Formulas and Functions
=Sum(cell,cell) → add two cells
=Sum(cell:cell) → adds a range of cells
=min(cell:cell) → finds min value from a range of cells
=max(cell:cell) → find max value from a range of cells
Count all cells that have numbers in them
Counts all cells that have value in them whether they’re numbers, words, etc.
Middle most value
Taking one and connecting to answer like Abigail Casino
=concat(cell, cell)
Can also add space by putting in another blank cell
Ex: =if(D13=”smile”,”yay”,”boo)
We're typing this formula into cell B13
If cell D13 says “smile”, then B13 should say “yay”. If it doesn’t say “smile”, then B13 should say “boo”.
To count the number of cells that meet a criterion
=countif(range, criteria)
=Vlookup(lookup_value, table_array, number of columns, false)
False = exact match
True = appropriate match
Sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify
=sumif(range, criteria, sum_range)
Current Time
Exact time
Date and military hours
Copy & Paste
Basic Copy and Paste options
Copy: Control+P
Past: Control+V
Cut and Paste:
Control + X
Control + V
Keyboard shortcuts
Values without formulas or formatting
Paste values (2nd)→ no formatting, just values
Copy Paste Formulas
Paste formulas (3rd) → only pastes the formulas
Copy Formatting
Paste formatting (5th) → only pastes the formatting of values
Copy Cell Links
Paste link (6th) → linking values
Advanced Paste Functions
Paste no borders → copy and paste table but with no borders
Paste Column Width
Paste column width → copy and paste the exact same table with the same width and size
Transpose Your Fields
Paste transpose (4th) → copy and paste your table either a horizontal or vertical table
A paste special option for pasting a copied block of cells with rows and columns flipped
Paste Special Options
Paste Special
Can multiply values by other values and paste them in one go
Excel Order of Operations
Absolute and Relative
Relative cell address:
One that changes when a formula is copied relative to where it is being copied
Absolute cell addresses:
One that remains the same when the formula is copied
F4 → insert dollar signs
Tell’s excel, as this formula is being filled down, don’t change this cell address
Goal Seek
Key Terms:
Workbook: an excel file, normally saved in .xlsx format
Worksheet: a grid of cells in rows and columns. One workbook may contain several worksheets.
Ribbon: the band across the top of a worksheet, w/ tabs containing icons for commands.
Cell Address: the column and row of an individual cell, such as B2
Formulas: an expression that begins with “=” and performs a calculation. It often refers to other cells.
Autofill: a feature for entering content into several cells at once, with automatic adjustment of cell references.
Fill handle: the small square in the lower right corner of a selected cell or block of cells. Click-dragging activates autofill.
If you double click on the fill handle, excel will take a guess where you want copies of the formulas.
Functions: a built-in formula. For example, the SUM formula adds many cells together.
Cell Range: a block of cells with a first and last cell address, such as C2:C5
Accounting format: #s appear as quantities of currency, with two decimal places to the right and with a currency symbol such as “$” typically on the left and left-justified
Currency format: a format just like accounting format, except that the currency symbol is immediately to the left of the number instead of left-justified
Number format: #s simply as #s, w/ no comm separators
General format: a format just like # format, but with decimal places shown even when they are all zeros
Percentage format: a numerical format that shows decimal numbers as percentages
Absolute reference: a cell address with a dollar sign before the row and before the column. This keeps the reference from changing when the formula is copied to another cell
Relative reference: a cell address with no dollar sign in it. The reference changes when the formula is copied or autofilled to another
Mixed References: a cell address w/ a dollar sign before the row but now before the column, or vice versa. When the formula is copied or autofilled to another cell, the address part with the dollar sign stays the same but the other part changes.
Wrap text: a command for forcing text to stay within its cell by wrapping back
Home tab: the ribbon tab with the most commonly used commands.
Paste Special: A command with options for controlling the format in which contents are pasted into a worksheet
Match Destination Formatting: a command for forcing pasted content to take on whatever formatting is already present in a worksheet
Same menu as paste special
View tab: a ribbon tab with commands related to how a sheet displays
Freeze Panes: a command for holding upper rows and columns on the left fixed, so they always remain visible
Sort: a command for ordering rows based on the contents of one or more columns
Data tab and click the sort icon
Data tab: a ribbon tab with commands related to manipulating data in a worksheet
Filter: a command for displaying some rows but not others, based on entries in columns
Table: a block of data with special features that makes the data easier to read and analyze
Total Row: in a table, the line at the bottom with various options for summarizing info in columns.
Insert tab: a tab w/ command for inserting charts and other special elements
Clustered column chart: a chart with categories on the horizontal axis and vertical columns that stand for numeric values
Chart design tab: a tab with commands for adjusting the way charts display
Clustered bar chart: a chart with categories on the vertical axis and horizontal bases that stand for numeric values
Pie Chart: a round chart that is divided into variously sized wedges to represent each category’s share of a total
Combo chart: a chart that combines two or more kinds of info, using different formats.
Line chart: a chart that connects data points with a continuous line.
Scatter Chart: a chart that shows the relationship between two numeric variables by plotting pairs of values as points
Trendline: a line showing the general relationship between two numerical variables
Criteria: a condition used in an IF-related function to identify certain cells in a range
Text String: a variable treated as a string of letters rather than as a # (even when all characters in the string are numerals)
SUMIF: functions that add up the content of cells which satisfy one or more criteria
VLOOKUP: a function for looking up data in a table by reading down a column and then across a row
HLOOKUP: a function for looking up data in a table by reading across a row and then down a column
Conditional formatting: rules for automatically formatting a cell based on its contents
Pivot Tables: a tool for analyzing large data tables to identify patterns
Cross-Tabulation: using rows and columns in a pivot table to explore the relationship between two data fields