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Unit 5.2 test study guide

  1. Great Depression in Europe: Severe economic downturn in Europe during the 1930s.

  2. Nationalism (In terms of Unit 7): Loyalty and devotion to one's nation.

  3. Social Darwinism: Applying Darwin's theories to society, often justifying racism and inequality.

  4. Fascism (14 Characteristics): Authoritarian nationalist ideology.

  5. Cronyism: Favoritism shown to friends or associates.

  6. Benito Mussolini: Italian fascist dictator.

  7. “Blackshirts”: Mussolini's paramilitary supporters.

  8. Mussolini’s “Emergency Powers”: Decree powers granted to Mussolini.

  9. The Lateran Agreement: Pact between Mussolini's Italy and the Vatican.

  10. Adolf Hitler: German Nazi dictator.

  11. National Socialist German Workers' Party: Nazi Party.

  12. Anti Semitism: Hatred or prejudice against Jews.

  13. The “Stab in the Back” Theory: Blaming Jews for Germany's World War I defeat.

  14. Beer Hall Putsch: Hitler's failed coup attempt in 1923.

  15. Weimar Republic: Post-World War I democratic government in Germany.

  16. Mein Kampf: Hitler's autobiographical manifesto.

  17. Lebensraum: Nazi idea of "living space" for Germans.

  18. Hitler Youth: Nazi youth organization.

  19. Enabling Act: Legislation granting Hitler dictatorial powers.

  20. Gestapo: Nazi secret police.

  21. Eugenics: Pseudoscience promoting "racial purity".

  22. 1935 Nuremberg Laws: Nazi laws stripping Jews of rights.

  23. Autobahn: German highway system.

  24. “Kristallnacht”: Night of Broken Glass, anti-Jewish pogrom.

  25. Spanish Civil War: Conflict in Spain (1936-1939).

  26. Joseph Goebbels: Nazi propaganda minister.

  27. Heinrich Himmler: SS leader and Nazi official.

  28. 1938: Munich Conference: Appeasement meeting.

  29. Nanjing Massacre: Mass killing by Japanese troops in China.

  30. “Sitzkrieg” vs. “Blitzkrieg”: Phoney War vs. lightning warfare.

  31. Pearl Harbor: Japanese attack on US naval base.

  32. Allies vs. Axis Powers: WWII opposing coalitions.

  33. European Theater: WWII military operations in Europe.

  34. Pacific Theater: WWII military operations in the Pacific.

  35. Island Hopping: Allied strategy in the Pacific.

  36. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower: WWII Allied commander.

  37. Stalingrad: WWII battle in Russia.

  38. D-Day: Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

  39. Battle of the Bulge: Major WWII battle in Belgium.

  40. VE Day: Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945.

  41. Yalta Conference: WWII meeting of Allied leaders.

  42. Potsdam Conference/Declaration: Post-WWII meeting and declaration.

  43. V-J Day: Victory over Japan Day, September 2, 1945.

  44. Holocaust: Genocide of six million Jews by Nazis.

  45. United Nations: Intergovernmental organization formed after WWII.

  46. Nuremberg Trials: Trials of Nazi leaders for war crimes.

  47. “Einsatzgruppen”: Nazi mobile killing units.

  48. Ghettos: Segregated areas for Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe.

  49. Concentration Camps: Nazi detention centers for political prisoners.

  50. “Kanada”: Section of Auschwitz where stolen goods were sorted.

  51. “Final Solution”: Nazi plan for the genocide of Jews.

  52. Death Marches: Forced marches of concentration camp prisoners.

  53. Armenian Genocide: Ottoman Empire's systematic killing of Armenians.

  54. Holodomor: Famine-genocide in Soviet Ukraine.

  55. Rwanda Genocide: Genocide of Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda.

Rise of Fascism Europe

  • Following WWI a new form of government was created because of the opposition to communism due to the governments falling

  • Rulers would exercise all power

  • For leaders to get support the people of that government would use nationalism to get people to support them

  • Leftist think the national border should be removed

  • The Rightist  think the borders should be preserved

Immediate post WWI italy

  • Facism was a result of a general feeling of anxiety and fear among the middle class of post World War I italy

  • The Economy was destroyed  and countries had a problem with unemployment

The characteristics of Fascism

  • Nationalism

    • Its celebrates the nation or race as an organic community its really strong loyalties

    • Constantly mottos and slogans

    • Flags are seen everywhere

  • Disdain for the Recognition of human rights

    • If you don’t fit the standard your not going to  be human in the nation's eyes

    • People look the other way or even approve of: Torture Summary executuion Long incarsieration of prisoners and assinations

  • Identification of enemies or scapegoats as a unifying cause

    • The people really into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a threat of foe (Its common) it could be based on

    • Race

    • Ethnicity

    • Religious minority

    • Liberal communist

  • Supremacy of the military

    • This is pretty obvious 

  • Rampant sexism

  • Controlled Mass media

  • Obsession with national security

    • It seeks to subordinate everybody of the society it uses violence to suppress any opposition

  • Religion and government are intertwined

    • Fascist governments basically used the Church the spread the message of whatever the government wants pretty much this meld religious rhetoric symbolism mythology into their policies

  • Labor power is suppressed

    • The organization of labor is considered to be the only real threat to fascist governments

  • Corporate power is protected

    • The industrial and business aristocracy are protected

  • Educated people and the arts are hated

    • The people who were basically smart enough to think well and convince people  were a threat

    • Professors and other academics are censored or arrested

    • The free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked

  • Obsession with crime and punishment

  • Rampant Cronyism and corruption

    • Cronyism is pretty much appointing friends and associates to positions of authority without proper regard to their qualifications

    • Help the homies get rich

  • Fraudulent election

    • The elections are an utter sham just not real at all utterly fake

    • The use of legislation to control who can vote

Seizure of power

  • Pre WWI Italy

    • Many people were poor and the papacy and the conservatives oppose liberals

  • WWI did not get much out of their treaty

    • Despite all of the sacrifices

  • Basically it's a melting pot of political power…

  • and in 1912 the Radical left wing of the socialist party gained leadership

    • When your ticked off your more likely to act

Mussolini’s Program

  • The Radical combination of nationalist and socialist demand

  • Territorial expansion with workers benefit and land reform of peasants

The march on rome

  • The March on rome to force matter fascist marched on Rome to threaten king Fiasco

The Lateran agreement (1929)]

How did WWII Start

  • Aggression In Euro

  • Italy invaded Ethiopia and took control in 1935

    • Spain's Civil war was won by the Fascists in 1935 

    • League of nations does nothing to address these problems


  • Seeing the Leagues weakness goes against and violates the treaty of Versailles by building up Germany's Military

  • Hitler sends troops to Rhineland 1936

  • Hitler annexed Austria and demanded the Sudetenland with Czech 1938

The start of the European Theater

1938 Munich Conference (Germ Italy Brit and France

And The result was the Munich pact  gave Hitler the the Sudetenlands if he promised to end territorial Demands

  • Policy appeasement

War in EURO (Early period

  • Set 1 1939 Germany and USSR invaded poland with Blitzkrieg attack

  • Start of world war II 

  • France and GB declare war two days later

  • Sitzkrieg

  • April 194 Germany resumed Blitzkrieg attacks

  • April 9 denmark and Norway fall

  • May 10 Netherlands Belgium and Luxembourg fall

  • GB and France too late to assist Belgium

The Us passed the Neutrality act

European Theater

  • Summer/Fall 1940 Battle of Britain Vs. Royal Air Force 

  • June 1941 Hitler doubled crossed Stalin and Invaded Russia through Poland

  • Stalin used Scorched Earth Military Tactic

  • Harsh Winter and lack of useable supplies resulted in over 1 million Nazi losses

Diplomacy was failing

  • Appeasements was ineffective when dealing with Hitler Sept 1940 Germany Italy and Japan signed the tripartite Pact Axis powers

  • U.S Neutrality Baised

  • 1940 WI destroyers given for Naval bases in a deal with Great Britain 

  • 1941 Lend lease act Us Became the Arsenal of Democracy

  • FDR and W Churchill GB Agreed to the Atlantic Charter

The US attempted to stop Japan’s Invasion of China 

Sent Ultimatum

Issued a scrap matal and oil embargo

By August Indo- China fell to Japan

And Us began a full trade Embargo against Japan

The Japanese responded by 

Sending a negotiator to Washington D.C

Preparing for an attack on the US

Asian Theater

  • 1930s Tensions B/w Machurians and japanese had grown in the area won during the conflicts with China Russia

  • 1930s Japan Econ as failing as was the West’s they sought Imperial conquest as a means of Income

  • 1937 Japan Staged a Chinese nationalist attack on japanese railroad in manchuria and used it as an excuse to declare war

  • Japanese quickly overwhelmed the non modernized army of the Republic of China and Took the main cities

  • Nanjing Massacre the There was a mass murder of Chinese civillians in Nanjing after the battle of Nanking in by the Imperial japanese army

  • Many W powers and the league of nations opposed Japanese Imperial aggression since there were reports of rape torture mass killing of thousands in China they they decided the engage an Oil embargo againts Japan in lieu of direct conflict in 1941

  • Only 6 Months of Oil reserves the japanese decided to only  course of action was to get access to the oil in the south pacific by force

European Theater

  • On December 7th 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

  • U.S Pacific fleet was based at Pearl harbor in Hawaii

  • Attack was meant to cripple U.S Fleet so couldn’t interfere with Japan

  • Six  aircraft carriers and 353 Japanese Plane attack in two waves

  • Us declared war on Japanese the next day

  • Germany and italy declared war on the U.S on Dec 8 1941

  • The Us was officially in the war!

Anglo-American Innovation

  • Axis advances were halted in part due to several innovation developed by the Brits and Americans during WWII

  • To reduce to effect of the German Luftwaffe bombing raid on Great Britain the Invention of radar help scout German Luftwaffe Groups before they arrived and enabled the Royal air Force to get in the air as a means resistance as well as have civilians take shelter before bombing

  • As well as the mission of sonar helped the Brits and American Ship to locate Void Or Destroy  German and Jap Submarines

The European theater

  • Name  given to the fighting that took place in europe

  • 1942 Britain stood alone against Axis

  • Gen Dwight Eisenhower was the Supreme allied commander

  • The allies first invaded through sicily to italy

Eastern front Stalingrad

  • The Nazis were fighting the Russians in Stalingrad 

  • One of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare Nazis are defeated Turning point for the war for the allies

D day

  • General Isenhower planned D day for June 6th 1944

  • Allied invasion across english channel into Normandy

  • Largest Military invasion in history

Battle of the bulge

Hitlers last major offensive

Allies were pushing from the west from france south through Italy and east from the Soviets

Germany was surrounded

German Surrender

  • Hitler killed himself before he could be taken

  • Germany officially surrendered on May 7th 1945 following day is known as VZE day

  • Now the allies had to figure out how to defeat Japan

Yalta Conference

  • Allies discussed issues for post war world 

  • The USSR promised to declare war on Japan to assist the United states in the pacific theater

  • Agreed to divide Germany into four zones US brit Fr and USSR control

  • Roosevelt and Churchill wanted self Determination for eastern European

    • Afraid stalin would make eastern Europe communist after war

  • Stalin agreed to self determination if  could have a part of Poland

Potsdam Conference

  • Harry S  Truman US Churchill GB stalin USSR

  • Stalin wanted eastern European countries to be communist

  • Truman was unhappy with this

    • He wanted Stalin allow free elections as he agreed to at yalta

  • Stalin refused to allow this 

  • And he feared they would be anti soviet

  • While In potsdam Truman leans the atomic bomb is ready

  • Does not tell Stalin only Churchill

  • Truman issues Potsdam declaration

  • Basically told Japan surrender or get demolished

Bombs dropped

Aug 6 1945 Little boy on Hiroshima

Aug 9th 1945 Fat man on Nagasaki

Aug 14 1945 V-J Day End of war

Impact of WWI
  • 55 million killed

  • Holocaust the death of 6 million jews and 5 million other E.O.S

  • Enemies of the Nazi state include mentally ill handicap homosexuals gypsies Slav POWs

  • Genocide

  • USSR lost Most (22 million)

  • Major cities and towns in europe destroyed

  • 12 million homeless hardship lasted for years

Formation of the United nations
  • April 1945 they met in San Francisco to plan for post war world and they made the UN

  • Maintained World peace and security Foster econ and social development 

  • Protected human rights and be a place for nations to work out their differences

Unit 5.2 test study guide

  1. Great Depression in Europe: Severe economic downturn in Europe during the 1930s.

  2. Nationalism (In terms of Unit 7): Loyalty and devotion to one's nation.

  3. Social Darwinism: Applying Darwin's theories to society, often justifying racism and inequality.

  4. Fascism (14 Characteristics): Authoritarian nationalist ideology.

  5. Cronyism: Favoritism shown to friends or associates.

  6. Benito Mussolini: Italian fascist dictator.

  7. “Blackshirts”: Mussolini's paramilitary supporters.

  8. Mussolini’s “Emergency Powers”: Decree powers granted to Mussolini.

  9. The Lateran Agreement: Pact between Mussolini's Italy and the Vatican.

  10. Adolf Hitler: German Nazi dictator.

  11. National Socialist German Workers' Party: Nazi Party.

  12. Anti Semitism: Hatred or prejudice against Jews.

  13. The “Stab in the Back” Theory: Blaming Jews for Germany's World War I defeat.

  14. Beer Hall Putsch: Hitler's failed coup attempt in 1923.

  15. Weimar Republic: Post-World War I democratic government in Germany.

  16. Mein Kampf: Hitler's autobiographical manifesto.

  17. Lebensraum: Nazi idea of "living space" for Germans.

  18. Hitler Youth: Nazi youth organization.

  19. Enabling Act: Legislation granting Hitler dictatorial powers.

  20. Gestapo: Nazi secret police.

  21. Eugenics: Pseudoscience promoting "racial purity".

  22. 1935 Nuremberg Laws: Nazi laws stripping Jews of rights.

  23. Autobahn: German highway system.

  24. “Kristallnacht”: Night of Broken Glass, anti-Jewish pogrom.

  25. Spanish Civil War: Conflict in Spain (1936-1939).

  26. Joseph Goebbels: Nazi propaganda minister.

  27. Heinrich Himmler: SS leader and Nazi official.

  28. 1938: Munich Conference: Appeasement meeting.

  29. Nanjing Massacre: Mass killing by Japanese troops in China.

  30. “Sitzkrieg” vs. “Blitzkrieg”: Phoney War vs. lightning warfare.

  31. Pearl Harbor: Japanese attack on US naval base.

  32. Allies vs. Axis Powers: WWII opposing coalitions.

  33. European Theater: WWII military operations in Europe.

  34. Pacific Theater: WWII military operations in the Pacific.

  35. Island Hopping: Allied strategy in the Pacific.

  36. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower: WWII Allied commander.

  37. Stalingrad: WWII battle in Russia.

  38. D-Day: Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

  39. Battle of the Bulge: Major WWII battle in Belgium.

  40. VE Day: Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945.

  41. Yalta Conference: WWII meeting of Allied leaders.

  42. Potsdam Conference/Declaration: Post-WWII meeting and declaration.

  43. V-J Day: Victory over Japan Day, September 2, 1945.

  44. Holocaust: Genocide of six million Jews by Nazis.

  45. United Nations: Intergovernmental organization formed after WWII.

  46. Nuremberg Trials: Trials of Nazi leaders for war crimes.

  47. “Einsatzgruppen”: Nazi mobile killing units.

  48. Ghettos: Segregated areas for Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe.

  49. Concentration Camps: Nazi detention centers for political prisoners.

  50. “Kanada”: Section of Auschwitz where stolen goods were sorted.

  51. “Final Solution”: Nazi plan for the genocide of Jews.

  52. Death Marches: Forced marches of concentration camp prisoners.

  53. Armenian Genocide: Ottoman Empire's systematic killing of Armenians.

  54. Holodomor: Famine-genocide in Soviet Ukraine.

  55. Rwanda Genocide: Genocide of Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda.

Rise of Fascism Europe

  • Following WWI a new form of government was created because of the opposition to communism due to the governments falling

  • Rulers would exercise all power

  • For leaders to get support the people of that government would use nationalism to get people to support them

  • Leftist think the national border should be removed

  • The Rightist  think the borders should be preserved

Immediate post WWI italy

  • Facism was a result of a general feeling of anxiety and fear among the middle class of post World War I italy

  • The Economy was destroyed  and countries had a problem with unemployment

The characteristics of Fascism

  • Nationalism

    • Its celebrates the nation or race as an organic community its really strong loyalties

    • Constantly mottos and slogans

    • Flags are seen everywhere

  • Disdain for the Recognition of human rights

    • If you don’t fit the standard your not going to  be human in the nation's eyes

    • People look the other way or even approve of: Torture Summary executuion Long incarsieration of prisoners and assinations

  • Identification of enemies or scapegoats as a unifying cause

    • The people really into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a threat of foe (Its common) it could be based on

    • Race

    • Ethnicity

    • Religious minority

    • Liberal communist

  • Supremacy of the military

    • This is pretty obvious 

  • Rampant sexism

  • Controlled Mass media

  • Obsession with national security

    • It seeks to subordinate everybody of the society it uses violence to suppress any opposition

  • Religion and government are intertwined

    • Fascist governments basically used the Church the spread the message of whatever the government wants pretty much this meld religious rhetoric symbolism mythology into their policies

  • Labor power is suppressed

    • The organization of labor is considered to be the only real threat to fascist governments

  • Corporate power is protected

    • The industrial and business aristocracy are protected

  • Educated people and the arts are hated

    • The people who were basically smart enough to think well and convince people  were a threat

    • Professors and other academics are censored or arrested

    • The free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked

  • Obsession with crime and punishment

  • Rampant Cronyism and corruption

    • Cronyism is pretty much appointing friends and associates to positions of authority without proper regard to their qualifications

    • Help the homies get rich

  • Fraudulent election

    • The elections are an utter sham just not real at all utterly fake

    • The use of legislation to control who can vote

Seizure of power

  • Pre WWI Italy

    • Many people were poor and the papacy and the conservatives oppose liberals

  • WWI did not get much out of their treaty

    • Despite all of the sacrifices

  • Basically it's a melting pot of political power…

  • and in 1912 the Radical left wing of the socialist party gained leadership

    • When your ticked off your more likely to act

Mussolini’s Program

  • The Radical combination of nationalist and socialist demand

  • Territorial expansion with workers benefit and land reform of peasants

The march on rome

  • The March on rome to force matter fascist marched on Rome to threaten king Fiasco

The Lateran agreement (1929)]

How did WWII Start

  • Aggression In Euro

  • Italy invaded Ethiopia and took control in 1935

    • Spain's Civil war was won by the Fascists in 1935 

    • League of nations does nothing to address these problems


  • Seeing the Leagues weakness goes against and violates the treaty of Versailles by building up Germany's Military

  • Hitler sends troops to Rhineland 1936

  • Hitler annexed Austria and demanded the Sudetenland with Czech 1938

The start of the European Theater

1938 Munich Conference (Germ Italy Brit and France

And The result was the Munich pact  gave Hitler the the Sudetenlands if he promised to end territorial Demands

  • Policy appeasement

War in EURO (Early period

  • Set 1 1939 Germany and USSR invaded poland with Blitzkrieg attack

  • Start of world war II 

  • France and GB declare war two days later

  • Sitzkrieg

  • April 194 Germany resumed Blitzkrieg attacks

  • April 9 denmark and Norway fall

  • May 10 Netherlands Belgium and Luxembourg fall

  • GB and France too late to assist Belgium

The Us passed the Neutrality act

European Theater

  • Summer/Fall 1940 Battle of Britain Vs. Royal Air Force 

  • June 1941 Hitler doubled crossed Stalin and Invaded Russia through Poland

  • Stalin used Scorched Earth Military Tactic

  • Harsh Winter and lack of useable supplies resulted in over 1 million Nazi losses

Diplomacy was failing

  • Appeasements was ineffective when dealing with Hitler Sept 1940 Germany Italy and Japan signed the tripartite Pact Axis powers

  • U.S Neutrality Baised

  • 1940 WI destroyers given for Naval bases in a deal with Great Britain 

  • 1941 Lend lease act Us Became the Arsenal of Democracy

  • FDR and W Churchill GB Agreed to the Atlantic Charter

The US attempted to stop Japan’s Invasion of China 

Sent Ultimatum

Issued a scrap matal and oil embargo

By August Indo- China fell to Japan

And Us began a full trade Embargo against Japan

The Japanese responded by 

Sending a negotiator to Washington D.C

Preparing for an attack on the US

Asian Theater

  • 1930s Tensions B/w Machurians and japanese had grown in the area won during the conflicts with China Russia

  • 1930s Japan Econ as failing as was the West’s they sought Imperial conquest as a means of Income

  • 1937 Japan Staged a Chinese nationalist attack on japanese railroad in manchuria and used it as an excuse to declare war

  • Japanese quickly overwhelmed the non modernized army of the Republic of China and Took the main cities

  • Nanjing Massacre the There was a mass murder of Chinese civillians in Nanjing after the battle of Nanking in by the Imperial japanese army

  • Many W powers and the league of nations opposed Japanese Imperial aggression since there were reports of rape torture mass killing of thousands in China they they decided the engage an Oil embargo againts Japan in lieu of direct conflict in 1941

  • Only 6 Months of Oil reserves the japanese decided to only  course of action was to get access to the oil in the south pacific by force

European Theater

  • On December 7th 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

  • U.S Pacific fleet was based at Pearl harbor in Hawaii

  • Attack was meant to cripple U.S Fleet so couldn’t interfere with Japan

  • Six  aircraft carriers and 353 Japanese Plane attack in two waves

  • Us declared war on Japanese the next day

  • Germany and italy declared war on the U.S on Dec 8 1941

  • The Us was officially in the war!

Anglo-American Innovation

  • Axis advances were halted in part due to several innovation developed by the Brits and Americans during WWII

  • To reduce to effect of the German Luftwaffe bombing raid on Great Britain the Invention of radar help scout German Luftwaffe Groups before they arrived and enabled the Royal air Force to get in the air as a means resistance as well as have civilians take shelter before bombing

  • As well as the mission of sonar helped the Brits and American Ship to locate Void Or Destroy  German and Jap Submarines

The European theater

  • Name  given to the fighting that took place in europe

  • 1942 Britain stood alone against Axis

  • Gen Dwight Eisenhower was the Supreme allied commander

  • The allies first invaded through sicily to italy

Eastern front Stalingrad

  • The Nazis were fighting the Russians in Stalingrad 

  • One of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare Nazis are defeated Turning point for the war for the allies

D day

  • General Isenhower planned D day for June 6th 1944

  • Allied invasion across english channel into Normandy

  • Largest Military invasion in history

Battle of the bulge

Hitlers last major offensive

Allies were pushing from the west from france south through Italy and east from the Soviets

Germany was surrounded

German Surrender

  • Hitler killed himself before he could be taken

  • Germany officially surrendered on May 7th 1945 following day is known as VZE day

  • Now the allies had to figure out how to defeat Japan

Yalta Conference

  • Allies discussed issues for post war world 

  • The USSR promised to declare war on Japan to assist the United states in the pacific theater

  • Agreed to divide Germany into four zones US brit Fr and USSR control

  • Roosevelt and Churchill wanted self Determination for eastern European

    • Afraid stalin would make eastern Europe communist after war

  • Stalin agreed to self determination if  could have a part of Poland

Potsdam Conference

  • Harry S  Truman US Churchill GB stalin USSR

  • Stalin wanted eastern European countries to be communist

  • Truman was unhappy with this

    • He wanted Stalin allow free elections as he agreed to at yalta

  • Stalin refused to allow this 

  • And he feared they would be anti soviet

  • While In potsdam Truman leans the atomic bomb is ready

  • Does not tell Stalin only Churchill

  • Truman issues Potsdam declaration

  • Basically told Japan surrender or get demolished

Bombs dropped

Aug 6 1945 Little boy on Hiroshima

Aug 9th 1945 Fat man on Nagasaki

Aug 14 1945 V-J Day End of war

Impact of WWI
  • 55 million killed

  • Holocaust the death of 6 million jews and 5 million other E.O.S

  • Enemies of the Nazi state include mentally ill handicap homosexuals gypsies Slav POWs

  • Genocide

  • USSR lost Most (22 million)

  • Major cities and towns in europe destroyed

  • 12 million homeless hardship lasted for years

Formation of the United nations
  • April 1945 they met in San Francisco to plan for post war world and they made the UN

  • Maintained World peace and security Foster econ and social development 

  • Protected human rights and be a place for nations to work out their differences
