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Unit 12 Changes in Europe

  • Renaissance: Rebirth of Europe following the Middle Ages

    • Begins in Italy

  • Causes:

    • Black Death 

      • Surplus of food

      • Less need for peasants to farm

    • Crusades 

      • Restarts travel and trade

    • Byzantine scholars

      • Moved back to Western Europe  (After Ottoman takeover)

      • Brought education and learning

    • Rich and powerful merchants 

      • Bought art

    • DeMedici family: Most powerful Italian merchant family

      • Commissioned the first dome in Europe

  • Return to Classical: Greek and Roman learning/education

    • Humanism: Philosophy

      • Encourages the questioning of authority (The Roman Catholic Church and monarchs)

  • The Vitruvian Man: Leonardo da Vinci 

    • Personification of Humanism

  • Printing Press: spreads information (Facilitates the Protestant Reformation)

  • Protestant Reformation

    • Martin Luther’s 95 Theses

Unit 12 Changes in Europe

  • Renaissance: Rebirth of Europe following the Middle Ages

    • Begins in Italy

  • Causes:

    • Black Death 

      • Surplus of food

      • Less need for peasants to farm

    • Crusades 

      • Restarts travel and trade

    • Byzantine scholars

      • Moved back to Western Europe  (After Ottoman takeover)

      • Brought education and learning

    • Rich and powerful merchants 

      • Bought art

    • DeMedici family: Most powerful Italian merchant family

      • Commissioned the first dome in Europe

  • Return to Classical: Greek and Roman learning/education

    • Humanism: Philosophy

      • Encourages the questioning of authority (The Roman Catholic Church and monarchs)

  • The Vitruvian Man: Leonardo da Vinci 

    • Personification of Humanism

  • Printing Press: spreads information (Facilitates the Protestant Reformation)

  • Protestant Reformation

    • Martin Luther’s 95 Theses