Q1: What is your impression of Mr Birling as seen from the passage?

(P) My impression of Mr Birling is that he is harsh. (E) This can be seen from,If you don’t come down sharply on some of these people, they’d soon be asking for the Earth. (A) This shows that Mr Birling gives no mercy nor chances to those he deems as troublemakers. He is determined to punish those workers organised the strike, and he will sack them just to make a point and because he has the rights to do so, even though it will be unfair to the workers. (R) This makes me feel pity for the workers who are being punished just because they asked for slight higher wages and having their career ruined, which makes them jobless in an instance after being sacked. (L) Therefore, I think that Mr Birling is harsh.

2nd e.g -Impression on Inspector Goole

(P) My impression of Inspector Goole is seen as a patient person. (E) This can be seen from, “I’m sorry, but you asked me a question.” (A) This shows that even though Mr Birling was being rude to him, Inspector Goole still remained calm in tone and replied in a respectful manner, even apologising after. Inspector Goole not only did not overreact over the situation, but controlled his anger towards Mr Birling even though Mr Birling was being offensive. (R) This makes me feel respect towards Inspector Goole for his ability to keep his cool in any situation. (L) Hence, I think Inspector Goole is patient.
