Key term/event | Definition (Think - Who, What, When, Where…) and Significance (Why this term matters) |
Propaganda Movement in the Philippines | Group of Filipinos who advocated for self governing. (At the time under Spanish control) This group didn’t call out for a revolution or independence, but the Spanish stayed suspicious |
Maori Nationalism | The Maoris lived in New Zealand, and their many tribes usually fought amongst each other, but when the English moved in and started to pressure for land owned by Maori, the tribes worked and fought together and built a Maori nationalism |
The New Zealand Wars | War fought between the Maori and England because the English annexed New Zealand, English wanted Maori lands, and the English eventually won in 1872 |
Puerto Rico and the writings of Lola Rodriguez de Tio | Puerto Rico was under Spanish control, and people and groups started from a revolution, the spirit of it, Lola Rodriguez de Tio was a poet, and became famous for her critiques on Spain’s exploitive ruling way of Puerto Rico, her home was a place for political thinkers, and people who wanted a revolution. She eventually had to exit though due to the uprising, and went to Venezuela, but then exiled for again writing critical things about the govt. there. She went back to Venezuela, left because of exile, now went to Cuba to work for independence there. |
German and Italian Unifications | The Italian Peninsula was under the House of Savoy, but was divided with kingdoms and city-states. Count di Cavour wanted to increase the unity in Italy, so he had Napoleon go to war with Austria in hopes to lessen the influence on the Italian Peninsula. Some states united after Napoleon backed out because of fear of the Pope. In Germany, the French occupying German states created nationalist movements to grow stronger because of dislike of French occupation. Germany fought 3 wars and won, expanded land, and Bismarck founded the new German empire. |
Balkan Nationalisms | European contact, ideas, involvement, and powers within the Balkan area helped build up Balkan Nationalism |
Ottomanisms | Movement that wanted to make a more unified and up to date (modern) state. Leaders wanted to carry out with this by reducing the ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity across the empire, took control of local schools and installed a standard curriculum. Ottomanism was not viewed positively with ethnic and religious groups presiding within the Ottoman Empire, and it built the people to actually feeling like they want their own independence from the Ottomans |
5.2| Nationalism and Revolutions
Objective | Key Developments |
Explain the causes and effects of the various revolutions in the period from 1750 to 1900. | American Revolution: CAUSES:
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and who influenced these ideas? Thomas Jefferson, inspired by John Locke What are unalienable rights? Rights that everyone should have, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Who helped the colonists defeat Great Britain? France The New Zealand Wars Summarize the causes of the New Zealand Wars: Caused by English annexing New Zealand, and trying to take land from the Maori, increase in English control What was the outcome? Maori nationalism developed with tribes working together, but Britain still won. The French Revolution CAUSES:
It seemed like Marquis de Lafayette was going to establish a constitutional monarchy, but the National Assembly grew unhappy and stormed the Bastille.
The two most permanent changes that took place in the early French Revolution were
King Louis XVI refusal to accept the new government created by the National Assembly resulted in First French Republic
The turmoil ended when Napolean Bonaparte became the French emperor in 1804. The Hatian Revolution Who was Toussaint L'Ouverture and describe his impact: A formerly enslaved African and led the rebellion in Haiti against slavery, well informed about enlightenment ideas, he and his army of Maroons and enslaved Africnas made an independent government that then had the French, Spanish, and British against each other What did L'Ouverture's army establish? Made an independent government that had the Spanish, French, and British against one another Describe the constitution created by L’Ouverture. It allowed for all residents to have citizenship and equality What land reforms were made? Plantations were divided and lands were split and distributed with the formerly enslaved and free African Americans Jean - Jazques Dessalines wrote what? Wrote a declaration that claimed Haiti will be forever independent, the first country in Latin America that gained independence and first African American led country in west Haiti became:
Comparisons: Similarities: Both revolutions stemmed from Enlightenment ideas that men had natural rights as citizens, legal restraints limited the people’s freedoms because it forced them into social classes Differences: Haiti revolution was from people that literally had no rights Creole Revolutions in Latin America Define the following Latin American social classes, and describe where they stood in society (new the top, or the bottom).
Summarize the three reasons many wanted independence from Spain:
The Bolivar Revolutions What did the Creole class want, and why did they refuse the help of the mestizos, indigenous people, and mulattos? The Creole class wanted independence from Spain, they didn’t want help from the mestizos, indigenous, and mulattos because they were the majority of the people, saw what revolution in Haiti led to Describe the role of Simon Bolivar in Latin America. (What was his background, what did he want, how did he describe himself?) Simon Bolivar was a creole who encouraged Enlightenment ideas in Latin America, promoted for independence in areas that are now Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, born in Venezuela who were wealthy aristocrats, he had military success against the Spanish in Latin America, hoped he would be able to form a nation like the United States that had enlightenment ideals, thought of himself as a liberal who wanted and believed in a free market and abolition of slavery Who were the caudillos and how were they involved in the politics of Latin America? Caudillos are local leaders who were strong and had regional power bases, these guys were involved in national politics to create or destroy governments, their ideas would sometimes defend what the regional elites and indigenous interest, but sometimes ignored the representative type of government and rule of law Results of the Creole Revolutions How did new constitutions in Latin America keep social structures in place even though they had been banned? The new constitution in Latin America keep social structure in place even when banned because the Creoles made a strong and powerful conservative upper class, there were some laws in Peru that did not allow for people who could not read or write in spanish not be allowed to vote Describe the status of women after the Latin American revolutions? After the Latin American revolution, women did not benefit lots, they were not allowed to vote or be in contracts, little education, were to be submissive to men How was Manuela Saenz unique? She was unique because she actively fought with her lover, she was a good fighter and became a colonel Changes to Spanish Colonialism Summarize the impact of Lola Rodriguez de Tio. Who was she and what did she do? She was a poet in Puerto Rico, wrote critiques about Spain’s exploitative rule in Puerto Rico. She held meeting in her home for political thinkers and revolutionaries, she read lyrics to a revolutionary song to encourage others to fight back Propaganda Why did many young Filipino students embrace the ideas of nationalism? Many young Filipino students embraced the ideas of nationalism because they were very controlled by religious authorities, so many men (usually creoles and mestizos) who came from wealth went to Europe to attend university. There were lots of nationalist thoughts and republicanism that was derived from Enlightenment thinking Define the Propaganda Movement. The propaganda movement was where there were young people who wanted to rebel/protest against the Spanish for more freedom in the Philippines. They contributed pamphlets, publications, and magazines, did not say anything about independence or revolution but the Spanish authorities were suspicious. Who was the leader of this movement and what did his death lead to? The leader of the movement was Jose Rizal, his death led to Filipinos starting the first nationalist movement for the propaganda movement to challenge Spanish rule Nationalism and Unification in Europe Finish this sentence ...”Nationalism was a unifying force that not only threatened large empire………….” Italian Unification Summarize the motivations of Count di Cavour. The motivations of Count di Cavour were to have the entire Italian Peninsula under one rule, the House of Savoy, at the time it was made of many city states, believed in natural rights, progress, and in a constitutional monarchy Define realpolitik. The belief in practical politics of reality Describe the beliefs of Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi and how they impacted Italian unification. Mazzini wanted an Italian resurgence, and Garibaldi fought further south in kingdom of naples and he led the red shirts military German Unification Why were nationalism movements growing in Germany? Because of dislike of French occupation in Germany Define Liberalism: a want for representation under constitutions where civil liberties were recognized Who was Otto Van Bismark? A prussian leader who favored realpolitik, utilized nationalist feelings to have 3 wars to have German unification, somehow manipulated Austria to go to two wars, then had France go to war with Prussia where he gained more territory and founded the new German empire Describe how he engineered the unification of the German empire. He unified the German empire by having countries around him to go to war and he would then beat them and take territory Global Consequences What was the long-term effect of Nationalism? Nationalism eventually led to World War I What trouble continued to plague Italy despite unification? The poverty in Italy especially in the South led to people emigrating out to the U.S. or Argentina Balkan Nationalism What signaled the beginning of the end of Ottoman dominance? Ottomans being unable to conquer Vienna showed how the Austrians and Russians were pushing Ottoman power down What two ideas led to Greek nationalism?
Intervention from who helped Greece gain its independence? Intervention from England, France, and Russia The waning of Ottoman control led to….. Led for more freedom, more new ideas like nationalism List the things that brought people together:
Ottoman Nationalism Define Ottomanism. What was its goal? A movement that wanted a more modern and unified state. How did the Ottoman Empire try to achieve Ottomanism? By decreasing variety in ethnic linguistic and religious differences What was the effect of Ottomanism on other ethnic groups? Other ethnic and religious groups did not like Ottomanism, it was suspicious to them, it led to to want independence more The Future of Nationalism What evidence supports the claim that nationalism is in decline? Many countries in europe started to use the same currency to people could travel across borders and plan public policies, people moving political grouping |