Romeo and Juliet act 3

  • Mercutio and Tybalt died

  • Benvolio tries to avoid the fight

  • Mercutio gets killed by Tybalt

  • Tybalt gets killed by Romeo

  • The prince asks Benvolio what happened, and Lady Capulet thinks he is lying

  • The Prince says he is going to exile Romeo, meaning that he is going to be banished

  • Both families are in shock

  • Romeo has to leave Verona or face death

  • The prince is saying he has made up his mind about the consequences of the feud, and he tells them to stop fighting

• Nurse comes in and doesn't say who's dead and Juliet thinks Romeo died

• Juliet realizes that Tybalt died

• She finds out that Romeo is banished because he killed Tybalt

• Juliet sets up a bunch of contrast and contradictions in this scene

• She is doing this because Shakespeare is trying to tell us Juliet still loves him, but he did something so awful and unforgiveable

• Juliet is feeling ambivalent - which means she has 2 feelings about him

• She loves him deeply, but is also horrified because of what he did

• The nurse is concerned why Juliet isn't more upset that her husband killed her cousin

• Juliet is trying to defend Romeo, but the nurse isn't having it

• Juliet realizes that if Romeo hadn't killed Tybalt, Tybalt would have killed Romeo, and this is the better of the two scenarios for her

• Juliet thinks that Romeo dying is better than him being banished

• Him being dead is better because then she would know he's dead and there's no way of seeing him again

• But he is banished, she knows he's alive out there somewhere and she cannot see him

• She mentioned her wedding bed again, and she says death not Romeo will take her away, foreshadowing her death

• She gives him a ring as a symbol of her love for Romeo and as a symbol of their love

• Good example of dramatic irony: we know why Juliet is really upset, because of Romeo's punishment, but her parents think she's upset about Tybalt

• Paris and Capulet plan to marry Paris and Juliet

• Capulet is concerned about Juliet and wants her to be happy, but all of the sudden he changes his mind about Juliet getting married

• We get a sense that Capulet thinks he is doing the best thing for Juliet, but Juliet is going to disagree about this

• Lady Capulet really wants to let Juliet grieve, but Capulet wants Juliet to know she's getting married

  • They are both so upset and concerned about the fact that this may their last goodbye

  • Juliet is talking about two birds nighening gale and the lark, and she means the bird nighening gale chirps at night, and she is trying to tell him that he heard a nighening gale chirping, not the lark, implying that it is still nighttime and he can stay longer

  • Romeo is saying that if he stays, someone will kill him for being there, and he is with a Capulet

  • He is also saying if he leaves there is a small chance they can still be together as a couple

  • Lady Capulet comes up to Juliet's room, and Romeo leaves and she is telling her mother the reason why she's so upset is about Tybalt's death

  • Juliet says a comment that is only made for the audience, and Lady Capulet doesn't know that Juliet is upset by Lady Capulet calling Romeo a villain

  • Lady Capulet threatens to kill Tybalt, because she thinks that Juliet is upset about Tybalt

  • She does this by saying that she will make sure Romeo will get poison

  • Juliet does not agree, but she has to agree with her mother about this, because she doesn't want her mom to suspect anything that is happening with Juliet and Romeo

  • Juliet wants to prepare the poison because she would make sure it was a harmless poison to him instead to make sure he doesn't die

  • Lady Capulet breaks the news to Juliet and tells her that she is going to marry Paris

  • She is saying that she doesn't want to marry Paris, and she uses Romeo to say how much she doesn't want to get married

  • She uses Romeo here to prove how against marriage she really is, but in reality she loves Romeo

  • Lady Capulet tells Juliet to tell her father, and how well that’s going to go for her (not well)

  • She tells her dad she doesn't want to get married, and he doesn't take it well

  • Capulet tells her that she will marry Paris or she will never speak to her again

  • Capulet is very short tempered here

  • Capulet once wanted Juliet to wait getting married, but once he had that idea, he was never going to get it out of his head

  • Capulet is also very impulsive, all of the men in the play are very impulsive

  • Capulet says if you do not marry Paris, he will put her out on the streets  and will not feed and bathe her

  • Capulet gets mad because Juliet is not obeying him

  • At this time, women were very subject to the ideas of their fathers and husbands

  • Juliet asks her mother to postpone the wedding, and if she doesn't, she says she may as well prepare her wedding bed similar to Tybalt, because she would rather die than marry Paris

  • Capulet and Lady Capulet are very mad at Juliet

  • The nurse tells Juliet to marry Paris, and she tells her it’s the better of the two options of getting married or being disowned

  • She tells the nurse that she will marry Paris, although she's not happy about it
