Formal Powers:
- Faithfully execute the laws
- Sign or veto legislation, including pocket veto when the president refuses to sign a bill at the end of a legislative session and the bill dies
- Commander-in-chief of Army and Navy and of the militia of the several states
- Make treaties, with the advice and consent of the Senate
- Appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States (with Senate approval)
- Receive ambassadors and other public Ministers
- Power to grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment
- Provide Congress with information on the state of the union
- Fill vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate
- Convene in special session or adjourn Congress when it cannot agree on adjournment
- Commission all officers of the United States.
Informal Powers:
- Executive orders: Orders issued by the president that carry the force of law (i.e., FDR's internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II)
- Executive agreements: International agreements made by a president that have the force of treaty but do not require Senate approval (i.e., Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803)
- Executive privilege***:*** Claim by presidents that they have the discretion to decide that the national interest will be better served if certain information is withheld from the public, including the courts and Congress (For example, Nixon's refusal to turn over the Watergate tapes. In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that executive privilege did not apply and Nixon must turn over the tapes. They did not strike down executive privilege.)
- Signing statements: written comment issued by a president at the time legislation is signed. Signing statements may make comments about the bill signed, or indicate the president's attitude towards the bill and how he intends to ignore it or to implement it
- Persuader (bully pulpit): Teddy Roosevelt's referred to the White House as a "bully pulpit," a platform to communicate with the American people and promote his agenda through the media coverage of presidential events.
- Crisis manager: President is a key player in domestic and foreign crisis management.
- Leader of the free world: Meets with world leaders in international conferences.
- Party leader: Head of his own political party.
The Founding Fathers provided checks on executive powers to avoid the possibility of abuses by the executive.
Congressional checks include:
Override presidential vetoes with a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress.
Power of the purse, which requires agency budgets to be authorized and appropriated by Congress.
Impeachment power.
Approval powers over appointments.
Legislation that limits the president's powers, such as the War Powers Act.
Legislative vetoes, which were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1983.
Judicial checks include judicial review of executive actions.
Political checks include:
- Public opinion.
- Media attention.
- Popularity.
The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the closest advisors to the president, and it was established in 1939. The EOP has several separate agencies, including:
Each president re-organizes the EOP according to their leadership style.
The bureaucracy's primary role is the implementation of public policy, and it has a significant impact on public policy making.
Bureaucrats have discretionary authority to interpret legislation and "fill in the gaps" where Congress has left the legislation vague, which allows them to write specific regulations that determine the implementation of public policy (rule-making).
Controlling the actions of bureaucracy can be difficult because of the size of the bureaucracy, the expertise of bureaucrats, civil service laws that make firing bureaucrats difficult, and the political independence of independent agencies.
The president, Congress, and the courts have ways to control the bureaucracy.
- The president can suggest a budget for an agency, appoint top officials, and have the Office of Management and Budget oversee agency budgets.
- Congress can set appropriations, pass laws affecting agency operations, approve or reject appointments, and conduct oversight with hearings and investigations.
- The courts can also make rulings that support or oppose agency actions.
Interest groups can influence the bureaucracy by lobbying congressional committees, and sometimes an "iron triangle" of a bureaucratic agency, interest group, and congressional committee may form.
Bureaucratic capture occurs when regulatory agencies are more loyal to interest groups than to elected officials.