FIGURE 02.16: A scatter plot that demonstrates no relationship between age and weight.
FIGURE 02.17: A scatter plot that demonstrates a positive relationship between systolic and diastolic
blood pressure.
FIGURE 02.19: A dose-response curve.
Contingency Table
Used for case-control and cohort studies
Multivariate procedures
⚫ Used when there are multiple IVs or
multiple DVs
⚫ Most common is multiple regression.
This test is able to determine the most
useful predictor.
Multivariate analysis
⚫ Can the risk of heart disease be
predicted using smoking, exercise, diet
and heredity?
Parameter estimation
⚫ A point estimate is a single value used
to estimate a parameter, e.g. ̄ ≈ μ
⚫ Intervals can be used as well
⚫ Note: a parameter is a variable for
describing a characteristic if a
population. e.g. BMI, age
UNBOX 02.03: The 95% confidence interval (CI)
A CI estimate is a
range of values
that with a certain
degree of
probability contain
the population