North America
Landscape included:
Forests + Great Plains
Appalachians + Rocky Mountains
Great Lakes + Grand Canyon
Missouri River + Ohio River + Mississippi River (drains into Gulf of Mexico @ New Orleans)
Arctic stretches + southwest deserts (Death Valley)
The coastal plain permitted river transportation, which helped early settlements
Native Americans adapted to different regions
Bering Strait
8000 BC - North America was accessible by land
Bering Strait was a stretch of ocean containing a land bridge
Large glaciers lowered ocean levels
Humans migrated in search of game
When the Bering Sea submerged the land bridge, people crossed by boats
Was there migration by sea directly to South America? (historians unsure)
300 AD - Native Americans populated Hawaiian islands
Iroquois Native Americans
6 separate tribes - Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Tuscarora
Lived in New York
Allied against Huron Matriarchal society
Extremely developed societal structure
Useful allies to British
1350 - Settled in fortified (protected against attacks) villages
The Vikings were traveling warriors
Lived in Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Expertly designed ships
Late 10th Century - Erik the Red settled Greenland
Discovered Americas before Columbus
980 AD - Vikings explored North America
Because of pressure faced from Native American tribes, the Vikings could only create temporary settlements
700 AD - Cahokia was a thriving culture based on maize cultivation
30k-40k inhabitants disappeared for no known reason
Well-connected trade center
1300 AD - Cahokia civilization collapsed
Stockade circling main city that provided protection
Were large pyramids the tombs of leaders? (historians unsure)
Cahokia was an example of when Native Americans failed to produce a lasting civilization
EXTREMELY advanced
Exchanging things for mutual benefit (gifts & favors + sleights & injuries)
Native Americans regularly fought wars with each other
Europeans exploited the reciprocity system by trading unusual goods for property rights (hurt Native Americans by tricking their land away)
Would lead to inevitable wars between Europeans + Native Americans
“Deus volt” - God wills it (reasoning for the Crusades)
1095 - Pope Urban II launches 1st military campaigns to take back Palestine from Muslims
Moderately successful BUT wouldn’t achieve lasting control of Holy Land
Sought-after silks, spices, etc. that would benefit travel + trade
Renewed trade led to the Renaissance and early exploration
Europe wanted to find a water route to India + China
Marco Polo
1271-1295 - Journeyed along the Silk Road (Mongolia to China)
Received into Kublai Khan’s court
Published Discourse Concerning Various Experiences
Because Europe wanted Asian goods, it fought for access to Far East
1440 - Begins to spread
The invention of the printing press + international commerce led to greater interest in learning + spread of ideas
Rediscovered Roman law, literature, art
Renaissance = “Rebirth”
Ended medieval period
Wealth + artistic achievement led to greater navigation + exploration
Eventually the desire to reform the Catholic Church led to the Protestant Reformation
Originated from the commercial revolution by Renaissance bankers
Coined money for the international market
Motivated acquisition of private property
Amerigo Vespucci
3 voyages exploring the South American coast (Amazon River)
Calculated longitude + sailing distance
Descriptive letters detailing his adventures
A German scholar drew a comprehensive map from his letters
Prince Henry the Navigator
Took advantage of Renaissance
Founded a school that taught navigation, cartography, shipbuilding
Invented the caravel, which made it possible to make extremely long voyages
His exploration of the African coast allowed Europe to dominate the Indian spice trade
Vasco da Gama
Discovered Cape of Good Hope with Bartholomew Dias
By 1498, he made a voyage around Africa, to India, back to Portugal
Brought back spices for Portugal trading posts
Died in 1524
Inspired Spanish exploration
Plantation System
Large-scale commercial agriculture
Large land holdings
Exploited African American labor in New World
Christopher Columbus
Both praised and hated
Blamed for Native American disease, war, famine, enslavement
King Ferdinand + Queen Isabella approved his journey west to Far East
1492 - Sailed to the Western Hemisphere
Proved that the Earth is round
Opened Caribbean Sea + Central America to Spanish colonization
Died in 1506
Treaty of Tordesillas
Dispute between Portugal + Spain
Alexander VI decided that Spain can possess new lands, which divided up the land + gave Spain more land
1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas extended boundary line west
Because of hatred of Christendom, the treaty banned England, France, Netherlands
Hernando Cortés
Explored Mexico for Spain
1519 - Landed + subdued Native American tribes
Destroyed Aztec Empire
Killed Montezuma (leader)
Crushed Aztec revolt
Opened for Spanish settlement + found gold & silver
Three-Sister Farming
Native Americans grew maize, beans, squash
Crops were better grown together
Healthy nutrition helped the Native American diet
Francisco Pizarro
Most brutal treatment of Native Americans
1530 - Landed in South America
Conquered Inca Empire
Captured Atahualpa + demanded ransom of gold/silver to release him
Conquered Peru + ruled with iron fist (tyranny)
Assassinated in 1541
Cabeza de Vaca
1528 - Survived expedition to explore Florida
Set out across Gulf of Mexico + landed in Texas
1st European to see Southwest
Reported bison + gold, which led to further Spanish exploration into New Mexico
Provincial governor
Hernando de Soto
1st Spaniard to explore Florida
1539 - Landed in Florida + explored Southeast
Discovered Mississippi River
Died of fever in 1542
Black Legend
Negative impact of Spanish conquest - War, slavery, disease
New nations built on blended societies (clash of cultures)
John and Sebastian Cabot
Father-son team that worked for English Crown
Father died before journey
1509 - Sebastian claimed fishing beds off Canadian coast for England
Helped start English influence in New World
Giovanni de Verrazano
Claimed land for France
1523 - Steered ship toward Carolinas and Nova Scotia
Reported back to king, which spurred French interest in further colonization
1528 - Killed + eaten by Native Americans
North America - Small populations, different biomes, huge land tracts, natural resources
1st settlers - Came over land bridge; spread through Western Hemisphere; varied cultures but no lasting civilizations
Rise of nations + return of trade + Renaissance → Discovery + exploited colonies’ riches
Christopher Columbus → Large empire + God, glory, gold
Portugal, England, France, Netherlands are jealous of Spain → Laid claims to land in New World