Chapter 2 - Motives and Methods of European Exploration

North America

  • Landscape included:

    • Forests + Great Plains

    • Appalachians + Rocky Mountains

    • Great Lakes + Grand Canyon

    • Missouri River + Ohio River + Mississippi River (drains into Gulf of Mexico @ New Orleans)

    • Arctic stretches + southwest deserts (Death Valley)

  • The coastal plain permitted river transportation, which helped early settlements

  • Native Americans adapted to different regions

Bering Strait

  • 8000 BC - North America was accessible by land

  • Bering Strait was a stretch of ocean containing a land bridge

  • Large glaciers lowered ocean levels

  • Humans migrated in search of game

  • When the Bering Sea submerged the land bridge, people crossed by boats

  • Was there migration by sea directly to South America? (historians unsure)

  • 300 AD - Native Americans populated Hawaiian islands

Iroquois Native Americans

  • 6 separate tribes - Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Tuscarora

  • Lived in New York

  • Allied against Huron Matriarchal society

  • Extremely developed societal structure

  • Useful allies to British

  • 1350 - Settled in fortified (protected against attacks) villages


  • The Vikings were traveling warriors

  • Lived in Denmark, Sweden, Norway

  • Expertly designed ships

  • Late 10th Century - Erik the Red settled Greenland

  • Discovered Americas before Columbus

  • 980 AD - Vikings explored North America

  • Because of pressure faced from Native American tribes, the Vikings could only create temporary settlements


  • 700 AD - Cahokia was a thriving culture based on maize cultivation

  • 30k-40k inhabitants disappeared for no known reason

  • Well-connected trade center

  • 1300 AD - Cahokia civilization collapsed

  • Stockade circling main city that provided protection

  • Were large pyramids the tombs of leaders? (historians unsure)

  • Cahokia was an example of when Native Americans failed to produce a lasting civilization

  • EXTREMELY advanced


  • Exchanging things for mutual benefit (gifts & favors + sleights & injuries)

  • Native Americans regularly fought wars with each other

  • Europeans exploited the reciprocity system by trading unusual goods for property rights (hurt Native Americans by tricking their land away)

  • Would lead to inevitable wars between Europeans + Native Americans


  • “Deus volt” - God wills it (reasoning for the Crusades)

  • 1095 - Pope Urban II launches 1st military campaigns to take back Palestine from Muslims

  • Moderately successful BUT wouldn’t achieve lasting control of Holy Land

  • Sought-after silks, spices, etc. that would benefit travel + trade

  • Renewed trade led to the Renaissance and early exploration

  • Europe wanted to find a water route to India + China

Marco Polo

  • 1271-1295 - Journeyed along the Silk Road (Mongolia to China)

  • Received into Kublai Khan’s court

  • Published Discourse Concerning Various Experiences

  • Because Europe wanted Asian goods, it fought for access to Far East


  • 1440 - Begins to spread

  • The invention of the printing press + international commerce led to greater interest in learning + spread of ideas

  • Rediscovered Roman law, literature, art

  • Renaissance = “Rebirth”

  • Ended medieval period

  • Wealth + artistic achievement led to greater navigation + exploration

  • Eventually the desire to reform the Catholic Church led to the Protestant Reformation


  • Originated from the commercial revolution by Renaissance bankers

  • Coined money for the international market

  • Motivated acquisition of private property

Amerigo Vespucci

  • 1454-1512

  • 3 voyages exploring the South American coast (Amazon River)

  • Calculated longitude + sailing distance

  • Descriptive letters detailing his adventures

  • A German scholar drew a comprehensive map from his letters

Prince Henry the Navigator

  • Took advantage of Renaissance

  • Founded a school that taught navigation, cartography, shipbuilding

  • Invented the caravel, which made it possible to make extremely long voyages

  • His exploration of the African coast allowed Europe to dominate the Indian spice trade

  • 1384-1460

Vasco da Gama

  • Discovered Cape of Good Hope with Bartholomew Dias

  • By 1498, he made a voyage around Africa, to India, back to Portugal

  • Brought back spices for Portugal trading posts

  • Died in 1524

  • Inspired Spanish exploration

Plantation System

  • Large-scale commercial agriculture

  • Large land holdings

  • Exploited African American labor in New World

Christopher Columbus

  • Both praised and hated

  • Blamed for Native American disease, war, famine, enslavement

  • King Ferdinand + Queen Isabella approved his journey west to Far East

  • 1492 - Sailed to the Western Hemisphere

  • Proved that the Earth is round

  • Opened Caribbean Sea + Central America to Spanish colonization

  • Died in 1506

Treaty of Tordesillas

  • Dispute between Portugal + Spain

  • Alexander VI decided that Spain can possess new lands, which divided up the land + gave Spain more land

  • 1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas extended boundary line west

  • Because of hatred of Christendom, the treaty banned England, France, Netherlands

Hernando Cortés

  • Explored Mexico for Spain

  • 1519 - Landed + subdued Native American tribes

  • Destroyed Aztec Empire

    • Killed Montezuma (leader)

    • Crushed Aztec revolt

    • Opened for Spanish settlement + found gold & silver

Three-Sister Farming

  • Native Americans grew maize, beans, squash

  • Crops were better grown together

  • Healthy nutrition helped the Native American diet

Francisco Pizarro

  • Most brutal treatment of Native Americans

  • 1530 - Landed in South America

  • Conquered Inca Empire

    • Captured Atahualpa + demanded ransom of gold/silver to release him

    • Conquered Peru + ruled with iron fist (tyranny)

  • Assassinated in 1541

Cabeza de Vaca

  • 1528 - Survived expedition to explore Florida

  • Set out across Gulf of Mexico + landed in Texas

  • 1st European to see Southwest

  • Reported bison + gold, which led to further Spanish exploration into New Mexico

  • Provincial governor

Hernando de Soto

  • 1st Spaniard to explore Florida

  • 1539 - Landed in Florida + explored Southeast

  • Discovered Mississippi River

  • Died of fever in 1542

Black Legend

  • Negative impact of Spanish conquest - War, slavery, disease

  • New nations built on blended societies (clash of cultures)

John and Sebastian Cabot

  • Father-son team that worked for English Crown

  • Father died before journey

  • 1509 - Sebastian claimed fishing beds off Canadian coast for England

  • Helped start English influence in New World

Giovanni de Verrazano

  • Claimed land for France

  • 1523 - Steered ship toward Carolinas and Nova Scotia

  • Reported back to king, which spurred French interest in further colonization

  • 1528 - Killed + eaten by Native Americans


  • North America - Small populations, different biomes, huge land tracts, natural resources

  • 1st settlers - Came over land bridge; spread through Western Hemisphere; varied cultures but no lasting civilizations

  • Rise of nations + return of trade + Renaissance → Discovery + exploited colonies’ riches

  • Christopher Columbus → Large empire + God, glory, gold

  • Portugal, England, France, Netherlands are jealous of Spain → Laid claims to land in New World
