广告 advertisement
海报 poster
地方 place
推出...活动 to host .... event
公共标志 public sign
南疆 South of Xinjiang
免费 free of charge
小孩 children
开业 open for business
花园 garden
培训中心 training center
公告 a public announcement
支持 to support
家长 parents
社区 community
感谢 to thank
报名 to sign up; to register
同时进行 on-going at the same time
二楼 second floor
欢迎光临 welcome (to be here)
地点 location
优秀 excellent
真正 real
尊敬 to respect
相信 to believe
届时 when the time comes
回馈 to give it back
回赠 to give in return
优点 advantage
回放 replay
复杂 complicated
主办 host
由 by
本届 current session
热烈欢迎 warmly welcome
包括 to include
夕阳红 sunset red- a name for organization for seniors
唐装 traditional Chinese style suit (usually for males)
旗袍 a long close fitting-dress with a high neck (usually for females)
广场舞 square dance
京剧 Beijing opera
脱口秀 talk show
武术 martial arts
相声 comic dialogue
功夫 kung fu
典礼 ceremony
仪式 ceremony
剪彩 cut the ribbon
酬宾 to thank the guests with a reward
优惠 discount
搬迁 to relocate
另行通知 until further notice
包邮 free shipping
抽奖 lottery
名额有限 limited spots
欲购从速 place your order ASAP
恕 to forgive
凭身份证领取 to pick it up by ID
详情 detailed information
咨询 to consult
书面语 written language
小神童 little prodigy
戏曲 traditional opera
民间舞 folk dance
民族舞 ethnic dance
全程志愿者 volunteer for the whole event
汇演 joint performance
联欢会 get-together; party
义卖会 charity fair
先到先得 first come, first served
口头语 spoken language