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History Quiz Origins of Islam

Notes/Content 272-278

  • Islam = A blend of many cultures: inspiration from Christianity and Judaism, traditional Arabic root culture, and Persian culture (after conquering persia)
  • Islam expanded greatly, changing the cultures it expanded into, creating a larger islam society = dar al-Islam
  • Islam originated in the Arabian peninsula, a harsh environment with little water
  • This made clan loyalty and kinship incredibly important for survival
  • The arabian peninsula was also well-versed in trade, making Mecca a trade center
  • Muhammad:
    • Orphan at the age of 6
    • Poor (which explains his sympathy to those who are less fortunate, a major point in Islam)
    • Married a merchant and then became a merchant, elevating his status (but not by much)
    • Charismatic, problem-solver, became known as the “trusted one” or sum
    • Carried on his normal life as a merchant until he had a spiritual experience
    • He was visited by archangel Gabriel who told him that Allah was the one true god and the dangers of idolizing a god
    • He soon began telling people through oral recitations until he had amassed a following
    • His followers began writing down his teachings
  • This writing would soon become the quran
    • The quran is considered “Muhammad’s miracle” as it is the true word of god
    • Hadiths = other religious texts, often stories and lessons but not the word of god, just specific guidance on how to live like a muslim
  • muhammad threatened power of the elites in Mecca by threatening religion and idolization
  • They persecuted him and his followers
  • Hijra: To escape the persecution, him and his followers moved to Yathrib (which they called Medina
  • Umma = muslim community
    • First created during the hijra
    • On the hijra, people chose to abandon previous beliefs and family for God, the true test of devotion to Islam
    • So, everyone on the hijra showed devotion to islam = muslim community
    • This community was further solidified with events such as group praying, creating the first mosque in Medina, etc.
  • He established a legal and social code helping people in need and economy idk
  • Muhhamad = seal of prophets = Allah’s last prophet
  • Retook the Mecca by invading it and kicking everyone out and establishing their religion
  • Preserved the kaaba as a symbol of meccas greatness
  • Established pilgrimage to mecca
  • Spread to all of Arabia

5 pillars of Islam:

  • Acknowledge allah as only god and muhammud as his prophet
  • Pray to allah daily facing mecca
  • Observe fast during daylight during month of ramadan
  • Contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor
  • Must make at least one pilgrimage to mecca if able to
  • Although islam has many different branches, all follow these things
  • Jihad = struggle, against ignorance and unbelief and spreading word of islam often through war
  • Sharia = islamic holy law, guidance on proper behavior
    • Created by sunni muslims after the quran and hadiths were written

Map info (things we need to know, no it’s not all of the map assignment, only terms mentioned in these pages)

Arabian peninsula

Persian gulf



Arabian sea

Red sea



Abyssinia (modern day ethiopia)


Bedouin = nomadic peoples of the arabian peninsula

  • Organized themselves into clans and groups and worked together to survive the harsh desert environment

Muhammad = Allah’s prophet, speaks the word of God (see above for more information)

Quran = collection of muhammad’s teachings written down, is considered the word of God

  • Written in Arabic, so any translation of it is not the direct word of God
  • The quran is considered muhammad’s miracle - to have the word of God written down

Hadiths = collection of additional texts with lessons and teachings, often considered a guide of interpretation of the quran

  • Not the word of God
  • Written after the quran

Mecca = where muhammad lived, center of trade and religious idols (from bedouin religions) in the arabian peninsula and later home of islam

Ka’ba = big black bocks

  • Houses the black stone, a shrine from one of the nomadic deities (which attracted a bunch of people = good business for Mecca)
  • The only shrine preserved in Mecca after Muhammad reconquered it
    • Was kept as monument of Islam’s beginnings and power or sum
  • Is now a place of worship and the center of Islam

Medina = “city of the prophet,” the city Muhammad and his followers migrated to to escape their persecution in Mecca

  • I think they were invited there because conflict in Medina called for someone who solved conflict = muhammad (correct me if i'm wrong tho)
  • The second most holy city in Islam (behind mecca)
  • it was here that the first group prayers were held and mosque created = strengthening muslim community

Hijra = “migration” the journey Muhammad and his followers took from mecca to medina to escape persecution in mecca

  • Those who chose to go on the hijra abandoned family and previous religious beliefs for faith in Allah
  • Therefore, the people on this journey became the first muslim community
  • 2 week journey?
  • Marks year 1 on the muslim calendar

Umma = “community of the faithful,” muslim community

  • First formed during the hijra and at medina
  • First group of people who were entire faithful (as they abandoned mecca for Islam)
  • Participated in group prayers and mosque thing at medina
  • Muhammad provided a detailed legal and social code for them, looked after their economic welfare, and helped the poor

Five Pillars of Islam = 5 things that all Muslims follow

  1. Devotion - “Allah is the only god and muhammad is his prophet”
  2. Prayer - pray 5 times a day facing the mecca
  3. Fast - refrain from food and water during daylight hours of the month of ramadan
  4. Alms - contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor
  5. Hajj - make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime (if physically and financially able to)

Jihad = “struggle” - an additional obligation some muslims undertake to spread the word of islam and convert people

  • Often through war

Sharia Law = a writing developed by later muslim scholars analyzing the quran which offers precise guidance on how to live your life as a muslim

History Quiz Origins of Islam

Notes/Content 272-278

  • Islam = A blend of many cultures: inspiration from Christianity and Judaism, traditional Arabic root culture, and Persian culture (after conquering persia)
  • Islam expanded greatly, changing the cultures it expanded into, creating a larger islam society = dar al-Islam
  • Islam originated in the Arabian peninsula, a harsh environment with little water
  • This made clan loyalty and kinship incredibly important for survival
  • The arabian peninsula was also well-versed in trade, making Mecca a trade center
  • Muhammad:
    • Orphan at the age of 6
    • Poor (which explains his sympathy to those who are less fortunate, a major point in Islam)
    • Married a merchant and then became a merchant, elevating his status (but not by much)
    • Charismatic, problem-solver, became known as the “trusted one” or sum
    • Carried on his normal life as a merchant until he had a spiritual experience
    • He was visited by archangel Gabriel who told him that Allah was the one true god and the dangers of idolizing a god
    • He soon began telling people through oral recitations until he had amassed a following
    • His followers began writing down his teachings
  • This writing would soon become the quran
    • The quran is considered “Muhammad’s miracle” as it is the true word of god
    • Hadiths = other religious texts, often stories and lessons but not the word of god, just specific guidance on how to live like a muslim
  • muhammad threatened power of the elites in Mecca by threatening religion and idolization
  • They persecuted him and his followers
  • Hijra: To escape the persecution, him and his followers moved to Yathrib (which they called Medina
  • Umma = muslim community
    • First created during the hijra
    • On the hijra, people chose to abandon previous beliefs and family for God, the true test of devotion to Islam
    • So, everyone on the hijra showed devotion to islam = muslim community
    • This community was further solidified with events such as group praying, creating the first mosque in Medina, etc.
  • He established a legal and social code helping people in need and economy idk
  • Muhhamad = seal of prophets = Allah’s last prophet
  • Retook the Mecca by invading it and kicking everyone out and establishing their religion
  • Preserved the kaaba as a symbol of meccas greatness
  • Established pilgrimage to mecca
  • Spread to all of Arabia

5 pillars of Islam:

  • Acknowledge allah as only god and muhammud as his prophet
  • Pray to allah daily facing mecca
  • Observe fast during daylight during month of ramadan
  • Contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor
  • Must make at least one pilgrimage to mecca if able to
  • Although islam has many different branches, all follow these things
  • Jihad = struggle, against ignorance and unbelief and spreading word of islam often through war
  • Sharia = islamic holy law, guidance on proper behavior
    • Created by sunni muslims after the quran and hadiths were written

Map info (things we need to know, no it’s not all of the map assignment, only terms mentioned in these pages)

Arabian peninsula

Persian gulf



Arabian sea

Red sea



Abyssinia (modern day ethiopia)


Bedouin = nomadic peoples of the arabian peninsula

  • Organized themselves into clans and groups and worked together to survive the harsh desert environment

Muhammad = Allah’s prophet, speaks the word of God (see above for more information)

Quran = collection of muhammad’s teachings written down, is considered the word of God

  • Written in Arabic, so any translation of it is not the direct word of God
  • The quran is considered muhammad’s miracle - to have the word of God written down

Hadiths = collection of additional texts with lessons and teachings, often considered a guide of interpretation of the quran

  • Not the word of God
  • Written after the quran

Mecca = where muhammad lived, center of trade and religious idols (from bedouin religions) in the arabian peninsula and later home of islam

Ka’ba = big black bocks

  • Houses the black stone, a shrine from one of the nomadic deities (which attracted a bunch of people = good business for Mecca)
  • The only shrine preserved in Mecca after Muhammad reconquered it
    • Was kept as monument of Islam’s beginnings and power or sum
  • Is now a place of worship and the center of Islam

Medina = “city of the prophet,” the city Muhammad and his followers migrated to to escape their persecution in Mecca

  • I think they were invited there because conflict in Medina called for someone who solved conflict = muhammad (correct me if i'm wrong tho)
  • The second most holy city in Islam (behind mecca)
  • it was here that the first group prayers were held and mosque created = strengthening muslim community

Hijra = “migration” the journey Muhammad and his followers took from mecca to medina to escape persecution in mecca

  • Those who chose to go on the hijra abandoned family and previous religious beliefs for faith in Allah
  • Therefore, the people on this journey became the first muslim community
  • 2 week journey?
  • Marks year 1 on the muslim calendar

Umma = “community of the faithful,” muslim community

  • First formed during the hijra and at medina
  • First group of people who were entire faithful (as they abandoned mecca for Islam)
  • Participated in group prayers and mosque thing at medina
  • Muhammad provided a detailed legal and social code for them, looked after their economic welfare, and helped the poor

Five Pillars of Islam = 5 things that all Muslims follow

  1. Devotion - “Allah is the only god and muhammad is his prophet”
  2. Prayer - pray 5 times a day facing the mecca
  3. Fast - refrain from food and water during daylight hours of the month of ramadan
  4. Alms - contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor
  5. Hajj - make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime (if physically and financially able to)

Jihad = “struggle” - an additional obligation some muslims undertake to spread the word of islam and convert people

  • Often through war

Sharia Law = a writing developed by later muslim scholars analyzing the quran which offers precise guidance on how to live your life as a muslim
