a-, an-: without, not, no
Example: atypical
ante-: before
Example: antepartum
anti-: against
Example: antibiotic
auto-: self
Example: autonomic
bi-: two
Example: bilateral
bio-: life
Example: biology
brady-: slow
Example: bradycardia
circum-: around
Example: circumference
cirrh-: orange-yellow
Example: cirrhosis
contra-: against
Example: contraindicated
cyan-: blue
Example: cyanosis
dia-: completely
Example: dialysis
dys-: bad, painful, abnormal
Example: dysphagia
endo-: within, inner
Example: endoscopy
epi-: above
Example: epigastric
erythr-: red
Example: erythrocyte
eu-: good, normal
Example: euthermic
extra-: outside
Example: extracellular
hemi-: half
Example: hemiplegic
hyper-: over, above
Example: hypertension
hypo-: below, under
Example: hypotension
immun-: pertaining to immunity
Example: immunology
inter-: between, among
Example: intercellular
intra-: within, inside
Example: intracellular
iso-: equal
Example: isotonic
leuk-: white
Example: leukocyte
macro-: large
Example: macrophage
mal-: poor
Example: malnutrition
melan-: black
Example: melanoma
micro-: small
Example: microscopic
pan-: all
Example: pancytopenia
per-: through
Example: percutaneous
peri-: around
Example: pericardium
poly-: many, excessive
Example: polydipsia
post-: after
Example: postpartum
pre-: before
Example: preoperative
quadri-: four
Example: quadriplegic
sub-: below, under
Example: subtherapeutic
sym-, syn-: together
Example: symbiotic
acous/o: hearing
Example: acoustic
aden/o: gland
Example: adenocarcinoma
adip/o: fat
Example: adipose
alb: white
Example: albino
ambul/o: walk
Example: ambulatory
andr/o: male
Example: androgen
angi/o: vessel
Example: angioedema
arthr/o: joint
Example: arthralgia
bucc/o: cheek
Example: buccal
carcin/o: cancer
Example: carcinoma
cardi: heart
Example: cardiovascular
cereb: brain
Example: cerebrum
chem/o: chemistry
Example: chemotherapy
cyan: blue
Example: cyanosis
cyst/o: bladder
Example: cystitis
cyt/o: cell
Example: cytoplasm
derm/a: skin
Example: dermatology
duoden/o: duodenum
Example: duodenal
enter/o: intestine
Example: enterohepatic
erythr/o: red
Example: erythrocyte
esophag/o: esophagus
Example: esophageal
fibr/o: fiber
Example: fibromyalgia
gastr/o: stomach
Example: gastrointestinal
This information will help to familiarize you with terms that may be used throughout the course, as well as your time as a pharmacy technician. This list is not exhaustive.
gluc/o: sugar
Example: glucose
glyc/o: sugar
Example: glycemic
gynec/o: woman
Example: gynecology
hemat/o: blood
Example: hematology
hem/o: blood
Example: hemophilia
hepat/o: liver
Example: hepatitis
hist/o: body tissues
Example: histology
hyster/o: uterus
Example: hysterectomy
lact/o: milk
Example: lactation
lapar/o: abdomen
Example: laparoscopic
leuk/o: white
Example: leukocyte
lipid: fat
Example: hyperlipidemia
lymph/o: lymph
Example: lymphadenopathy
mamm/o: breast tissue
Example: mammogram
melan/o: dark, black
Example: melanin
myel/o: muscle
Example: myeloma
-ac: pertaining to
Example: cardiac
-al: pertaining to
Example: surgical
-algia: pain
Example: arthralgia
-ar, -ary: pertaining to
Example: coronary
-ase: enzyme
Example: lactase
-logy: study of
Example: biology
-dipsia: thirst
Example: polydipsia
-graphy, -graph: instrument for recording
Example: radiograph
-gram: record
Example: electrocardiogram
-genic: producing
Example: hallucinogenic
-pathy: disease
Example: homeopathy
-itis: inflammation
Example: tonsillitis
-osis: condition
Example: osteoporosis
-rrhage: excessive flow
Example: hemorrhage
-oid: resembling, like
Example: hemorrhoid
-ectomy: surgical removal
Example: tonsillectomy
-stasis: control
Example: hemostasis
-logist: specialist
Example: pathologist
-scopy: viewing of
Example: endoscopy
-rrhea: flowing or discharge
Example: diarrhea
-scope: instrument
Example: otoscope
-sclerosis: hardening
Example: atherosclerosis
-spasm: twitching, involuntary contraction
Example: bronchospasm
-oma: tumor
Example: carcinoma
-cyte: cell
Example: osteocyte
-ic: pertaining to
Example: nephrotic
-emia: blood condition
Example: anemia
-plasty: surgical repair
Example: rhinoplasty
-uria: urine
Example: hematuria
-iatry: treatment
Example: podiatry
-lepsy: seizure
Example: epilepsy
-lysis: breaking down
Example: hemolysis
-lytic: destroy
Example: osteolytic
-megaly: enlarged
Example: splenomegaly
-meter: measuring instrument
Example: thermometer
-penia: decreased number
Example: neutropenia
-phagia: eating, swallowing
Example: dysphagia
-philia: attraction to
Example: hemophilia
-phobia: fear of
Example: arachnophobia
-plegia: paralysis, stroke
Example: paraplegia
-stenosis: narrowing
Example: arteriostenosis
-stomy: artificial opening
Example: colostomy
-toxic: poison
Example: cytotoxic
-trophy: nourishment, development
Example: atrophy
-ule, -ula: small
Example: papule