UN (United Nations) (1945)
- to promote peace and security
- to promote social and economic development
- to promote human efforts
- humanitarian efforts
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (1949)
- to safeguard members’ freedom and security
- provides military support
WTO (World Trade Organization) (1995)
- to manage rules of international trade
- to ensure the fair treatment of all members through trade dispute settlements
ICC (internation criminal court) (2005)
- To investigate and try those charged with genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes of agression
- To investigate crimes that the governments are overlooking
EU (European Nation) (1993)
- Help member countries cooperate on economic, political, and security matters
Group of Twenty (1999)
- To convene officials from the world’s largest economies (both advanced and developing)
- To address global economic concerns and coordinate economic policies
- They can also have groups of any amount depending on the need
- And the EU enters as one Nation (not the individual countries)