U3b In-Class Notes

Learning: Long lasting change in behavior due to experience


  • We learn by association: Our minds naturally connect events that occur in sequence

  • Associative Learning is learning that two events occur together

    • two stimuli

    • a response and it’s consequence


Classical Conditioning

  • Ivan Pavlov

    • originally a digestive scientist

    • PAVLOV'S DOGS: In this classic experiment, dogs were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was initially a neutral stimulus. The bell became associated with the unconditioned stimulus of food, resulting in the conditioned response of salivation when the bell rang, even in the absence of food.

  • Dog Experiment (meant to study digestion)

    • Hypothesized that presented dogs with food they would salivate

    • Dogs started drooling before food was in the room

    • Dogs must have learned how to salivate (conditioned reflex)

  • Classical Conditioning is a passive learning (automatic learner does NOT have to think)

    • stubbing toe

    • jump scare in a movie

  • First you need an unconditional relationship

  • Next you find a neutral stimulus (something that by itself elicits no response)

  • You present the stimulus with the UCS a whole bunch of times

  • We know learning takes place when the previously neutral stimulus gets a response

  • The neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus (CS)

  • The Unconditioned response becomes a conditioned response (CR)

Unconditioned Response (UCR) → Conditional Response (CR)

Neutral Stimulus (NS) → Conditional Stimulus (CS)

  • TRICKY FACT: We know learning exists because the CS is linked to the UCS (this is called AQUISTION)

    • Does not least forever

    • Moment CS is no longer associated with the UCS, we have EXTINCTION

Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)

Something that provokes a natural reflexive response.


Unconditional Response (UCR)

Response to the natural reflexive response (Unconditional Stimulus - UCS)

Examples: Buzzing of tattoo gun, being scared of shots

Neutral Stimulus (NS)


Conditioned Stimulus (CS)


Conditioned Response (CR)



  • Jim's prank on Dwight where he conditions him to expect a mint every time he hears the sound of a computer rebooting.

  • This illustrates how a neutral stimulus (the computer reboot sound) can become associated with an unconditioned stimulus (the mint), leading to a conditioned response (Dwight expecting the mint).

    • Unconditioned Stimulus = The mint

    • Unconditioned Response = Dwight expecting a mint

    • Neutral Stimulus = Computer reboot sound

    • Conditioned Stimulus = Computer reboot sound

    • Conditioned Response = Dwight expecting a mint

      • Pavlov's Dog Classical Conditioning Experiment

        Conditioning Terms with Pavlov's Experiment

Timing Matters:

Delayed Conditioning

Trace Conditioning

Simultaneous Conditioning

Backward Conditioning
