1.defining race and ethnicity
race and Ethnicity
race : a socially defined category based on real or percived biological differncess between grups of people
humans regardless of their race ar 99.9 percent genticaly detical
Ethnicity: socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationiliy history, or some other cultural factor
modern science has determined that biologically, there is no such thing as pure race
symbolic ethnicity: ans ehticky dienty taht is relvant only on specific ocaasion and edoen not signifcantly affect everday life
situational ethniciy: and ehtical identy taht can be either displayed or concealed dpanding on it’s usefuless in a given situaitn
the intersectiono of ethnicity with racil gorp membership affects one’s ablity to invoke ethinity
what is a minority?
minority group: a social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society’s dominant groups, though its members are not necessarily fewer in number than the members of the dominant groups.
it bassicly less acces to a sertance group
Racism in it's Many Form:
racism: is a set of beliefs about the claimed superiority of one racial or ethinic grup; used to justfy inequality and oftern rooted in the assumption that differences among grups are genetic .
racism is part of america’s national legacy and persists within our social institutions.
Prejudice and discrimination (1of 2)
prejudice: an idea baout the charactersitics of a group taht is applied to all members of that grop and is unlkely to change regardless of evedacne against it
Discrimminaiton: unequal tretment of indicidulas based on their membership in a social grop; usually motivaited by prejudice
Implicit bias: attitude or sterotypes that are embedded at an uncoscious level and may infuence our perceptions, decisoin and actions.
Prejudice and discrimination
individual discramination: discrimaination carried out by one person against another
institutional discrimination: discrimination carried out systematically by institutions (political, economic. educational. and other) that affect all members of a group who come into contact with it.
ths effeact all the grop
white nationalism
white nationalism is the belife that the nation should be built around a white identiy that is refllected in religion, politcs , economics. and culture.
white nationalism became more visble during the truep persdiency
white prvilege and color blined racism
privilege is unearened advantage accorded to mebers of dominat social grop (pople who are male whit hetersoual pshyical able to etc
is the diea th tone gpropsof socity engoys the peravlige
the ntion of color bliness sound good but is problematic because it implies that race should be both invisble and incosequetial
sociologist edurado bonilla silva grues that when we calim to not see race we sare simply engagin in na new more
racism can be subtle, casual, and eve unintentional
microaggression: everyday interactions that include subtle verbal and nonverbal communication that. convey denigratiog, or dismissive messages(e.g. slights insults, and misperceptions)to members of minority groups
structual fucitonaslism
although fucitonalism has priocded a susfule ens for anlaying how eurpean immigrats successfuly in explainig the persitence of racial divioon
Fuctionalist explain how prejudice and discimnaiton develop by focusing on social solidarity and grop cohesionn. they belive this binds people together and helps socity run more effcietly
postive feeling about one’s group bind people together, but this cohesiveness can lead members to see othere, expecially those of other races or ehnicties in an unfavarble light
Coflict Therory :
conflict therorist arguer that the struggle between gurps over power and control is the real socurce of racism
in recent yers, conflic theroristy have developed new appproaches to understadnig race that immlicates social insitiution or eduational insion
critical race theroy
critical race theory(CRT): the study of the rrelationship among race, politics and power
legal scholars in the 19980 drew upon writings in the social sinces to argue thta racism permeasters or socail instioion, especially or judicial systems and must be
symbolic interatctionism
poepe who look and study symmplices
symbokic intratcitonapp race adn ethinicty as part of our identiy as isplayed though our presentiaon o fself .
interationis see race not as a preexisting biological category but as a social one that is framed in terms of biological fetures and estblished though interatrions.
racial identity is constructed int the negotiation between what we project and what others recongnize.
racial passing and double consciousness
passing persent yourself as meber of a different grop that the sitig=matic
race ehtinicyy and life chances
miscegenation: romantic sexual or martial relationships between peol of differnet
interracial marriage was illegal in the united states 1967
healht is an area in which we fidn widespread sisparity among racial and ethic grops. infant mortality for black baies if mroe is more thatn douoble thatn that of white babies
high levels of racially differentiated stressor affeact black people lm,ore internly that white people and lead to hierher levels of chromid desse and lower lfife expations
differences in life expectancies for people of different race is related to disparties n acces to helth care.
the fist time that ii areamibed that i leadned about racie was when i was around the age of 7 and 10. i was going with my unkle to the grociery sotre and ther was a torest who cma eot vist the countyr. the country i lived in was moslty blak, but the the there was a a waite women and i ableive that she came to vist. beut i remeber that every one was looking at her buecse of her sixe and ammased by her siken. at the mount is when i relized that there is a diffenct peopele with diffent colers and then rilize djt atwhite
this is for the
Race: A socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people.
Ethnicity: A socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or other cultural factors.
Genetic Similarity: Humans are 99.9 percent genetically identical, regardless of race.
Symbolic Ethnicity: An ethnic identity that is relevant only on specific occasions and does not significantly affect everyday life.
Situational Ethnicity: An ethnic identity that can be displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation.
Minority Group: A social group systematically denied the same access to power and resources as dominant groups, regardless of numbers.
Racism: A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group, used to justify inequality.
Prejudice: An idea about the characteristics of a group applied to all members, unlikely to change regardless of evidence.
Discrimination: Unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group, usually motivated by prejudice.
Implicit Bias: Attitudes or stereotypes embedded at an unconscious level that may influence perceptions and actions.
Individual Discrimination: Discrimination carried out by one person against another.
Institutional Discrimination: Systematic discrimination carried out by institutions affecting all members of a group.
White Nationalism: The belief that the nation should be built around a white identity reflected in religion, politics, economics, and culture.
White Privilege: Unearned advantages accorded to members of dominant social groups.
Color-Blind Racism: The idea that ignoring race is beneficial, but problematic as it implies race should be invisible and inconsequential.
Microaggression: Everyday interactions that convey denigrating or dismissive messages to members of minority groups.
Structural Functionalism: A theory explaining how social solidarity and group cohesion can lead to prejudice and discrimination.
Conflict Theory: The perspective that the struggle between groups over power and control is the real source of racism.
Critical Race Theory (CRT): The study of the relationship among race, politics, and power, emphasizing racism in social institutions.
Symbolic Interactionism: A perspective that sees race and ethnicity as part of identity, constructed through interactions.
Racial Passing: Presenting oneself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized one.
Miscegenation: Romantic, sexual
nest set of notes for chapter 8
intersectionality :
Intersectionality: race and ethnicity don’t shape our life changes in isolation from other social states and aspects of identity. race and ethnicity are frequently enmeshed with social class, gender, sexuality and more.
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national or culthe
setttler conlonlaism ans segration:
referce to conlarntize takeing popel landds
settler colonialism the econmic and politcals subjugation of the minortity by gthe grops within a nation
hamonages ?