VOCAB #1 1. 2. abscond – to depart secretly (especially to avoid capture) anthropomorphism – the attribution of human-like qualities to inanimate objects, animals, abstract concepts, etc. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. congenial – pleasantly agreeable convivial – 1: fond of feasting, drinking, and merry company 2: friendly; agreeable disparage – to speak of in a negative way; to belittle dissemble – to conceal the truth; to fake edict – an official order enmity – hatred; hostility expunge – to eliminate; get rid of completely 10. fatuous – foolish, silly, or inane 11. garrulous – excessively talkative 12. inane – 1: empty; void 2: silly; lacking sense 13. ingrate – an ungrateful person 14. laconic – terse in speech or writing 15. languid – sluggish from fatigue or weakness 16. lithe – graceful, flexible 17. mitigate – to make less violent, alleviate 18. nadir – the lowest point of something 19. officious – meddlesome; aggressive in offering unwanted help 20. ominous – menacing; threatening 21. omniscient – all-seeing or all-knowing 22. pallid – lacking color 23. premonition – a feeling about the future 24. quixotic – idealistic (to a fault) 25. rancorous – hateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will 26. recalcitrant – defiant; unapologetic 27. reprehensible – worthy of blame 28. salient – prominent; conspicuous 29. tenable – capable of being maintained; plausible 30. yoke – to join; link