Unit 4: Going Nuclear!
Topics covered: sub-atomic particles, radioactivity, nuclear chemistry, and large-scale nuclear weapons.
Definition and types of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons).
Structure of the atom discussed in context of nuclear chemistry.
Discovery of nuclear radiation while studying ionizing radiation.
Ionizing Radiation: Radiation that causes ionization in the medium; damages cells by breaking DNA.
Key discoveries:
Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays.
Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in uranium.
First ionizing radiation: X-rays.
Röntgen's experiments using a cathode ray tube confirmed radiation's ability to penetrate materials.
Becquerel’s findings highlighted that uranium spontaneously emits rays, later named 'radioactivity' by Marie Curie.
Rutherford categorized three main types of ionizing radiation:
Alpha Radiation: Positively charged; blocked by paper.
Beta Radiation: Negatively charged; blocked by aluminum foil.
Gamma Radiation: Neutral; penetrates materials, requires lead shielding.
9 types of radioactive decay modes exist, distinguished by the type of particles emitted or absorbed during decay.
Decay modes discussed include:
Alpha decay
Beta decay (β- and β+)
Electron capture (EC)
Gamma decay
Neutron emission
Cluster decay
Spontaneous fission
Ejects an alpha particle: 2 protons, 2 neutrons (helium nucleus).
Causes a decrease in atomic number by 2, mass by 4.
Beta- decay: Ejects high-energy electron, increases atomic number by 1; no mass change.
Beta+ decay: Ejects a positron (antimatter); decreases atomic number by 1.
Electron Capture: Absorbs an orbiting electron, also decreases atomic number by 1.
Emission of high-energy photon; no change in atomic or mass number.
Nucleons become more stable.
Cluster decay: Emission of nuclear fragment larger than alpha; occurs in large nuclei.
Spontaneous fission: Rare decay mode in large, heavy nuclei.
Nuclei are often stable with even numbers of protons/neutrons.
Stable isotopes: Sn (Tin) has the most stable isotopes (10).
Larger atoms are generally more unstable due to increased electrostatic repulsion.
Stable isotopes exist for elements up to atomic number 83 (bismuth).
Binding dynamics: Strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons; however, it weakens at larger distances, leading to instability.
Nuclei that are too neutron-heavy will experience beta decay or neutron ejection.
Proton-heavy nuclei may beta+ decay or undergo electron capture.
Large nuclei typically eject alpha particles to gain stability.
Defined as the time for half of a sample of radioactive material to decay.
Some isotopes have extremely long half-lives (e.g., Thorium-232: 14 billion years) while others have very short ones (e.g., Radon-220: 1 minute).
While individual decay events are random, predictable decay behavior emerges at large sample sizes over extended periods.
Used in diagnosis (scintigraphy, PET scans) and treatment (targeting tumors with gamma rays).
Radiocarbon dating to determine the age of organic materials.
Assess dangers associated with ionizing radiation.
Differentiate types and causes of radioactive decay.
Predict daughter nuclei post-decay.
Calculate half-lives and discuss stable arrangements.
Explore beneficial uses of radioactivity in medicine.