Learning Objectives
Examine the current state of ICT.
Compare and contrast various online platforms, sites, and content.
Demonstrate knowledge of online systems, functions, and platforms.
Discover the uses of contextualized online search and research skills.
Use the internet for credible research and information gathering.
Value ICT as an integral element of life.
Field Applications
Academe: Use of LMS, Blackboard, Google Classroom, etc.
Meteorology: Collated weather data, predicting storms.
Health Sciences: Research and operations using computerized systems.
Commerce and Trade: Analysis of market movements using ICT tools.
Introduction to WWW
Introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and promoted by the WWW Consortium.
WWW is a system of interconnected public webpages accessible via the internet.
Distinction between WWW and internet: WWW is just one application built on the internet.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL):
Defines the address for resources on the web.
Establishes connections between single and multiple web pages.
Web 1.0 (Static Web)
Characteristics: No interactivity, content inseparability from layout, primarily read-only.
Examples: MySpace, LiveJournal, GeoCities, Wikipedia.
Web 2.0 (Dynamic Web/Social Web)
Introduced in 1999 by Darcy Danucci.
Key Features: User interaction, content generation, social networking.
Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Web 3.0 (Semantic Web)
Current discussions regarding this phase.
Features: Minimalist design, semantic data storage, AI integration for improved user experience.
Concept of Global Village
Electronic media has reduced distance and isolation, fostering a community-like experience.
Functions of ICT include data management through hardware and software components.
Key Questions for Understanding
What features define the community aspect of the global village in ICT?
Differentiate between hardware (e.g., cell phones) and software (e.g., MS Office).
What field does Google Classroom benefit?
What does WWW and URL stand for, and who introduced these concepts?
Understand connections between web pages.