses away from CNS (multipolar - many dendrites and one axon, common in CNS; body in CNS)

  • interneurons - btwn motor/sensory neurons; through CNS; 99% of neurons; multipolar

    • bipolar - one dendrite, one axon; rare, typically in special senses

Membrane potentials

  • Resting potential - established by Na+/K+ ATPase (3 Na out, 2 K in; active ion pump); -70mV;

    • K+ has higher permeability (leaks out of cell and leaves behind anions; leak channels); Na+ leaks into cell MUCH slower, maintains conc. gradient)

    • Resting potential depends on the permeabilities of ions (closest to equilibrium of K+)

  • Graded potential - incoming (local) signals with varying strength (not all or nothing); must add up before it initiates an AP; current decreases with distance and varies with strength of stimulus

    • depolarization - decrease in membrane potential (EPSP; closer to AP threshold; -55mV; Na+ channels [voltage gated ion channels])

      • inactivation gate of channel prevents continuous activation; one way propagation

    • hyperpolarization - increase in membrane potential (IPSP; Cl- or VG K+ channels)

    • receptor potential - graded potential at sensory neuron due to physical or chemical change

    • postsynaptic potential - graded potential produced by ligand-gated ion channels (LGICR) in postsynaptic cell (NT, NM, hormone)

  • Action potential - long distance signal of axon (always same strength)

    • initiation/threshold - depolarization at hillock opens VG-Na+ channels (-55mV)

    • depolarization - Na+ influx changes polarization to +30mV

    • repolarization - K+ channels open as a result of potential change, influx into cell and decreases potential to baseline

      • absolute refractory period - when channels are open/resetting (inhibitory gate) another AP cannot occur; also why it propagates unidirectionally

      • AP don’t last forever due to diffusion, leak channels, Na/K pump

    • hyperpolarization - continued flow of K+ decreases to -90mV

    • recovery - ions slowly restore back to resting potential through leaky channels and ATPase

      • relative refractory period - AP requires greater stimulation to reach threshold, but it can still occur

  • Conduction velocity - size and degree of myelination

    • Size - larger diameter = less resistance = faster conduction

    • Myelination - much faster when myelinated

  • Strength of signal - based on frequency and number of nerve cells engaged

  • Saltatory conduction - AP '“jumps” from nodes of Ranvier (insulated wave propagation, ion flow to maintain AP only at nodes)

Neuron Interfaces

  • Synapses

    • axodendritic - btwn axon ending of presynaptic cell and postsynaptic dendrite (typically chemical)

    • axosomatic - direct interface btwn presynaptic axon and postsynaptic soma (body); stronger effect due to proximity to axon hillock

    • axoaxonic - (rare) connection btwn axon terminus and axon (important in neuromodulation [alteration of strength of synapse by external forces])

    • electrical - gap junctions; physical portal btwn two cells for direct ion transfer/conduction of AP (rare - smooth/cardiac but NOT muscle)

    • chemical - rely on NT to bridge gap btwn cells and carry message

      • AP induces VG-channel to allow Ca+2 into the terminus; vesicular fusion triggered by Ca+2 binding to synaptotagmin, conformation change, SNARE complex proteins form vesicles for exocytosis

      • Termination: 1) diffusion of ligand out of synapse (often reabsorbed by astrocytes); 2) reuptake by presynaptic cell for recycling/storage; 3) breakdown by enzymes in synaptic cleft

      • synaptic delay - chemical (diffusion limited)/physical (membrane/protein rearrangement) limitations of NT (0.3-5.0 ms); slower than electrical wave; synapse = rate limiting step (gap junctions are the fastest!)

  • Signaling summation

    • Temporal - increased frequency (helps reach threshold); one pre and one postsynaptic

    • Spatial - helps reach threshold; many pre and one postsynaptic

    • EPSP - excitatory (depolarizing) stimulus (Na+); must be summed before AP produced

    • IPSP - inhibitory (K+ channels or Cl-); if present, EPSP must overcome to activate AP (integration)

  • Synaptic potentiation - repeated/continuous use enhances ability to excite (larger EPSP); accumulation of Ca+2 in terminus or more complicated

  • Presynaptic inhibition - hyperpolarize axons (axoaxonic), inhibit NT release, smaller EPSP

  • Long-term potentiation (LTP) - sensitizing synaptic firing patterns in hippocampus; neural pathway is easier to trigger by some stimulus

    • postsynaptic receptor upregulation (DISCUSSED LATER); Ca+2 ionotropic sensitization; increased NT synthesis


  • NT - chemicals that carry signals btwn neurons (or effector tissue)

    • chemical ID is not sufficient to determine action; actions are based on receptors (same NT can have different effect based on different receptors); different signal transduction pathways

    • metabotropic - activates signal transduction pathway (G-protein, secondary messengers); can alter many cell functions (enzyme activity, gene expression, ion channels)

    • ionotropic - activates LGICR to directly alter membrane potential in postsynaptic neuron (EPSP or IPSP)

  • NM (neuromodulator) - chemical signal released that affects strength of transmission (not directly EPSP or IPSP); TUNE not GENERATE signal

  • acetylcholine

    • nicotinic cholinergic receptor (NAchR); ionotropic, EPSP; skeletal muscle stimulation (PNS); nicotine is agonist, increases sympathetic activation

    • muscarinic cholinergic receptor (MAchR); metabotropic, M2-Gi inhibitory, M1/M3 excitatory; PaANS, inhibits smooth muscle and pacemaker, stimulates digestion; muscarine is agonist, atropine is antagonist, used to control HR

  • norepinephrine/epinephrine

    • alpha adrenergic receptors; metabotropic, a1 excitatory, a2 inhibitory; a1 stimulate smoother muscle constriction, a2 are autoreceptor negative feedback; a1 agonists for vasoconstrictors, a2 for vasodilation

    • beta adrenergic receptors; metabotropic, mostly excitatory (B1, B3), B2 inhibitory; B1, excitatory, increase HR and cardiac contractile force (blockers lower HR and BP); B2, smooth muscle relaxation (agonists used to reverse airway constriction); B3, lipolysis, thermogenesis

  • dopamine (dopaminergic receptor); metabotropic, neuromodulatory; limbic system (emotion), desire/reward, motivation, satisfaction, motor relays in midbrain (Parkinson’s); monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) inhibits degradation, increasing dopamine levels, treats depression

  • serotonin, 5-HT (serotonergic receptor); metabotropic, neuromodulatory; sleep, wakefulness, emotional state, perception, modulates CNS, stomach activity; serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) increase serotonin in synapses, reduce depression, LSD stimulates receptors

  • glutamate (glutamatergic receptors); ionotropic, EPSP; stimulatory of CNS; NMDA antagonists are anesthetics, dissociative euphoriants, alcohol is iGluR antagonist

  • GABA (gabaergic receptors); inonotropic, IPSP; inhibitory of CNS; benzodiazepine agonists reduce anxiety and/or muscle tone (xanax), alcohol is agonist and slows CNS

Ch 14: Autonomic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System - unconscious actions/changes in homeostatic set points (metabolism, reflexes, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, etc.); Sympathetic and Parasympathetic; visceral

  • SyANS: moves body towards action

    • effector origin: thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

    • short preganglionic (ganglia along spinal cord); long post ganglionic

    • ACh (nicotinic), epinephrine/norepinephrine

    • extensive preganglionic branching

    • adrenal and sweat glands involved

    • elevated HR, pupil dilation, vaso-constriction/dilation, increased ventilation, inhibit glands and digestion, stimulates epinephrine production, increased metabolic rate

      • vascular system is under sympathetic tone at rest

      • Uniquely SyANS: thermoregulation (blood vessel dilation/sweat glands); release of renin from kidneys (blood pressure); metabolic effects

  • PaANS: moves body towards rest (maintain homeostasis)

    • effector origin: cranial nerves, sacral spinal cord

    • long preganglionic fibers (ganglia near/within organs)

    • ACh, (nicotinic and muscarinic)

    • limited preganglionic branching

    • slows HR, stimulates digestion, promotes peeing, restricts ventilation, sexual arousal

      • under tone: cardiac activity (pacemaker of heart is around 100bpm, PaANS is inhibitory), digestive and urinary activity, immunity

    • Vagus nerve - primary visceral sensory and PaANS effector pathway for all organs in thorax and abdomen (90% of fibers); PaANS is focused on digestive, heart, lungs

  • Dual innervation: both SyANS and PaANS control; allows for fine tuning (rapid and precise changes); easier to “come down” from SyANS to enter PaANS state

    • Mostly antagonistic, “push-pull” control

    • Cooperative action: sexual excitation and urination

  • Visceral vs Somatic NS

    • involuntary (Somatic NS: voluntary)

    • sensory - general sensations/action for organs, run with autonomic fibers (SNS: general sensations from integument and superficial regions of body; run with motor neurons; muscles)

    • stimulates OR inhibits, modulatory (SNS: stimulation only)

    • dual-fiber pathways, require synapses at autonomic ganglia (SNS: single-fiber pathway, cell body in spinal cord and axon termini at target)

    • NT: ACh preganglionic, acetylcholine (muscarinic) or adrenergic post ganglionic, epinephrine (SNS: ACh, glutamate and GABA in CNS)

Brain regions:

  • spinal cord - lateral horns (effector bodies), medial dorsal horn (visceral reflexes)

  • brain stem - cranial nerves and where they originate (manage ANS, network spanning these regions); ventrolateral medulla (HR and blood vessel diameter), medullary region (gastrointestinal), midbrain (pupil diameter and focus)

  • hypothalamus - overall control; anterior (CRH, PaANS); posterior (ACTH, SyANS)

  • limbic system and cortex - emotional state; fear response w amygdala; remembered stress w hippocampus

    • Conscious thought does not control ANS, but emotion and memory (so relaxation) can affect ANS tone; good for managing chronic stress from SyANS

Chapter 15: Endocrine system

Exocrine - “secreted outside”; chemical signals that leave internal space of body (enter lumen or exit skin); released by ducts; non-hormonal

Endocrine - “secreted inside”; chemical signals for communication; released by glands into blood stream (reach most cells)

  • hormone - long distance (global) signaling between tissues through the blood (or lymph)

  • paracrine - “secreted along side”; short distance (released into ISF to near-by tissues; act locally); can be the same chemical as hormone

  • autocrine - “secreted by self”; short distance (target the same cell that released it); negative feedback


  • water soluble: fast-acting, short-lived; GPCR or RTK signaling

    • amines - nitrogenated compounds; acetylcholine (made from phospholipid, NOT a lipid), biogenic amines (amino acid derivatives: epi/norepi, dopamine, thyroid hormone, serotonin, melatonin

      • catecholamines - derivatives of tyrosine (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, thyroid hormones)

      • indolamines - derivatives of tryptophan (serotonin, melatonin)

    • peptides - small protein fragments; hypothalamic and pituitary hormones

      • fragments of polypeptide gene products; produced similarly to proteins, but are clipped (by proteases) rather than folded; one gene can produce many signaling peptides

    • proteins - posttranslationally modified before active; insulin, prolactin

    • eicosanoids - most paracrines, highly modified fatty acid; BP, pain, swelling

  • lipid soluble: long-acting, long-lived, enter cell and act deep within (change transcription)

    • steroids - cholesterol derivative; adrenal and gonadal

      • need to be transported by carrier proteins, diffuse directly through cell membranes, activate internal receptors

      • glucocorticoids - glucose metabolism, stress

      • mineralocorticoids - sodium reabsorption

      • gonadocorticoids - sex hormones

    • thyroid hormone - modified amine, acts like steroid


  • Humoral: direct change in blood ion/glucose concentration

  • Neural: response to neural stimulation (neuron or neurotransmitter); adrenaline in response to ACh

  • Hormonal: response to another hormone; aldosterone in response to ACTH

    • tropic = hormones that stimulate the production/release of other hormones

      • hypophysiotropins = released by hypothalamus into hypophyseal portal to stimulate anterior pituitary (different from neurological stimulation to posterior pituitary)


  • cell response is based on receptor and the signal transduction at those receptors

  • upregulation - persistent low levels = more receptors to increase sensitization

  • downregulation - persistent high levels = decreased receptors to tolerate hormone

  • permissiveness - hormone cannot exert full effects without other hormone present

  • synergy - more than one hormone produces the same effect; amplification

  • antagonism - two hormones oppose actions of another

Hypothalamic hormones (stored in posterior lobe)

  • GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) - stimulates GH

  • GHIR (growth hormone-inhibiting hormone) - inhibits GH, hunger/metabolism

  • TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates TSH in response to metabolic need

  • CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates ACTH, increased by stress and low BP

  • GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) - stimulates FSH and LH

  • DA (PIH) - dopamine, inhibits prolactin

Pituitary hormones

  • ACTH; pars distalis; stimulates adrenal cortex, trigger for cortisol; stimulated by CRH

    • Cushing’s disease - hypersecretion of cortisol; characteristic body mass changes, elevated blood glucose, decreased healing, possible sexual development changes, water and mineral balance; typically hypersecretion of ATCH

  • ADH; pars nervosa; vasoconstriction, renal water reabsorption; stimulated by low BP, high osmolarity

    • Diabetes insipidus - hypersecretion of ADH; high urinary volume, high thirst/water intake; damage or tumor to hypothalamus or pituitary gland

  • endorphins; pars intermedia; natural opioid, pain killer; stimulated by pain/stress

  • FSH; pars distalis; sexual development and reproduction, stimulates estrogens; stimulated by GnRH

  • GH; pars distalis; tissue growth, activates IGF’s to promote mitosis and tissue growth; stimulated/inhibited by GHRH/GHIH

    • gigantism - hypersecretion of GH during childhood

    • dwarfism - hyposecretion during childhood

  • LH; pars distalis; sexual development and reproduction, testosterone and progesterone; stimulated by GnRH

  • MSH; pars intermedia; melanocyte activity, melanin production; stimulated by UV exposure

  • oxytocin; pars nervosa; contractions, breastfeeding, social attachments and bonding; stimulated by childbirth, breastfeeding, social interaction

  • PRL (prolactin); pars distalis; mammary gland development and milk production; stimulated by sex hormones, maybe TRH

  • TSH; pars distalis; thyroid gland development and TH production; stimulated by TRH

Pineal gland: endocrine gland in cranium (melatonin)


  • Thyroid hormone - tyrosine derivatives; contain iodide and two linked tyrosine AA; secreted by follicular cells as precursors

    • T3 (triiodothyronine) - high activity form; formed from T4 at target tissues

    • T4 (thyroxine) - low activity form

  • TSH stimulates thyroid release and stimulation to “restock” follicle lumen; TRH stimulates release; T3 acts as negative feedback to both TSH and TRH, TRH inhibits TSH

  • hormonal ‘throttle’ of metabolic rate, body heat, hunger (inc. sugar uptake, release of fatty acids, mobilizes fuel); permissive to GH; sympathetic activation of B-adrenergic receptors (hyperthyroid can present as high sympathetic activation)

  • Goiter - enlarged or protruding thyroid; iodine deficiency = low T3 = inc TRH and TSH = thyroid growth

  • Grave’s disease - hyperthyroid; autoimmune, antibodies target thyroid and stimulate TH release; elevated metabolism, anxiety, insensitivity to cold

  • Congenital hypothyroidism - poor development of thyroid in babies (TH needed for neural and physical development)

  • parafollicular secretory cells - No known role in humans, calcitonin antagonizes PTH to decrease blood calcium


  • small glands on posterior side of thyroid; produce PTH (parathyroid hormone)

  • PTH stimulated by low blood calcium; decreases renal secretion of Ca+2, increases Vitamin D activation, increases bone reabsorption (osteoclasts)

Adrenal gland (above renal [kidneys])

Adrenal Glands: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology | SpringerLink

  • Zona glomerulosa - aldosterone (mineralocorticoid); increases Na retention and K excretion by kidney; increases blood volume/pressure; stimulated by RAAS, increase in plasma K, ACTH, inhibited by ANP

  • Zona fasciculata - cortisol (glucocorticoids) and some adrenal androgens (in response to ACTH); increases blood sugar/metabolic activity, gluconeogenisis, permissive to adrenaline signaling, chronic stress suppresses growth, immunity, digestion, inflammation; stimulated by ATCH and CRH

    • cortisol supports stress changes with increased fuel, decreased digestion, immune, reproductive and growth actions; stimulated by ATCH

  • Zona reticularis - androgens (gonadocorticoids) and some cortisol; stimulated by ATCH; precursors to testosterone and estrogen but also have behavioral roles (sex drive in women); some progesterone made, mostly in ovaries

  • Adrenal medulla - produces epinephrine and some norepinephrine

    • adrenaline drives primary stress response (HR, BP, metabolic rate, etc.); stimulated by SyANS

  • Addison’s disease - ‘underactive adrenal gland’ or adrenal hyposecretion; ATCH levels rise but insufficient corticosteroids produced; weight loss, low blood sugar, low energy, high K levels, dehydration

Pancreas (both endocrine and exocrine)

  • Blood sugar regulators

    • glucagon - stimulated by low blood sugar; alpha cells; stimulates gluconeogenisis (breakdown of fats/proteins to glucose) and glucose release from liver; targets liver and fat

    • insulin - stimulated by high blood sugar; beta cells; stimulated glucose uptake and storage in tissues, fat anabolism, metabolism; synergistic with growth hormone

  • digestive regulators

    • somatostatin (SST) - delta cells

    • pancreatic polypeptide (PP) - gamma cells

    • ghrelin - epsilon cells


  • leptin, adiponectin, resistin: adipose tissue; “fat” hormones; leptin = increases metabolism, decreases appetite, high fat levels; adiponectin = increased insulin sensitivity, low fat; resistin = increased insulin resistance, high fat

  • ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) - stretch in atrial wall (high BP/volume); inhibits aldosterone release, decreases blood Na and volume

  • EPO (erythropoietin), renin: kidneys; EPO = stimulates red blood cell formation, in response to O2 levels; renin = stimulates aldosterone production, SyANS and urinary flow

  • osteocalcin: bone; metabolic regulator, increases insulin production, restricts fat anabolism

  • Vitamin D: cholesterol in skin or ingested; absorption of Ca from diet

  • IGF1: liver, skeletal muscle, bone; resource/nutrient uptake; stimulated by GH